FDA Express (Vol.4, No.4, Aug.30, 2012)

FDA Express    Vol. 4, No. 4, Aug. 30, 2012



Editors: W. Chen    H.G. Sun    X.D. Zhang    S. Hu
Institute of Soft Matter Mechanics, Hohai University
For contribution: fdaexpress@163.com,
For subscription: http://em.hhu.edu.cn/fda/subscription.htm


◆  Latest SCI Journal Papers on FDA

FDA Paper Published in August 2012


Fractional Derivatives in Physics

Intelligent Fractional Order Systems and Control

◆  Journals

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC)

  Classical Papers
Maximizing information exchange between complex networks
Anomalous Diffusion of a Polymer Chain in an Unentangled Melt




 Latest SCI Journal Papers on FDA

FDA Paper Published in August 2012

from ISI Web of Science (SCI)

1. Title: Fractional-Order Time Series Models for Extracting the Haemodynamic Response From Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data
Author(s): Barbe, Kurt; Van Moer, Wendy; Nagels, Guy
Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING  Volume: 59   Issue: 8   Pages: 2264-2272   DOI: 10.1109/TBME.2012.2202117   Published: AUG 2012

2. Title: High-Order Accurate Runge-Kutta (Local) Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for One- and Two-Dimensional Fractional Diffusion Equations
Author(s): Ji, Xia; Tang, Huazhong
Source: NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS-THEORY METHODS AND APPLICATIONS  Volume: 5   Issue: 3   Pages: 333-358   DOI: 10.4208/nmtma.2012.m1107   Published: AUG 2012  

3. Title: Control of an uncertain fractional-order Liu system via fuzzy fractional-order sliding mode control
Author(s): Faieghi, Mohammad Reza; Delavari, Hadi; Baleanu, Dumitru
Source: JOURNAL OF VIBRATION AND CONTROL  Volume: 18   Issue: 9   Pages: 1366-1374   DOI: 10.1177/1077546311422243   Published: AUG 2012

4. Title: Nonlinear dynamics and chaos in fractional-order neural networks
Author(s): Kaslik, Eva; Sivasundaram, Seenith
Source: NEURAL NETWORKS  Volume: 32   Special Issue: SI   Pages: 245-256   DOI: 10.1016/j.neunet.2012.02.030   Published: AUG 2012

5. Title: Application of the fractional neutron point kinetic equation: Start-up of a nuclear reactor
Author(s): Polo-Labarrios, M. -A.; Espinosa-Paredes, G.
Source: ANNALS OF NUCLEAR ENERGY  Volume: 46   Pages: 37-42   DOI: 10.1016/j.anucene.2012.03.015   Published: AUG 2012

6. Title: Hopf bifurcation for a class of fractional differential equations with delay
Author(s): Babakhani, Azizollah; Baleanu, Dumitru; Khanbabaie, Reza
Source: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS  Volume: 69   Issue: 3   Pages: 721-729   DOI: 10.1007/s11071-011-0299-5   Published: AUG 2012

7. Title: Fractional Euler-Lagrange equations revisited
Author(s): Herzallah, Mohamed A. E.; Baleanu, Dumitru
Source: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS  Volume: 69   Issue: 3   Pages: 977-982   DOI: 10.1007/s11071-011-0319-5   Published: AUG 2012

8. Title: Robust chaos synchronization of fractional-order chaotic systems with unknown parameters and uncertain perturbations
Author(s): Zhang, Ruoxun; Yang, Shiping
Source: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS  Volume: 69   Issue: 3   Pages: 983-992   DOI: 10.1007/s11071-011-0320-z   Published: AUG 2012

9. Title: Synchronization of nonidentical chaotic fractional-order systems with different orders of fractional derivatives
Author(s): Wang, Zhen; Huang, Xia; Zhao, Zhao
Source: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS  Volume: 69   Issue: 3   Pages: 999-1007   DOI: 10.1007/s11071-011-0322-x   Published: AUG 2012

10. Title: An extended formulation of calculus of variations for incommensurate fractional derivatives with fractional performance index
Author(s): Razminia, Abolhassan; Majd, Vahid Johari; Dizaji, Ahmad Feyz
Source: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS  Volume: 69   Issue: 3   Pages: 1263-1284   DOI: 10.1007/s11071-012-0345-y   Published: AUG 2012

