FDA Express Vol. 9, No. 1, Oct. 15, 2013
Editors: http://em.hhu.edu.cn/fda/Editors.htm
Institute of Soft Matter Mechanics, Hohai University
For contribution: fdaexpress@163.com,
For subscription:
PDF Download: http://em.hhu.edu.cn/fda/Issues/FDA_Express_Vol9_No1_2013.pdf
бЇ Latest SCI Journal Papers on FDA
(Searched on 14th October 2013)
бЇ Conference
International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications (ICFDAбп14)
бЇ Books
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Nonlinear Flow Phenomena and Homotopy Analysis: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
бЇ Journals
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
бЇ Paper Highlight
Integration and differentiation to a variable fractional order
бЇ Websites of Interest
Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis
International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications (ICFDA'14)
Latest SCI Journal Papers on FDA
(Searched on 14th October 2013)
Author(s): Chen, Yong; Gao, Hongjun; Garrido-Atienza, Maria J.; et al.
Source: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 79-98 DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2014.34.79 Published: JAN 2014
ббTitle: Random attractors for non-autonomous stochastic wave equations with multiplicative noise
Author(s): Wang, Bixiang
Source: DISCRETE AND CONTINUOUS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Special Issue: SI Pages: 269-300 DOI: 10.3934/dcds.2014.34.269 Published: JAN 2014
Title: On a Nirenberg-type problem involving the square root of the Laplacian
Author(s): Abdelhedi, Wael; Chtioui, Hichem
Source: JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS Volume: 265 Issue: 11 Pages: 2937-2955 DOI: 10.1016/j.jfa.2013.08.005 Published: DEC 1 2013бб
Title: Advection of inertial particles in the presence of the history force: Higher order numerical schemes
Author(s): Daitche, Anton
Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Volume: 254 Pages: 93-106 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2013.07.024 Published: DEC 1 2013
Author(s): Wang, Hong; Du, Ning
Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Volume: 253 Pages: 50-63 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2013.06.040 Published: NOV 15 2013бб
Title: Fractional Sturm-Liouville eigen-problems: Theory and numerical approximation
Author(s): Zayernouri, Mohsen; Karniadakis, George Em
Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS Volume: 252 Pages: 495-517 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcp.2013.06.031 Published: NOV 1 2013
Title: No violation of the Leibniz rule. No fractional derivative
Author(s): Tarasov, Vasily E.
Source: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION Volume: 18 Issue: 11 Pages: 2945-2948 DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.04.001 Published: NOV 2013==========================================================================
International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications (ICFDAбп14)
June 23-25, 2014, University of Catania, Catania, Italy
The organizing committee of ICFDAбп14 extends a cordial invitation to you to come to Catania to meet renowned scholars and practitioners from all over the world.
The scope of the conference is to present the state of the art on fractional
systems, both on theoretical and application aspects. The growing research and
development on fractional calculus in the areas of mathematics, physics and
engineering, both from university and industry, motivates this international
event gathering and unifying the whole community.
Major topics include but are not limited on fractional differentiation in:
Acoustic Dissipation, Anomalous diffusion, Applications of fractional systems,
Biomedical Engineering, Computational Fractional Derivative Equations,
Continuous Time Random Walk, Control, Creep, Filters, Fractal Derivative and
Fractals, Fractional Brownian Motion, Geophysics, History dependent Process,
History of Fractional Calculus, Levy Statistics, Modeling and identification,
Non-Fourier Heat Conduction, Nonlocal Phenomena, Phase-Locked Loops, Porous
Media, Power Law, Relaxation, Rheology, Riesz Potential, Signal and Imaging
Processing, Singularities Analysis and Integral Representations for Fractional
Differential Systems, Soft Matter Mechanics, Special Functions and Integral
Transforms Related to Fractional Calculus, Stretched Gaussian, Variational
Principles, Vibration, Viscoelasticity.
Timetable (Important
deadlines have been changed)
Invited session submission
November 20th, 2013
Regular and invited paper submission
December 1st, 2013
Notification of acceptance
February 20th, 2014
Final submission
April 10th, 2014
Conference June 23th - 25th, 2014
Early registration
April 20th, 2014
For more details please refer to:
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
Lokenath Debnath
Book Description
The revised and enlarged third edition of this successful book presents a comprehensive and systematic treatment of linear and nonlinear partial differential equations and their varied and updated applications. In an effort to make the book more useful for a diverse readership, updated modern examples of applications are chosen from areas of fluid dynamics, gas dynamics, plasma physics, nonlinear dynamics, quantum mechanics, nonlinear optics, acoustics, and wave propagation.
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, Third Edition, improves on an already highly complete and accessible resource for graduate students and professionals in mathematics, physics, science, and engineering. It may be used to great effect as a course textbook, research reference, or self-study guide.
