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◆ 新闻报道
◆ 学术会议
The 2015 International Forum on Energy, Environment Science and Materials
◆ 论文成果
Flow pattern and pollutant dispersion over three dimensional building arrays
Mobility of phosphorus induced by sediment resuspension in the Three Gorges Reservoir by flume experiment
◆ 学术期刊
Geophysical Research Letters,Volume 42,
【1】 团队成员方面——主要申请人之一的xxx是国际知名学者,且没有中国职务,不可能每年工作yyy个月;团队成员2,6,7从事的研究方向与本项目绝无关联,且从未和申请人有过任何合作,有拼凑团队之嫌;申请人在主流期刊和会议上发表学术论文的能力明显逊色于几位主要参与者。
【2】 立项依据方面——在申请人提到的82篇文献中,发表于2014年或以后的,只有寥寥3篇,还全部都是发表在中国期刊上,可见该方向或许已经不是国际前沿热点;申请人给出的参考文献主要都是国内和一些不重要的期刊会议文献,难以支撑申请人研究的品味格局;申请书中参考文献绝大部分是中文的,体现不出申请团队的国际化视野以及对国际前沿热点的把握能力;申请人所介绍的xxx、yyy、zzz的进展都是孤立的,没有形成体系;申请人忠实地给出了该领域的进展,但对于该领域存在的痛点问题没有任何提炼和总结;申请团队所提出的痛点(xxx+yyy),都不是科学问题,而是工程技术问题。
【3】 研究内容和技术路线方面——申请人恰好有xxx数据,又是yyy方法的知名专家,因此非要结合两者,这种结合比较牵强;申请书所提的“运用大数据方法……”,实际上并没有与大数据的直接关系,属于套用热点概念。
【4】 特色和创新方面——申请人所提出的创新点,主要还是多个已知方法的结合,不属于原始创新,更多是细节上的创新;申请人提出的解决方案只是把已经有的方法应用到一个新的领域,没有方法上的创新。
【5】 工作基础方面——申请人最近五年不如2010年及以前的研究工作好,在主流期刊上几乎没有发表论文;近年来,申请人/申请团队没有在任何一个主流期刊和会议上发表过任何一篇论文;申请团队提到的工作基础,大部分还是工程实践的基础,而不是科学研究的基础。
【6】 预期成果方面——作为一个4年的面上项目,申请人以4篇EI论文为产出的预期,不仅量少,而且产出的质量要求也不足够有吸引力
【7】 可行性方面——xxx可能产生重大的突破性的成果。但是xxx这个问题有很多大科学家都研究过了,没有产生重要的成果,我仔细阅读了本申请书的技术路线,也没有看到特别的突破性的创新点。因此我对该问题能否获得预期成果(可行性)表示很大怀疑。鉴于此,我建议基金委降低一点金额,支持这个项目进行有风险的探索。
【8】 申请书撰写方面——本申请书的撰写较为草率,所列出的xx篇参考文献中大部分没有在第一部分中引用;申请书格式非常混乱,字体和编号没有统一化。
年初受一个朋友邀请参加了他的国内NSFC的基金申请,出于负责任的态度,我认真学习研究了不少以前的NSFC 的基金标书,因为我之前没写过NSFC 的基金申请。坦率地讲国内的NSFC和美国的国家自然基金(NSF) 以及澳大利亚的(ARC DP) 感觉从基金标书的格式,要求,评审细则等方面基本是大同小异。我唯一感到很棘手的问题是,国内的NSFC对标书创新性的要求非常高,并且要明确表明有几个创新点。我的理解是国家基金委对标书的创新性格外重视,因为中国要从“中国制造”向“中国创造”转变,举国上下都要创新,似乎已经成为潮流,如果干什么事没有“创新”这个字眼,就会认为很落伍。可是事实上创新是喊出来的吗?