11. Title: Automated design of fractional PI QFT controller using interval constraint satisfaction technique (ICST)
Author(s): Patil, Mukesh D.; Nataraj, P. S. V.; Vyawahare, Vishwesh A.
Source: NONLINEAR DYNAMICS  Volume: 69   Issue: 3   Pages: 1405-1422   DOI: 10.1007/s11071-012-0357-7   Published: AUG 2012

12. Title: On a fractional boundary value problem with fractional boundary conditions
Author(s): Goodrich, Christopher S.
Source: APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS  Volume: 25   Issue: 8   Pages: 1101-1105   DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2011.11.028   Published: AUG 2012

13. Title: Positive solutions of singular Caputo fractional differential equations with integral boundary conditions
Author(s): Wei, Zhongli; Pang, Changci; Ding, Youzheng
Source: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION  Volume: 17   Issue: 8   Pages: 3148-3160   DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2011.12.010   Published: AUG 2012

14. Title: Projective synchronization of different fractional-order chaotic systems with non-identical orders
Author(s): Si, Gangquan; Sun, Zhiyong; Zhang, Yanbin; et al.
Source: NONLINEAR ANALYSIS-REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS  Volume: 13   Issue: 4   Pages: 1761-1771   DOI: 10.1016/j.nonrwa.2011.12.006   Published: AUG 2012







Fractional Derivatives in Physics


Uchaikin, Vladimir V.



  • First book combining a clear introduction to the fractional calculus with the description of a wide sphere of physical applications
  • Combined ease of access and breadth of scope.
  • Enables readers to apply the new methods in their own research.

The first derivative of a particle coordinate means its velocity, the second means its acceleration, but what does a fractional order derivative mean? Where does it come from, how does it work, where does it lead to? The two-volume book written on high didactic level answers these questions. Fractional Derivatives for Physicists and Engineers— The first volume contains a clear introduction into such a modern branch of analysis as the fractional calculus. The second develops a wide panorama of applications of the fractional calculus to various physical problems. This book recovers new perspectives in front of the reader dealing with turbulence and semiconductors, plasma and thermodynamics, mechanics and quantum optics, nanophysics and astrophysics. 

The book is addressed to students, engineers and physicists, specialists in theory of probability and statistics, in mathematical modeling and numerical simulations, to everybody who doesn't wish to stay apart from the new mathematical methods becoming more and more popular.

Prof. Vladimir V. UCHAIKIN is a known Russian scientist and pedagogue, a Honored Worker of Russian High School, a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He is the author of about three hundreds articles and more than a dozen books (mostly in Russian)  in Cosmic ray physics, Mathematical physics, Levy stable statistics, Monte Carlo methods with applications to anomalous processes in complex systems of various levels: from quantum dots to the Milky Way galaxy.

Keywords: Applications Fractional derivatives - Fractals physics - Hereditarity - Stable statistics

Related subjects: Computational Science & Engineering - Physical & Information Science - Theoretical, Mathematical & Computational Physics

Table of contents:

- Physical Basics.
- Fractional Derivatives.
- Fractional Equations.
- Applications.
- Mechanics.
- Kinetics.
- Electrodynamics.
- Atomic Physics.
- Space Physics.




Intelligent Fractional Order Systems and Control

Pan, Indranil, Das, Saptarshi


  • An Introduction to Intelligent Fractional Order Systems and Control
  • Borders on the interface between CI techniques and fractional calculus
  • Written by leading experts in the field
Fractional order calculus is finding increasing interest in the control system community. Hardware realizations of fractional order controllers have sparked off a renewed zeal into the investigations of control system design in the light of fractional calculus. As such many notions of integer order LTI systems are being modified and extended to incorporate these new concepts.

Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques have been applied to engineering problems to find solutions to many hitherto intractable conundrums and is a useful tool for dealing with problems of higher computational complexity. This book borders on the interface between CI techniques and fractional calculus, and looks at ways in which fractional order control systems may be designed or enhanced using CI based paradigms. To the best of the author’s knowledge this is the first book of its kind exclusively dedicated to the application of computational intelligence techniques in fractional order systems and control. The book tries to assimilate various existing concepts in this nascent field of fractional order intelligent control and is aimed at researchers and post graduate students working in this field.

