FDA Express Vol. 9, No. 4, Nov. 30, 2013
Editors: http://em.hhu.edu.cn/fda/Editors.htm
Institute of Soft Matter Mechanics, Hohai University
For contribution: fdaexpress@163.com,
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↑ Latest SCI Journal Papers on FDA
(Searched on 29th November 2013)
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Fractional Calculus: An Introduction for Physicists (2nd Edition)
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Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
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Fractional order differential equations on an unbounded domain
Fractional diffusion equation with a generalized Riemann每Liouville time fractional derivative
↑ Websites of Interest
Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis
International Conference on Fractional Differentiation and Its Applications (ICFDA'14)
Latest SCI Journal Papers on FDA
(Searched on 29th November 2013)
Author(s): Barros, C. P.; Gil-Alana, L. A.; Payne, J. E.
Source: ENERGY SOURCES PART B-ECONOMICS PLANNING AND POLICY Volume: 9 Issue: 2 Pages: 196-206 DOI: 10.1080/15567249.2012.753959 Published: APR 3 2014
Author(s): Chauhan, Archana; Dabas, Jaydev
Source: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Pages: 821-829 DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.07.025 Published: APR 2014
Author(s): Lopes, Antonio M.; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.
Source: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION Volume: 19 Issue: 4 Pages: 851-871 DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.08.031 Published: APR 2014
Author(s): Shang, Xudong; Zhang, Jihui; Yang, Yang
Source: COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 567-584 DOI: 10.3934/cpaa.2014.13.567 Published: MAR 2014
Author(s): Jia, Junxiong; Peng, Jigen; Li, Kexue
Source: COMMUNICATIONS ON PURE AND APPLIED ANALYSIS Volume: 13 Issue: 2 Pages: 605-621 DOI: 10.3934/cpaa.2014.13.605 Published: MAR 2014
Author(s): Wang, Guotao; Ahmad, Bashir; Zhang, Lihong; et al.
Source: COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION Volume: 19 Issue: 3 Pages: 401-403 DOI: 10.1016/j.cnsns.2013.04.003 Published: MAR 2014
Clara Mihaela Ionescu
Book Description
The objective of the book is to put forward emerging ideas from biology and mathematics into biomedical engineering applications in general with special attention to the analysis of the human respiratory system. The field of fractional calculus is mature in mathematics and chemistry, but still in infancy in engineering applications. However, the last two decades have been very fruitful in producing new ideas and concepts with applications in biomedical engineering. The reader should find the book a revelation of the latest trends in modeling and identification of the human respiratory parameters for the purpose of diagnostic and monitoring. Of special interest here is the notion of fractal structure, which tells us something about the biological efficiency of the human respiratory system. Related to this notion is the fractal dimension, relating the adaptation of the fractal structure to environmental changes (i.e. disease). Finally, we have the dynamical pattern of breathing, which is then the result of both the structure and the adaptability of the respiratory system.
The distinctive feature of the book is that it offers a bottom-up approach, starting from the basic anatomical structure of the respiratory system and continuing with the dynamic pattern of the breathing. The relations between structure (or the specific changes within it) and fundamental working of the system as a whole are pinned such that the reader can understand their interplay. Moreover, this interplay becomes crucial when alterations at the structural level in the airway caused by disease may require adaptation of the body to the functional requirements of breathing (i.e. to ensure the necessary amount of oxygen to the organs). Adaptation of the human body, and specially of the respiratory system, to various conditions can be thus explained and justified in terms of breathing efficiency.
The motivation for putting together this book is to give by means of the example chosen (i.e. the respiratory system) an impulse to the engineering and medical community in embracing these new ideas and becoming aware of the interaction between these disciplines. The net benefit of reading this book is the advantage of any researcher who wants to stay up to date with the new emerging research trends in biomedical applications. The book offers the reader an opportunity to become aware of a novel, unexplored, and yet challenging research direction.
More information on this book can be found by the following link: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-1-4471-5388-7
Fractional Calculus: An Introduction for Physicists (2nd Edition)
Richard Herrmann
Book Description
The book presents a concise introduction to the basic methods and strategies in fractional calculus and enables the reader to catch up with the state of the art in this field as well as to participate and contribute in the development of this exciting research area. The contents are devoted to the application of fractional calculus to physical problems. The fractional concept is applied to subjects in classical mechanics, group theory, quantum mechanics, nuclear physics, hadron spectroscopy and quantum field theory and it will surprise the reader with new intriguing insights. This new, extended edition now also covers additional chapters about image processing, folded potentials in cluster physics, infrared spectroscopy and local aspects of fractional calculus. A new feature is exercises with elaborated solutions, which significantly supports a deeper understanding of general aspects of the theory. As a result, this book should also be useful as a supporting medium for teachers and courses devoted to this subject.