别的不说,单说我们的基金标书。什么是基金标书?英文叫proposal,简单地讲就是建议,提案的意思。我一直很困惑,一个还没实现的提案,你如何信誓旦旦地证明它非常创新?基金标书还不是产品,甚至不是论文,不是成果,怎么判定它创新程度的高低?老外对一个idea的评价用的最多是“interesting" 或 “potential" 这样的词汇,用"original" 或"creative" 这样的词通常会很慎重。因为一个评审人如何评价一个标书的核心思想是否有创新性,我相信即使是小同行,能百分之百能看懂标书所表达的东西的人也是占少数。这取决于评审人,和申请人的所掌握的知识的宽度和深度,更重要的是对“创新”这个词的理解。既然创新性这个词的程度都很难界定,我们用这个词的时候最好还是保守点。保守并不是缺点,保守是对激进的一种制衡,是一种体制成熟的标志。
作者:赵永新 来源:人民日报
作者:田学文 来源:中国科学报
封面故事: 金刚石中的杂质
本期封面所示为一块有包膜的“脏”金刚石,是当一个含微包裹体的纤维膜生长在一块单晶清透金刚石上时生成的。在地球表面附近发现的大多数金刚石都是在古老大陆最底部深度超过150公里处形成的。因此,“脏”金刚石中封存的化学杂质含有关于地球深处这些人们无法接触到的区域的宝贵信息。Yaakov Weiss及同事发表了来自加拿大西北地区Ekati金刚石矿的一组11块金刚石内所含包裹体的地球化学数据。这些数据包含清晰的化学演化趋势,它表明高咸度溶液参与了含硅和含碳酸盐的深层地幔熔融体的形成。含盐流体的化学性质和主体金刚石形成的时间说明,北美地下的一个消减板块是这些流体的来源,也说明在消减、地幔交代变质和富含流体的金刚石形成之间存在密切联系。这一新模型为了解地幔流体组成范围的效应提供了一个背景,这种效应会在全球范围内改变深层岩石圈,并在金刚石形成中起关键作用。
关于巨型气体行星的固体核的形成的“卵石吸积”模型假设,尺度从厘米到米大小的物体或“卵石”因空气动力阻力而集中起来,然后在引力作用下坍缩形成100公里到1000公里大小的物体。这些“微行星”然后会高效吸积剩下的“卵石”,并在几千年内就可生成行星核。然而,模拟表明,这些模型不是生成几个大的行星核,而是生成数百个与地球质量差不多的天体。Harold Levison等人解决了这一困难问题:他们显示,如果“卵石”的形成速度足够慢的话,那么“微行星”之间的引力相互作用会导致一到四个巨型气体行星的形成,这与所观测到的太阳系的结构相一致。
尽管人们在碳-碳片段偶联方面取得了一些进展,但在通过镍催化来生成碳-氧键方面基本上还是不成功的。在这项研究中,David MacMillan及同事发现,被可见光激发的光氧化还原催化剂能让我们瞬时获取容易参与还原消除反应的三价镍。利用光氧化还原与镍催化之间的这种协同作用,作者采用醇类和芳基溴实现了一个高效的、普遍性的碳-氧偶联反应。
作者:甘晓 张行勇 来源:中国科学报
The 2015 International Forum on Energy, Environment Science and Materials(IFEESM 2015)
(September 19-20,2015,Shenzhen,China)
Website: http://www.ifeesm.org/View.asp?id=318
Important dates:
Paper submission due: Extended to September
12, 2015
Conference: September 19-20, 2015
The 2015 International Forum on Energy, Environment Science and Materials (IFEESM 2015) will take place in Shenzhen, China, September 19-20, 2015. A key aspect of this conference is the strong mixture of academia and industry. Prospective exhibitors from research laboratories and, in particular, industrialists and suppliers are invited to propose exhibitions and demonstrations. This allows for the free exchange of ideas and challenges faced by these two key stakeholders and encourage future collaboration between members of these groups. The conference will also foster cooperation among organizations and researchers involved in the merging fields and will provide in-depth technical presentations with ample opportunities for one-on-one discussions with the presenters. All papers, both invited and contributed, will be refereed by two or three referees.