Keywords: Computational Intelligence - Control - Fractional Calculus - Intelligent Fractional Order Systems

Related subjects: Computational Intelligence and Complexity - Control Engineering

Table of contents 

- Motivation for application of computational intelligence techniques to fractional calculus based control systems.
- Applied fractional calculus for computational intelligence researchers.
- Brief introduction to computational intelligence paradigms for fractional calculus researchers.
- Fractional order controller tuning using swarm and evolutionary algorithms.
- Multi-objective fractional order controller design with evolutionary algorithms.
- Gain and order scheduling for fractional order controllers.
- Enhancement of fuzzy PID controller with fractional calculus.
- Model reduction and analytical rule extraction with Evolutionary algorithms.
- Model reduction of higher order systems in fractional order template.
- Global optimization based frequency domain design of fractional order controllers with iso-damping characteristics.
- Chaos synchronization with a fractional order controller and swarm intelligence.






Volume 20, Number 02

Natural Cubic Spline Coalescence Hidden Variable Fractal Interpolation Surfaces
A. K. B. Chand

Study On The Fractal And Chaotic Features Of The Shanghai Composite Index
Fenghua Wen, Zhong Li, Chaohua Xie, David Shaw

Fractal Bases Of Lp Spaces
M. A. Navascués

Spectrum And Heat Kernel Asymptotics On General Laakso Spaces
Matthew Begué, Levi Devalve, David Miller, Benjamin Steinhurst

Conservative Self-Organized Extremal Model For Wealth Distribution
Abhijit Chakraborty, G. Mukherjee, S. S. Manna

Fractal Self-Organization Of Bacteria-Inspired Agents
Yufeng Huang, Ian Krumanocker, Marc-Olivier Coppens



International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos (IJBC)
 in Applied Sciences and Engineering

Volume: 22, Number: 7


Theme Section: Complex Network Systems — From Theory To Applications

R. Criado, M. Romance, Y. Moreno, J. Gómez-Gardeñes

Theme Section: Complex Network Systems — From Theory To Applications: Tutorials And Reviews

Unsupervised Clustering Analysis: A Multiscale Complex Networks Approach
Clara Granell, Sergio Gómez, Alex Arenas

Theme Section: Complex Network Systems — From Theory To Applications: Papers

Complex Networks Evolutionary Dynamics Using Genetic Algorithms
Daniel Aguilar-Hidalgo, Antonio Córdoba Zurita, Ma Carmen Lemos Fernández

Topological Versus Dynamical Robustness In A Lexical Network
Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Yamir Moreno, Alex Arenas

Redundancy In Functional Brain Connectivity From Eeg Recordings
Fabrizio De Vico Fallani, Jlenia Toppi, Claudia Di Lanzo, Giovanni Vecchiato, Laura Astolfi, Gianluca Borghini, Donatella Mattia, Febo Cincotti, Fabio Babiloni

Reliability Of Optimal Linear Projection Of Growing Scale-Free Networks
Pau Erola, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Sergio Gomez, Alex Arenas

Detecting Series Periodicity With Horizontal Visibility Graphs
Angel Nuñez, Lucas Lacasa, Eusebio Valero, Jose Patricio Gómez, Bartolo Luque

Pacemakers In A Cayley Tree Of Kuramoto Oscillators
Pablo M. Gleiser, Luce Prignano, Conrad J. Pérez-Vicente, Albert Díaz-Guilera

A Model To Classify Users Of Social Networks Based On Pagerank
Francisco Pedroche

A Post-Processing Method For Interest Point Location In Images By Using Weighted Line-Graph Complex Networks
Regino Criado, Miguel Romance, Ángel Sánchez

Dynamics Of Persistent Infections In Homogeneous Populations
Joaquín Sanz, Luis Mario Floría, Yamir Moreno

Exploring The Kibble–Zurek Mechanism In A Secondary Bifurcation
M. A. Miranda, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas, H. Mancini

Hybrid Recommendation Algorithm Based On Two Roles Of Social Tags
Zi-Ke Zhang, Chuang Liu

Theme Section: Dynamics And Processes Of Complex Networks

M. Zanin, R. Gutiérrez, R. Bajo, J. M. Buldú, D. Papo, S. Boccaletti

Theme Section: Dynamics And Processes Of Complex Networks: Papers

Nonlocal Analysis Of Modular Roles
J. M. Buldú, I. Sendiña-Nadal, I. Leyva, J. A. Almendral, M. Zanin, S. Boccaletti

Adaptive Growing Networks Coevolving With The Spread Of Diseases
Beniamino Guerra, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, Vito Latora

Complex Dynamical Behaviors Of Deflection Routing On Grid Networks
Wilson Wang-Kit Thong, Guanrong Chen

Effects Of Traffic Properties And Degree Heterogeneity In Flow Fluctuations On Complex Networks
Sandro Meloni, Jesús Gómez-Gardeñes, Vito Latora, Yamir Moreno