More information on this book can be found by the following link:
Nonlinear Flow Phenomena and Homotopy Analysis: Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer
Kuppalapalle Vajravelu , Robert A. Van Gorder
Book Description
Since most of the problems arising in science and engineering are nonlinear, they are inherently difficult to solve. Traditional analytical approximations are valid only for weakly nonlinear problems, and often fail when used for problems with strong nonlinearity. б░Nonlinear Flow Phenomena and Homotopy Analysis: Fluid Flow and Heat Transferб▒ presents the current theoretical developments of the analytical method of homotopy analysis. This book not only addresses the theoretical framework for the method, but also gives a number of examples of nonlinear problems that have been solved by means of the homotopy analysis method. The particular focus lies on fluid flow problems governed by nonlinear differential equations. This book is intended for researchers in applied mathematics, physics, mechanics and engineering.
More information on this book can be found by the following link:
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
Volume 19, Issue 3 (Selceted)
Comments on the concept of existence of solution for impulsive fractional differential equations
Guotao Wang, Bashir Ahmad, Lihong Zhang, Juan J. Nieto
Andrei D. Polyanin, Alexei I. Zhurov
Xiaodi Li, Xilin Fu
Wavelet operational matrix method for solving the Riccati differential equati
Rong-Xiang Liu, Bo Tian, Yan Jiang, Pan Wang
Spectral numerical schemes for time-dependent convection with viscosity dependent on temperature
J. Curbelo, A.M. Mancho
An alternating iterative algorithm for image deblurring and denoising problems
Si Wang, Ting-Zhu Huang, Jun Liu, Xiao-Guang Lv
Stability analysis of impulsive functional systems of fractional order
Ivanka Stamova, Gani Stamov
How to minimize the control frequency to sustain transient chaos using partial control
Samuel Zambrano, Juan Sabuco, Miguel A.F. Sanjuивn
Chun Zhang, Qinsheng Bi, Xiujing Han, Zhengdi Zhang
Volume 57, In Progress
Stability of the heat equation driven by an impulsive noise
Katarzyna Horbacz
Scientific collaboration network of Turkey
Abdullah Çavuşoğlu, İlker Tи╣rker
Multi-fractal nature of human left ventricular trabeculae: Possible biomechanical role?
Brandon Moore, Lakshmi Prasad Dasi
A class of viscous p-Laplace equation with nonlinear sources
Yinghua Li, Yang Cao, Jingxue Yin
Improving the network robustness against cascading failures by adding links
Xian-Bin Cao, Chen Hong, Wen-Bo Du, Jun Zhang
A.K. Misra, S.N. Mishra, A.L. Pathak, P.K. Srivastava, Peeyush Chandra
The influence of noise on synchronous dynamics in a diluted neural network
Matteo di Volo, Roberto Livi
Financial Time Operator for random walk markets
I. Gialampoukidis, K. Gustafson, I. Antoniou
q-Gaussian analysis of the electronic behavior in polymethylmetacrylate
G. Cigdem Yalcin, Yani Skarlatos, K. Gediz Akdeniz
Simple chaotic flows with a line equilibrium
Sajad Jafari, J.C. Sprott
Effects of monetary policy on the long memory in interest rates: Evidence from an emerging market
A. Sensoy
Intra-orbit separation of dense orbits of dendrite maps
Taixiang Sun, Qiuli He, Hongjian Xi
A preprocessing method for parameter estimation in ordinary differential equations
Oliver Strebel
Periodic orbits of Hamiltonian systems: Applications to perturbed Kepler problems
Juan L.G. Guirao, Jaume Llibre, Juan A. Vera
Non-isospectral flows of noncommutative differential-difference KP equation
Lin Huang, R. Ilangovane, K.M. Tamizhmani, Da-jun Zhang
Paper Highlight
Integration and differentiation to a variable fractional order
Stefan G. Samko and Bertram Ross
information: S. G. Samko and B. Ross. Integration and differentiation to a
variable fractional order, Integr. Trans. Spec. Funct. 1, 277иC300, 1993.
Integration and differentiation of functions to a variable order (f^n (x)) is
studied in two ways: 1) using the Riemann-Liouville definition, 2) using Fourier
transforms. Some properties and the inversion formula are obtained.
Bashir Ahmad, Juan J. Nieto
Publication information: Bashir Ahmad, Juan J. Nieto. Anti-periodic
fractional boundary value problems with nonlinear term depending on lower order
derivative. Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis, 2012, 15(3) , pp 451-462.
This paper studies a new class of anti-periodic boundary value problems of
fractional differential equations with nonlinear term depending on lower order
fractional derivative. Some existence and uniqueness results are obtained by
applying some standard fixed point principles. Several examples are given to
illustrate the results.
The End of This Issue