Conference Themes:
Papers dealing with fundamental research and application of Energy, Motivation and electrical engineering, Environmental, Resources and Sustainable Development will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings and presentation at the conference, including but not limited to:
(I) Energy Science and Technology
(01) Development and Utilization of
Solar Energy
(02) Development and Utilization of Biomass Energy
(03) Development and Utilization of Wind Energy
(04) Nuclear Energy Engineering
(05) Storage Technology
(06) Energy-saving Technology
(07) Hydrogen and Fuel Cell
(08) Energy Materials
(09) Energy Chemical Engineering
(10) Energy Security and Clean Use
(11) New Energy Vehicles, Electric Vehicles
(12) Energy-efficient Lighting Products and Technologies
(13) Green Building Materials and Energy-saving Buildings
(14) Energy Equipment
(II) Environmental Science and Engineering
(15) Environmental Chemistry and
(16) Environmental Materials
(17) Environmental Safety and Health
(18) Environmental Planning and Assessment
(19) Environmental Analysis and Monitoring
(20) Environmental Engineering
(21) Pollution Control Project (Air, Water, Solid)
(22) Waste Disposal and Recycling
(23) Water Supply and Drainage Engineering
(24) Noise and Vibration Control
(25) Clean Production Process
(26) Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering
(27) Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering
(28) Soil and Water Conservation and Desertification Control
(29) Environmental Protection
(30) Cultivation and Conservation of Forest
(31) Plant Protection
(32) Geographic Information and Remote Sensing Science
(33) Land Resources Environment and Urban Planning
(III) Motivation, Electrical Engineering and Automation
(34) Engineering Thermophysics
(35) Thermal Engineering
(36) Power Machinery and Engineering
(37) Fluid Machinery and Engineering
(38) HVAC, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
(39) Power System and Automation
(40) High Voltage and Insulation Technology
(41) Motor and Electrical
(42) Electrician Theory and New Technology
(43) Power Electronics and Power Drives
(44) Smart Grid Technologies
(45) Power System Management
(46) Manufacturing Automation
(47) Design Automation
(48) Precision Automation
(49) Information Automation
(50) Biomedical Automation
(IV) The Development and Utilization of Resources
(51) Mineral Prospecting and Exploration
(52) Mining Engineering
(53) Mining Machinery Engineering
(54) Mineral Process Engineering
(55) Oil and Gas Well Development Projects
(56) Petrochemical Engineering
(57) Metallurgical Engineering
(58) Forestry Engineering
(59) Storage and Processing of Agricultural Products
(V) Theory and practice of Sustainable Development
(60) Energy Saving, Environmental
Protection, Low Carbon Ideas
(61) Urban and Regional Planning
(62) Development and Management of the Energy Industry
(63) Environmental Protection and Economic Development
(64) The Global Climate Change and
International Cooperation on Reducing Carbon Emissions
(65) The Analysis of International Energy Demand and Supply
(66) The Analysis of National Energy Strategy and Decision-making
(67) The Production and Operations of Energy Companies
(68) Ecological Economy,Circular Economy and Low-carbon Economy
(VI) other related topics
(69) Other related topics
IN CHINESE (中国作者投稿指南)
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(07)Finite element analysis of concrete structures under monotonic loads.doc
(07)Paper submission form.xls
(5)采用邮件附件的形式, 将论文初稿以及填写完毕的文章登记表发送到组委会邮箱:IFEESM@188.COM
Flow pattern and pollutant dispersion over three dimensional building arrays
A TMO SPHERIC ENVIRONMENT,Vol116, 202-215DOI:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2015.06.022