Hierarchical Multiresolution Method To Overcome The Resolution Limit In Complex Networks
Clara Granell, Sergio Gómez, Alex Arenas

Saddle-Node Bifurcation Cascades And Associated Traveling Waves In Weakly Coupling Cml
Ma Dolores Sotelo Herrera, Jesús San Martín, Lucía Cerrada

Bifurcations In A Star-Like Network Of Stuart–Landau Oscillators
Mattia Frasca, André Bergner, Jürgen Kurths, Luigi Fortuna

Structure And Dynamics: The Transition From Nonequilibrium To Equilibrium In Integrate-And-Fire Dynamics
Cesar H. Comin, João L. B. Batista, Matheus P. Viana, Luciano Da F. Costa, Bruno A. N. Travençolo, Marcus Kaiser

Noise-Induced Up/Down Dynamics In Scale-Free Neuronal Networks
Jordi Grau-Moya, Antonio J. Pons, Jordi Garcia-Ojalvo

Pinning Impulsive Stabilization Of Nonlinear Dynamical Networks With Time-Varying Delay
Jianquan Lu, Zidong Wang, Jinde Cao, Daniel W.C. Ho, Jürgen Kurths

Targeting And Control Of Synchronization In Chaotic Oscillators
E. Padmanaban, Ranjib Banerjee, Shyamal Kumar Dana

Global And Partial Phase Synchronizations In Arrays Of Piecewise Linear Time-Delay Systems
R. Suresh, D. V. Senthilkumar, M. Lakshmanan, J. Kurths

Synchronization Of Moving Integrate And Fire Oscillators
Luce Prignano, Oleguer Sagarra, Pablo M. Gleiser, Albert Diaz-Guilera

Modeling The Evolution Of Item Rating Networks Using Time-Domain Preferential Attachment
Edmundo F. Lavia, Ariel Chernomoretz, Javier M. Buldú, Massimiliano Zanin, Pablo Balenzuela

Dependency Network And Node Influence: Application To The Study Of Financial Markets
Dror Y. Kenett, Tobias Preis, Gitit Gur-Gershgoren, Eshel Ben-Jacob




Volume 22, Issue 2, 2012


Components in time-varying graphs
Vincenzo Nicosia, John Tang, Mirco Musolesi, Giovanni Russo, Cecilia Mascolo, and Vito Latora

A general fractional-order dynamical network: Synchronization behavior and state tuning

Junwei Wang and Xiaohua Xiong

Iterated function system models in data analysis: Detection and separation

Zachary Alexander, James D. Meiss, Elizabeth Bradley, and Joshua Garland

Neuronal avalanches of a self-organized neural network with active-neuron-dominant structure

Xiumin Li and Michael Small

Experimental evidence of synchronization of time-varying dynamical network

Sourav K. Bhowmick, R. E. Amritkar, and Syamal K. Dana

Stochastic stability of genetic regulatory networks with a finite set delay characterization

Wenbing Zhang, Yang Tang, Jian-an Fang, and Xiaotai Wu

Using filtering effects to identify objects

T. L. Carroll and Frederic J. Rachford

Partial synchronization in stochastic dynamical networks with switching communication channels

Chi Huang, Daniel W. C. Ho, Jianquan Lu, and Jürgen Kurths

Finite-time stochastic combination synchronization of three different chaotic systems and its application in secure communication

Luo Runzi and Wang Yinglan

Annual variability in a conceptual climate model: Snapshot attractors, hysteresis in extreme events, and climate sensitivity

Tamás Bódai and Tamás Tél

Classical helium atom with radiation reaction

G. Camelio, A. Carati, and L. Galgani

Pattern formation in a reaction-diffusion-advection system with wave instability

Igal Berenstein

Exact folded-band chaotic oscillator

Ned J. Corron and Jonathan N. Blakely

Diffusion in a collisional standard map

M. Rack, K. H. Spatschek, and A. Wingen

On finite-size Lyapunov exponents in multiscale systems

Lewis Mitchell and Georg A. Gottwald

Regular and chaotic dynamics of a fountain in a stratified fluid

O. A. Druzhinin and Yu. I. Troitskaya

“Quorum sensing” generated multistability and chaos in a synthetic genetic oscillator

I. Potapov, B. Zhurov, and E. Volkov

Generalized complexity measures and chaotic maps

B. Godó and Á. Nagy

Alternative interpretations of power-law distributions found in nature

Cécile Penland and Prashant D. Sardeshmukh

Van der Pol and the history of relaxation oscillations: Toward the emergence of a concept

