FDA Express (Vol.2, No.3, Feb.15, 2012)

 FDA Express    Vol. 2, No. 3, Feb. 15, 2012



Editors: W. Chen    H.G. Sun    X.D. Zhang    S. Hu
Institute of Soft Matter Mechanics, Hohai University
For contribution:
For subscription: http://em.hhu.edu.cn/fda/subscription.htm


бЇ Conferences

     The Fifth IFAC Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications - FDA12

     Computational Methods of Fractional Differential Equations


бЇ Books

     Fractional Order Signal Processing: Introductory Concepts and Applications
     Statistical Inference for Fractional Diffusion Processes (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

бЇ Journals

     Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

     Chaos, Solitons & Fractals
бЇ Classical Papers
 The fundamental solution of the space-time fractional diffusion equation

бЇ  Researchers & Groups

     Francesco MAINARDI


The Fifth IFAC Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications - FDA12

May 14-17 2012, Hohai University, Nanjing, China

The 5th IFAC Symposium on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications - FDA'12 will be held at Hohai University, Nanjing, China, from 14-17 May 2012. As you may know, this series of conferences is the largest of its kind, following the previous successful conferences, 2004 in France, 2006 in Portugal, 2008 Turkey, and 2010 in Spain.

The purpose of this Symposium in series is to provide the participants with a broad overview of the state of the art on fractional systems, leading to the cross-fertilization of new research on theoretical, experimental and computational fronts for potential uses of fractional differentiation in diverse applications. Major topics include but are not limited to: Anomalous diffusion; Vibration and Control; Continuous Time Random Walk; Levy Statistics, Fractional Brownian Motion; Stretched Gaussian; Power Law; Riesz Potential; Fractal Derivative and Fractals; Computational Fractional Derivative Equations; Nonlocal Phenomena; History dependent Process; Porous Media; Fractional Filters; Biomedical Engineering; Fractional Phase-Locked Loops; Fractional Variational Principles; Fractional Transforms; Fractional Wavelet; History of Fractional Calculus; Soft Matter Mechanics; Fractional Signal and Imaging Processing; Singularities Analysis and Integral Representations for Fractional Differential Systems; Special Functions Related to Fractional Calculus; Non-Fourier Heat Conduction; Acoustic Dissipation, Geophysics; Relaxation; Creep; Viscoelasticity; Rheology, etc.

The organization committee has by now received around 300 abstracts. This announcement is to remind you that the submission deadline for extended abstract (less than 4 pages) or full paper is February 15, 2012. The colleagues, who have not submitted, please do it as soon as possible. Many thanks for your participation.

For details please visit the FDA12 Symposium website http://em.hhu.edu.cn/fda12. For submission please contact fda12@hhu.edu.cn


Prof. Wen Chen, the Chair of Organization Committee
Prof. Dumitru Baleanu, the Chair of Program Committee
Prof. Francesco Mainardi, the Chair of Steering Committee
Prof. YangQuan Chen, the Chair of Honors and Awards Committee




Minisymposium of The 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012):
omputational Methods of Fractional Differential Equations

November 25-27, 2012, Gold Coast, Australia, Website: www.ICCM-2012.org
Track Chair: Professor Fawang Liu, Emailbox: f.liu@qut.edu.au  
Professor Ian Turner, Emailbox: 

I would like to draw your attention to a minisymposium on "Computational Methods for Fractional Differential Equations" which will take place at  The 4th International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM2012), November 25-27, 2012, Gold Coast, Australia (www.ICCM-2012.org).

As I will be chairing the minisymposium, I am now soliciting papers to it. My goal is to make it as representative as possible of new computational methods and numerical analysis of fractional differential equations including finite difference method, finite element method, finite volume method, decomposition method, matrix method, meshless method, boundary element method, and their applications.

With interest I have seen some of your past work in this area. I would therefore be very happy if I could encourage you to take part in this symposium by submitting a paper.

In the process of planning the symposium, it would also be very helpful to hear from you about your possible interest in the conference as well as any work that you might consider to submit for the conference. Please send me abstract before 25 April 2012.

All papers accepted for publication in the proceedings will be subject to a full peer review. Only paper registered and presented at the ICCM2012 will be included in the Proceedings. A number of papers will be selected and invited to be developed into a full journal paper for publication in special issues of SCI and/or EI journals.