The flow pattern and pollutant dispersion in urban canopies is investigated by large eddy simulation of flow over an array of cubes. It had been found that the pattern of flow over an isolated cubical obstacle can be characterized by an external wake of horseshoe vortex around the lower part of the windward face and an internal wake of recirculation cavity leeward. The width of the external wake W-ex and the size of the internal wake L-in in the isolated roughness flow are used as key parameters to determine the wake effects on the flow and dispersion in the canopy of the same roughness height h in the isolated roughness flow. Flow patterns are categorized into five types based on the packing density as a result. The five types of urban canopy flow are introduced as (1) Isolated roughness flow when the lateral building interval W-L is much greater than W-ex and the streamwise building interval W-S is much greater than L-in; (2) External wake interference flow when W-L is less than W-ex while W-S is greater than L-in; (3) Internal wake interference flow when W-S is in the same order of the size of L-in; (4) Skimming flow when W-L is less than W-ex and W-S is less than L-in (5) Street network flow when W-L and W-S are much less than the W-ex and L-in respectively. Results of time-averaging velocity field and pollutant concentration contours are demonstrated for each type of flow patterns. It is concluded that the behavior of flow pattern and pollutant dispersion is governed by the packing density from a very low packing density case, approximated as the flow around an isolated roughness element, to a high packing density case, resembled as the network flow. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Mobility of phosphorus induced by sediment resuspension in the Three Gorges Reservoir by flume experiment
,Fang, HW
,Fazeli, M (Fazeli,
Chen, YS (Chen, Yishan),
He, GJ (He, Guojian),Chen,
The mobility of phosphorus (P) induced by sediment resuspension have been examined in a circulated flume. During the flume run, the water level and velocity were monitored, and water samples were taken for measurement of sediment and P concentrations. Peak values of both the P and sediment concentrations existed at x = 4 m, and then decreased slightly along the flume due to deposition. A faster P release was observed for coarser sediment, while a more sustained P release for finer sediment. Combining with the measured data from Yangtze River and sorption experiment, the relation between the load of total P (L-TP) and sediment load (Q(s)) was estimated, and the expressions of distribution coefficient K-d and the concentration of particulate P (PP) were obtained. This study established a bridge between the small-scale sorption experiment and the field observation of natural scale, providing references for the management of contaminated sediment in natural rivers. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Geophysical Research Letters,Volume 42, Issue 15
The effect of diamagnetic drift on motion of the dayside magnetopause reconnection line (pages 6129–6136)
Identification of the source of quasiperiodic VLF emissions using ground-based and Van Allen Probes satellite observations (pages 6137–6145)
Modification of the Hall physics in magnetic reconnection due to cold ions at the Earth's magnetopause (pages 6146–6154)
Material transport across Europa's ice shell (pages 4288–4293)
Revisit of relationship between geosynchronous relativistic electron enhancements and magnetic storms (pages 6155–6161)
Applying a curl-B technique to Swarm vector data to estimate nighttime F region current intensities (pages 6162–6169)
Near-Earth injection of MeV electrons associated with intense dipolarization electric fields: Van Allen Probes observations (pages 6170–6179)
Evidence for stratospheric sudden warming effects on the upper thermosphere derived from satellite orbital decay data during 1967–2013 (pages 6180–6188)
MESSENGER observations of Alfvénic and compressional waves during Mercury's substorms (pages 6189–6198)
Imprints of impulse-excited hydromagnetic waves on electrons in the Van Allen radiation belts (pages 6199–6204)
VIS-NIR reflectance of water ice/regolith analogue mixtures and implications for the detectability of ice mixed within planetary regoliths (pages 6205–6212)
Titan's asymmetric lake distribution mediated by methane transport due to atmospheric eddies (pages 6213–6220)
Differentiating induced and natural seismicity using space-time-magnitude statistics applied to the Coso Geothermal field (pages 6221–6228)
Integrated seismic source model of the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal, earthquake (pages 6229–6235)
The 2013 Balochistan earthquake: An extraordinary or completely ordinary event? (pages 6236–6243)
Ascent velocity and dynamics of the Fiumicino mud eruption, Rome, Italy (pages 6244–6252)
High-speed imaging of Strombolian eruptions: Gas-pyroclast dynamics in initial volcanic jets (pages 6253–6260)
The constant-hardness creep compliance of polycrystalline ice (pages 6261–6268)