More information on this book can be found by the following link: http://www.gigahedron.de/wpgh/fractional-calculus-introduction-for-physicists-2nd-edition/
Fractional Calculus and Applied Analysis
Volume 16, Issue 4
FCAA related events and 100th anniversary of the birth of Jan Mikusi里ski (FCAA-Volume 16-4-2013)
A characteristic of fractional resolvents
Controllability of fractional order system with nonlinear term having integral contractor
Two equivalent Stefan*s problems for the time fractional diffusion equation
Existence results for nonlinear quadratic integral equations of fractional order in Banach algebra
Nonpolynomial collocation approximation of solutions to fractional differential equations
A new difference scheme for time fractional heat equations based on the Crank-Nicholson method
New relationships connecting a class of fractal objects and fractional integrals in space
Unique positive solution for a fractional boundary value problem
Fractional derivatives of multidimensional Colombeau generalized stochastic processes
A Lyapunov-type inequality for a fractional boundary value problem
Positive solutions for a system of nonlocal fractional boundary value problems
Computers & Mathematics with Applications
Volume 66, Issue 12
Local method of approximate particular solutions for two-dimensional unsteady Burgers* equations
Xueying Zhang, Haiyan Tian, Wen Chen
A generalization of the optimal diagonal approximate inverse preconditioner
Luis Gonz芍lez, Antonio Su芍rez, Eduardo Rodr赤guez
Block conjugate gradient type methods for the
approximation of bilinear form
Lei Du, Yasunori Futamura, Tetsuya Sakurai
An a posteriori error estimator for an unsteady advection每diffusion每reaction problem
Rodolfo Araya, Pablo Venegas
J. Ravnik, L. Škerget
An efficient hybrid BEM每RBIE method for solving conjugate heat transfer problems
Ean Hin Ooi, Viktor Popov
Estimation of computational homogenization error by explicit residual method
M. Oleksy, W. Cecot
Adaptive optimal control approximation for solving a fourth-order elliptic variational inequality
Weidong Cao, Danping Yang
Multiplicity of solutions for a class of quasilinear
Schrödinger systems in
Dengfeng L邦, Qiong Liu
Q. Cai, S. Kollmannsberger, E. Sala-Lardies, A. Huerta, E. Rank
Gao-Qing Meng, Yi-Tian Gao, Yu-Hao Sun, Yi Qin, Xin Yu
Victor M. Calo, Nathaniel O. Collier, Antti H. Niemi
On new existence results for fractional integro-differential equations with impulsive and integral conditions
A. Anguraj, P. Karthikeyan, M. Rivero, J.J. Trujillo
Tadeusz Antczak
Paper Highlight
Fractional order differential equations on an unbounded domain
A. Arara, M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi, J.J. Nieto
information: A. Arara, M. Benchohra, N. Hamidi, J.J. Nieto. Fractional order differential equations on an unbounded domain. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 72(2), 2010, 580每586.
We are concerned with the existence of bounded solutions of a boundary value problem on an unbounded domain for differential equations involving the Caputo fractional derivative. Our results are based on a fixed point theorem of Schauder combined with the diagonalization method.
Fractional diffusion equation with a generalized Riemann每Liouville time fractional derivative
Trifce Sandev, Ralf Metzler and Živorad Tomovski
Publication information: Trifce Sandev, Ralf Metzler and Živorad Tomovski. Fractional diffusion equation with a generalized Riemann每Liouville time fractional derivative. J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 44, 2011, 255203 doi:10.1088/1751-8113/44/25/255203
In this paper, the solution of a fractional diffusion equation with a Hilfer-generalized Riemann每Liouville time fractional derivative is obtained in terms of Mittag每Leffler-type functions and Fox's H-function. The considered equation represents a quite general extension of the classical diffusion (heat conduction) equation. The methods of separation of variables, Laplace transform, and analysis of the Sturm每Liouville problem are used to solve the fractional diffusion equation defined in a bounded domain. By using the Fourier每Laplace transform method, it is shown that the fundamental solution of the fractional diffusion equation with a generalized Riemann每Liouville time fractional derivative defined in the infinite domain can be expressed via Fox's H-function. It is shown that the corresponding solutions of the diffusion equations with time fractional derivative in the Caputo and Riemann每Liouville sense are special cases of those diffusion equations with the Hilfer-generalized Riemann每Liouville time fractional derivative. The asymptotic behaviour of the solutions are found for large values of the spatial variable. The fractional moments of the fundamental solution of the fractional diffusion equation are obtained. The obtained results are relevant in the context of glass relaxation and aquifer problems.
The End of This Issue