Jean-Marc Ginoux and Christophe Letellier

Synchronizability of small-world networks generated from ring networks with equal-distance edge additions

Longkun Tang, Jun-an Lu, and Guanrong Chen

Fractal structures in two-metal electrodeposition systems II: Cu and Zn

Elias Nakouzi and Rabih Sultan

Natural time analysis of the Centennial Earthquake Catalog

N. V. Sarlis and S.-R. G. Christopoulos

Anticipating, complete and lag synchronizations in RC phase-shift network based coupled Chua’s circuits without delay

K. Srinivasan, D. V. Senthilkumar, I. Raja Mohamed, K. Murali, M. Lakshmanan, and J. Kurths

Effect of discrete time observations on synchronization in Chua model and applications to data assimilation

Md. Nurujjaman, Sumanth Shivamurthy, Amit Apte, Tanu Singla, and P. Parmananda

Sampling from complex networks with high community structures
Mostafa Salehi, Hamid R. Rabiee, and Arezo Rajabi

Synchronization of a network coupled with complex-variable chaotic systems

Zhaoyan Wu, Guanrong Chen, and Xinchu Fu

Optimal signal amplification in weighted scale-free networks

Xiaoming Liang, Liang Zhao, and Zonghua Liu

Route to chaos for combustion instability in ducted laminar premixed flames

Lipika Kabiraj, Aditya Saurabh, Pankaj Wahi, and R. I. Sujith

Synchronization between integer-order chaotic systems and a class of fractional-order chaotic systems via sliding mode control

Diyi Chen, Runfan Zhang, J. C. Sprott, Haitao Chen, and Xiaoyi Ma

Effects of noise on the outer synchronization of two unidirectionally coupled complex dynamical networks

Yongzheng Sun and Donghua Zhao

Dependence of chaotic diffusion on the size and position of holes

Georgie Knight, Orestis Georgiou, Carl P. Dettmann, and Rainer Klages

Coherent periodic activity in excitatory Erdös-Renyi neural networks: The role of network connectivity

Lorenzo Tattini, Simona Olmi, and Alessandro Torcini

The curvature index and synchronization of dynamical systems

Yen-Sheng Chen and Chien-Cheng Chang

Extreme value theory for singular measures

Valerio Lucarini, Davide Faranda, Giorgio Turchetti, and Sandro Vaienti

A chaotic circuit based on Hewlett-Packard memristor

Arturo Buscarino, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca, and Lucia Valentina Gambuzza

Chaotification of complex networks with impulsive control

ZhiHong Guan, Feng Liu, Juan Li, and Yan-Wu Wang

Characterizing and modeling an electoral campaign in the context of Twitter: 2011 Spanish Presidential election as a case study

J. Borondo, A. J. Morales, J. C. Losada, and R. M. Benito

Parameter estimation of the FitzHugh-Nagumo model using noisy measurements for membrane potential

Yanqiu Che, Li-Hui Geng, Chunxiao Han, Shigang Cui, and Jiang Wang

Landscapes of non-gradient dynamics without detailed balance: Stable limit cycles and multiple attractors

Hao Ge and Hong Qian

Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of travelling pulses and spiral waves in the lattice Lotka-Volterra model

Alexei G. Makeev, Elena S. Kurkina, and Ioannis G. Kevrekidis

Identifying important nodes in weighted functional brain networks: A comparison of different centrality approaches

Marie-Therese Kuhnert, Christian Geier, Christian E. Elger, and Klaus Lehnertz

Describing high-dimensional dynamics with low-dimensional piecewise affine models: Applications to renewable energy

Yoshito Hirata and Kazuyuki Aihara

Composite adaptive fuzzy control for synchronizing generalized Lorenz systems

Yongping Pan, Meng Joo Er, and Tairen Sun

Simple adaptive output-feedback lag-synchronization of multiple time-delayed chaotic systems

Shabnam Pourdehi and Paknosh Karimaghaee

Anti-phase synchronization of two coupled mechanical metronomes

Ye Wu, Nianchuang Wang, Lixiang Li, and Jinghua Xiao

Phase-flip transition in nonlinear oscillators coupled by dynamic environment

Amit Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, and Syamal Kumar Dana

Phase-flip transition in nonlinear oscillators coupled by dynamic environment

Amit Sharma, Manish Dev Shrimali, and Syamal Kumar Dana

Propagation of a solitary fission wave

A. G. Osborne, G. D. Recktenwald, and M. R. Deinert

The study of amplitude death in globally delay-coupled nonidentical systems based on order parameter expansion