Evidence of Wadati-Benioff zone triggering following the Mw 7.9 Little Sitkin, Alaska intermediate depth earthquake of 23 June 2014 (pages 6269–6277)
Variations in grain size and viscosity based on vacancy diffusion in minerals, seismic tomography, and geodynamically inferred mantle rheology (pages 6278–6286)
Zeta potential in intact natural sandstones at elevated temperatures (pages 6287–6294)
Thermal conductivity measurements in unsaturated hydrate-bearing sediments (pages 6295–6305)
Anatomy of an extinct magmatic system along a divergent plate boundary: Alftafjordur, Iceland (pages 6306–6313)
Imaging widespread seismicity at midlower crustal depths beneath Long Beach, CA, with a dense seismic array: Evidence for a depth-dependent earthquake size distribution (pages 6314–6323)
Lahar infrasound associated with Volcán Villarrica's 3 March 2015 eruption (pages 6324–6331)
Improved detection of preeruptive seismic velocity drops at the Piton de La Fournaise volcano (pages 6332–6339)
Hydrology and Land Surface Studies
Tail shortening with developing eddies in a rough-walled rock fracture (pages 6340–6347)
Spatial and temporal trends in freshwater appropriation for natural gas development in Pennsylvania's Marcellus Shale Play (pages 6348–6356)
Dissolution patterns and mixing dynamics in unstable reactive flow (pages 6357–6364)
Estimating rates of debris flow entrainment from ground vibrations (pages 6365–6372)
Representing Greenland ice sheet freshwater fluxes in climate models (pages 6373–6381)
Assessment of thermal change in cold avalanching glaciers in relation to climate warming (pages 6382–6390)
Subglacial discharge at tidewater glaciers revealed by seismic tremor (pages 6391–6398)
Antarctic ice rise formation, evolution, and stability (pages 4456–4463)
The impact of stored solar heat on Arctic sea ice growth (pages 6399–6406)
The influence of coral reefs and climate change on wave-driven flooding of tropical coastlines (pages 6407–6415)
Pathways of anthropogenic carbon subduction in the global ocean (pages 6416–6423)
Poleward displacement of coastal upwelling-favorable winds in the ocean's eastern boundary currents through the 21st century (pages 6424–6431)
Strong sea surface cooling in the eastern equatorial Pacific and implications for Galápagos Penguin conservation (pages 6432–6437)
Subthermocline eddies observed by rapid-sampling Argo floats in the subtropical northwestern Pacific Ocean in Spring 2014 (pages 6438–6445)
Drought-induced variability in dissolved organic matter composition in a marsh-dominated estuary (pages 6446–6453)
Decadal hindcasts initialized using observed surface wind stress: Evaluation and prediction out to 2024 (pages 6454–6461)
Tropical North Atlantic ocean-atmosphere interactions synchronize forest carbon losses from hurricanes and Amazon fires (pages 6462–6470)
The recent hiatus in global warming of the land surface: Scale-dependent breakpoint occurrences in space and time (pages 6471–6478)
Local trend disparities of European minimum and maximum temperature extremes (pages 6479–6484)
Linear relation between convective cloud base height and updrafts and application to satellite retrievals (pages 6485–6491)
Human-caused fires limit convection in tropical Africa: First temporal observations and attribution (pages 6492–6501)
Frequency of occurrence of rain from liquid-, mixed-, and ice-phase clouds derived from A-Train satellite retrievals (pages 6502–6509)
Probabilistic infrasound propagation using realistic atmospheric perturbations (pages 6510–6517)
On the size and velocity distribution of cosmic dust particles entering the atmosphere (pages 6518–6525)
Robust comparison of climate models with observations using blended land air and ocean sea surface temperatures (pages 6526–6534)
Advances in Water Resources: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/03091708/77
Environmental Research: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00139351
Environmental Pollution: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/02697491
Water Resources Research:http://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/agu/journal/10.1002/(ISSN)1944-7973/?t=accepted#anchor-feed
Annual Review of Environment and Resources:http://www.annualreviews.org/loi/energy
Water Research:http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00431354
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