Website: www.ICCM-2012.org





Website: http://web.tuke.sk/ICCC/internet.php?param=default


Institute of Control and Informatization of Production Processes
Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnology, Technical University of Košice, Slovak Republic

Department of Control Systems and Instrumentation
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic

Institute of Economics and Control Systems
Faculty of Mining and Geology, VŠB - TUO, Czech Republic

Department of Process Control
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Robotics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Cracow, Poland

Department of Automation and Communication Technology
University of Miskolc, Hungary

Department of Automatic Control
Faculty of Automation, Computers and Electronics, University of Craiova, Romania

The aim of the conference is to support exchange of information and experience in the field of automation of engineering and production, in research, applications, and education. The conference will enable presentation of most recent advances in complex automation, robotics, modelling, control of production and technological processes, including quality control systems oriented to environmnet, means of support, and information technologies.

The scientific program of the ICCC´2012 conference is divided in eleven main areas, which will run in parallel:

  1. Measurement, sensors, monitoring and diagnostic systems.
  2. Identification, modeling and simulation of processes and systems.
  3. Theory and application of control systems.
  4. Automation, mechatronics, robotics.
  5. Intelligent embedded systems and instrumentation.
  6. Information systems (SCADA/HMI, GIS, MES) and their Internet support.
  7. Engineering application of informatics.
  8. Quality control systems (TQM), production management and industrial logistics.
  9. Engineering education in Control and Computer systems.
  10. Embedded systems.
  11. Fractional Calculus and Its Applications.

Important Datesг║

Website: http://web.tuke.sk/ICCC/internet.php?param=default




Fractional Order Signal Processing: Introductory Concepts and Applications

(Saptarshi Das, Indranil Pan)


About this book: Brief introduction to the field of fractional order signal processing; MATLAB tools to simulate the theories are also introduced so that the readers can apply the theoretical concepts right-away and gain practical insight; * Written by experts in the field.

The book tries to briefly introduce the diverse literatures in the field of fractional order signal processing which is becoming an emerging topic among an interdisciplinary community of researchers. This book is aimed at postgraduate and beginning level research scholars who would like to work in the field of Fractional Order Signal processing (FOSP). The readers should have preliminary knowledge about basic signal processing techniques. Prerequisite knowledge of fractional calculus is not essential and is exposited at relevant places in connection to the appropriate signal processing topics. Basic signal processing techniques like filtering, estimation, system identification, etc. in the light of fractional order calculus are presented along with relevant application areas. The readers can easily extend these concepts to varied disciplines like image or speech processing, pattern recognition, time series forecasting, financial data analysis and modeling, traffic modeling in communication channels, optics, biomedical signal processing, electrochemical applications and many more. Adequate references are provided in each category so that the researchers can delve deeper into each area and broaden their horizon of understanding. Available MATLAB tools to simulate FOSP theories are also introduced so that the readers can apply the theoretical concepts right-away and gain practical insight in the specific domain.

Table of contents:




 Statistical Inference for Fractional Diffusion Processes
(Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics)

 (B. L. S. Prakasa Rao))


Stochastic processes are widely used for model building in the social, physical, engineering and life sciences as well as in financial economics. In model building, statistical inference for stochastic processes is of great importance from both a theoretical and an applications point of view.

This book deals with Fractional Diffusion Processes and statistical inference for such stochastic processes. The main focus of the book is to consider parametric and nonparametric inference problems for fractional diffusion processes when a complete path of the process over a finite interval is observable.

Key features:

Researchers and students working on the statistics of fractional diffusion processes and applied mathematicians and statisticians involved in stochastic process modelling will benefit from this book.





Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis

Volume 15, Number 1 (2012)

FCAA news: Meetings and books
Virginia Kiryakova

Research Paper
Positive solutions for a semipositone fractional boundary value problem with a forcing term
John R. Graef, Lingju Kong and Bo Yang

Research Paper
Commutants of composition operators induced by a parabolic linear fractional automorphisms of the unit disk
Yuriy S. Linchuk

Research Paper
On some inversion formulas for Riesz potentials and k-plane transforms
Boris Rubin

Research Paper
On the existence of solutions of fractional integro-differential equations
Asadollah Aghajani, Yaghoub Jalilian and Juan J. Trujillo

Survey Paper
Fractional dynamics of allometry
Bruce J. West and Damien West

Research Paper
Impulse response of a generalized fractional second order filter
Zhuang Jiao and YangQuan Chen