Chenggui Yao, Wei Zou, and Qi Zhao

Epidemic variability in hierarchical geographical networks with human activity patterns

Zhi-Dan Zhao, Ying Liu, and Ming Tang

Lag synchronization and scaling of chaotic attractor in coupled system

Sourav K. Bhowmick, Pinaki Pal, Prodyot K. Roy, and Syamal K. Dana

Finite-time stochastic outer synchronization between two complex dynamical networks with different topologies
Yongzheng Sun, Wang Li, and Donghua Zhao


Classical Papers

Maximizing information exchange between complex networks

Bruce J. West, Elvis L. Geneston, Paolo Grigolini


Publication information: Bruce J. West, Elvis L. Geneston, Paolo Grigolini, Maximizing information exchange between complex networks, Physics Reports 468 (2008) 1-99. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0370157308002214


Science is not merely the smooth progressive interaction of hypothesis, experiment and theory, although it sometimes has that form. More realistically the scientific study of any given complex phenomenon generates a number of explanations, from a variety of perspectives, that eventually requires synthesis to achieve a deep level of insight and understanding. One such synthesis has created the field of out-of-equilibrium statistical physics as applied to the understanding of complex dynamic networks. Over the past forty years the concept of complexity has undergone a metamorphosis. Complexity was originally seen as a consequence of memory in individual particle trajectories, in full agreement with a Hamiltonian picture of microscopic dynamics and, in principle, macroscopic dynamics could be derived from the microscopic Hamiltonian picture. The main difficulty in deriving macroscopic dynamics from microscopic dynamics is the need to take into account the actions of a very large number of components. The existence of events such as abrupt jumps, considered by the conventional continuous time random walk approach to describing complexity was never perceived as conflicting with the Hamiltonian view. Herein we review many of the reasons why this traditional Hamiltonian view of complexity is unsatisfactory. We show that as a result of technological advances, which make the observation of single elementary events possible, the definition of complexity has shifted from the conventional memory concept towards the action of non-Poisson renewal events. We show that the observation of crucial processes, such as the intermittent fluorescence of blinking quantum dots as well as the brain's response to music, as monitored by a set of electrodes attached to the scalp, has forced investigators to go beyond the traditional concept of complexity and to establish closer contact with the nascent field of complex networks. Complex networks form one of the most challenging areas of modern research overarching all of the traditional scientific disciplines. The transportation networks of planes, highways and railroads; the economic networks of global finance and stock markets; the social networks of terrorism, governments, businesses and churches; the physical networks of telephones, the Internet, earthquakes and global warming and the biological networks of gene regulation, the human body, clusters of neurons and food webs, share a number of apparently universal properties as the networks become increasingly complex. Ubiquitous aspects of such complex networks are the appearance of non-stationary and non-ergodic statistical processes and inverse power-law statistical distributions. Herein we review the traditional dynamical and phase_space methods for modeling such networks as their complexity increases and focus on the limitations of these procedures in explaining complex networks. Of course we will not be able to review the entire nascent field of network science, so we limit ourselves to a review of how certain complexity barriers have been surmounted using newly applied theoretical concepts such as aging, renewal, non-ergodic statistics and the fractional calculus. One emphasis of this review is information transport between complex networks, which requires a fundamental change in perception that we express as a transition from the familiar stochastic resonance to the new concept of complexity matching.



Anomalous Diffusion of a Polymer Chain in an Unentangled Melt

J. Farago, H. Meyer, and A. N. Semenov


Publication information: J. Farago, H. Meyer, and A. N. Semenov, Anomalous Diffusion of a Polymer Chain in an Unentangled Melt, PRL 107, 178301 (2011) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.178301.


Contrary to common belief, hydrodynamic interactions in polymer melts are not screened beyond the monomer length and are important in transient regimes. We show that viscoelastic hydrodynamic interactions (VHIs) lead to anomalous dynamics of a tagged chain in an unentangled melt at t < tN, the Rouse time. The center-of-mass (c.m.) mean-square displacement is enhanced by a large factor increasing with chain length. We develop a theory of VHI-controlled chain dynamics yielding a negative c.m. velocity autocorrelation function which agrees with our molecular dynamics simulations without any fitting parameter. It is also shown that Langevin friction strongly affects the short-t c.m. dynamics, also captured by our theory. The transient VHI effects thus provide the dominant contribution to the subdiffusive c.m. motion universally observed in simulations and experiments.



The End of This Issue