Short Note
Erdижlyi-Kober fractional diffusion
Gianni Pagnini

Research Paper
On an equation being a fractional differential equation with respect to time and a pseudo-differential equation with respect to space related to Lижvy-type processes
Ke Hu, Niels Jacob and Chenggui Yuan

Research Paper
Initial-boundary-value problems for the one-dimensional time-fractional diffusion equation
Yuri Luchko




Chaos, Solitons & Fractals

Volume 45, Issue 3 (February 2012)

Generalized synchronization of strictly different systems: Partial-state synchrony
J.G. Barajas Ramикrez, K.P. Cuижllar Galarza, R. Femat

The effect of water level in a prey-predator interactions: A nonlinear analysis study
N. Chiboub Fellah, S.M. Bouguima, A. Moussaoui

Detecting low-dimensional chaos by the б░noise titrationб▒ technique: Possible problems and remedies
Jianbo Gao, Jing Hu, Xiang Mao, Wen-wen Tung

A note on biased fundamentalists
Ahmad K. Naimzada, Giorgio Ricchiuti

Stability and Hopf bifurcation for a delayed predatorиCprey model with disease in the prey
Guang-Ping Hu, Xiao-Ling Li

Analyzing logistic map pseudorandom number generators for periodicity induced by finite precision floating-point representation
K.J. Persohn, R.J. Povinelli

An algorithm for computing the centered Hausdorff measures of self-similar sets
Marta Llorente, Manuel Morивn

Singularity and L2-dimension of self-similar measures
Sze-Man Ngai

A linearization based non-iterative approach to measure the gaussian noise level for chaotic time series
Gи╣rsan Çoban, Ali H. Bи╣yи╣klи╣, Atin Das

Stochastic fractional differential equations: Modeling, method and analysis
Jean-C. Pedjeu, Gangaram S. Ladde

Ternary choices in repeated games and border collision bifurcations
Arianna Dal Forno, Laura Gardini, Ugo Merlone

Hartleyбпs oscillator: The simplest chaotic two-component circuit
Robert Tchitnga, Hilaire Bertrand Fotsin, Bonaventure Nana, Patrick Hervиж Louodop Fotso, Paul Woafo

Hyperbolicity of the invariant sets for the real polynomial maps
Xu Zhang

Symmetric Jacobian for local Lyapunov exponents and Lyapunov stability analysis revisited
Franz Waldner, Rainer Klages

Stability, attractors, and bifurcations of the A2 symmetric flow
J.M. Gonzивlez-Miranda

Chaos suppression on a class of uncertain nonlinear chaotic systems using an optimal Hб▐ adaptive PID controller
Alireza Alfi

Tokunaga and Horton self-similarity for level set trees of Markov chains
Ilia Zaliapin, Yevgeniy Kovchegov



Classical Papers


The fundamental solution of the space-time fractional diffusion equation


F. Mainardi, Yu. Luchko and G. Pagnini 


(Contributed by Prof. F. Mainardi)

Publication information: Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, Vol. 4, No 2, 153-192 (2001).

E-print http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/0702419

Abstract: We deal with the Cauchy problem for the space-time fractional diffusion equation, which is obtained from the standard diffusion equation by replacing the second-order space derivative with a Riesz-Feller derivative of order ж┴ б╩ (0, 2] and skewness ж╚ (|ж╚| б▄ min {ж┴, 2 - ж┴}), and the first-order time derivative with a Caputo derivative of order ж┬ б╩ (0, 2] . The fundamental solution (Green function) for the Cauchy problem is investigated with respect to its scaling and similarity properties, starting from its Fourier-Laplace representation. We review the particular cases of space-fractional diffusion {0 < ж┴ б▄ 2 , ж┬ = 1} , time-fractional diffusion {ж┴ = 2 , 0 < ж┬ б▄ 2} , and neutral-fractional diffusion {0 < ж┴ = ж┬ б▄ 2} , for which the fundamental solution can be interpreted as a spatial probability density function evolving in time. Then, by using the Mellin transform, we provide a general representation of the Green functions in terms of Mellin-Barnes integrals in the complex plane, which allows us to extend the probability interpretation to the ranges {0 < ж┴ б▄ 2} б╔ {0 < ж┬ б▄ 1} and {1 < ж┬ б▄ ж┴ б▄ 2}. Furthermore, from this representation we derive explicit formulae (convergent series and asymptotic expansions), which enable us to plot the spatial probability densities for different values of the relevant parameters ж┴, ж╚, ж┬.



Researchers & Groups

Francesco MAINARDI

Born at Lugo (Ravenna), Italy, on 29 December 1942.
Free Professor of Mathematical Physics c/o 
Department of Physics, University of Bologna, 
Via Irnerio 46,  I-40126 BOLOGNA, Italy
Tel. : +39-051-2091098   FAX : +39-051-247244 
E-mail :   francesco.mainardi@unibo.it     (mainardi@bo.infn.it)
Home Page: URL: http://www.fracalmo.org/mainardi/index.htm

- Master Degree in Theoretical Physics in 1966, University of Bologna
- Diploma Advanced School in Physics in 1971, University of Bologna

- Lecturer of Rational Mechanics, University of Ancona, 1971-73
- Assistant Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Bologna, 1973-83
- Associate Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Bologna, 1983-

Since 1975 he has given courses on Mathematical Physics for ungraduated  and graduated students in Physics of the University of Bologna.. For the  recent  activity, see   http://www.unibo.it/docenti/francesco.mainardi
Under this position he has supervised several Master and PhD thesis in  Mathematical Physics

RESEARCH INTERESTS: asymptotic methods in applied mathematics, special functions and fractional calculus, continuum mechanics (solids and fluids) with special regard to linear viscoelasticty, mathematical aspects of  wave propagation and diffusion, stochastic models in statistical physics.

He is author of several papers  (~150) on Applied Mathematics,  Continuum Mechanics, Wave Motion, Diffusion, Special Functions, Fractional Calculus, Stochastic Processes, published  in international refereed journals and books,  The complete list of publications (papers and books) is enclosed.  The  impact of his publications can be seen in GOOGLE-SCHOLAR, see the  citations: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&lr=&q=f+mainardi and  the profile. A number of papers have more than 300 citations.

1. He is the Author of the book "Fractional Calculus and Waves in Linear  Viscoelasticity",  Imperial College Press, London (2010), pp. 340, ISBN 978-1-84816-329-4, see: http://www.icpress.co.uk/mathematics/p614.html
2. He is Co-author (with S. Rogosin) of the book "The Legacy of A.Ya. Khintchine's Work in Probability Theory", Cambridge Scientific Publ. Cambridge, (2011), pp 280.  ISBN  978-1-904868-64-4, see http://www.cambridgescientificpublishers.com/
3. He is the Editor of the book "Wave Propagation in Viscoelastic Media", published by Pitman, London (1982) in the series of "Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics" (No 52), which contains selected lectures held at the Euromech 127.
4. He is the Co-Editor (with A. Carpinteri) of the book  "Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics", published by SpringerVerlag, Wien (1997) in the series of "CISM Courses and Lectures" (No 378). This book contains selected lectures held at the CISM Course including two survey lessons by him.
5. He is Co-Editor (with A Guran, A. De Hoop, D. Guicking) of the book
б░Acoustic Interactions with Submerged Elastic Structures: Part III: Acoustic Propagation and Scattering, Wavelets and Time Frequency Analysisб▒.World Scientific, Singapore (2001), pp. 422, ISBN 981-02-2950-X. 

He is in the Editorial Board of Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
(Versita-Springer) and of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals (Elsevier).  
He is a referee of several qualified journals, including Physica A, Physica D, J. Math. Physics, J. Statistical Physics, J Appl. Maths and Comput., Appl. Maths and Comp., J. Physics A Math-Gen, etc.. 

High citation articles of Prof. Prof. F. Mainardi:
R. Gorenflo and F. Mainardi : "Fractional calculus, integral and differential equations of fractional order, in A. Carpinteri and F. Mainardi (Editors), Fractals and Fractional Calculus in Continuum Mechanics, Springer Verlag, Wien (1997), pp. 223-276. Vol. no 378, series CISM Courses and Lecture Notes, (ISBN 3-211-82913-X) [Advanced School held at CISM, Udine, Italy, 23-27 September 1996] [E-print http://arxiv.org/abs/0805.3823]
F. Mainardi "Fractional relaxation-oscillation and fractional diffusion-wave phenomena", Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, Vol. 7, No 9, pp. 1461-1477 (1996).

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