“力学动态”文摘,第3期, 2008年3月25日

本期编辑:陈文 苟晓凡



















蔡子君画 来源:人民日报






         英国高等教育资助委员会(HEFCE)去年出台了一项提案,到2009年时,将一套新的评估尺度系统全面应用于英国大学的科研经费资助上来,取代之前的科研评估系统RAE(Research Assessment Exercise)。
        而这套名为Research Excellence Framework的新系统将主要依据科研成果的引用程度,而非上述较复杂的同行评审过程,来在各个大学间分配每年10亿英镑的高校科研经费。英国高等教育资助委员会的这一举措,旨在提高科研经费分配的公平性和简化经费申请过程。
        不过,英国的一些学术团体警告说,这项激进的改变将给年轻研究人员带来极大的不利。他们认为,新系统是对那些没有充足时间确立足够引用度的研究人员的一种“歧视”。Steve Smith是拥护和代表英国优秀高等学府的团体——1994 Group的主席,他表示,“显然,你不会想要这样的系统,让一个人在学术生涯的开端就开始受罚。这让我十分忧虑。”
        英国高等教育政策研究所的主任Bahram Bekhradnia说,“RAE毫无疑问存在着缺陷,我们通过不断对其进行修正来解决这些问题。但它可能会比任何将要出现的新系统更好。”
        然而,英国高等教育资助委员会正在对商讨的回应结果进行分析,为新系统进行辩护。在其看来,英国大学对这一提案还是广泛支持的。(科学网 任霄鹏/编译)
       更多阅读(英文):Research Excellence Framework背景资料



    为了促进自然科学和工程学领域的最前沿研究,美国国家科学基金会(NSF)成立了一个新的部门——“研究与创新新兴前沿”(The Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation,简称EFRI),专门资助那些高风险、跨学科的科研项目。
    EFRI主任Sohi Rastegar表示,“过去几十年里,一个事实变得越来越明显,那就是众多创造性的贡献和重要的突破性进展都是在各个研究小组进行跨学科、跨领域的交叉协作时产生的。因此,利用工程系统学方法来探索这些学科交叉区域将有可能带来独特的机遇和潜在的创新结果。”


作者:数理科学部 詹世革 孟庆国 汲培文 发表时间: 2008-03-03

  3、做好开放性交流工作,重点做好:(1)每年一度的学术交流会。2009年初召开的2008年度该重大研究计划学术交流会将对在研和结题项目进行全面总结,邀请已结题项目负责人参加学术交流会。(2)专题研讨会。为了加强后期管理,进一步凝练目标,促进成果集成,计划召开3个专题会议:① 计算流体力学讲习班,包括动网格技术、高精度方法、流体转捩、气动噪声、大涡模拟和超燃机理6个方面内容;② 轻质材料及热防护问题研讨会;③“先进推进系统的概念、方法和技术” 双清论坛,由基金委员会数理科学部和工程与材料科学部联合组织。
(数理科学部 詹世革 孟庆国 汲培文)





主题:兰克奖(Rank Prize)的原始创新导向及对我国科技创新的借鉴
报告人:王国裕教授 西安交通大学
王国裕:1978年3月-1982年1月,学士学位,中国南京东南大学电子系;1982年2月-1984年5月,硕士学位,中国北京清华大学无线电系;1984年6月-1987年10月,助教、讲师,中国南京东南大学电子系;1987年11月- 1988年12月,访问学者,英国爱丁堡大学电子系;1989年1月-1992年6月,研究人员,英国爱丁堡大学电子系;1989年9月-1993年8月,博士学位,英国爱丁堡大学电子系;1992年7月-1994年5月VLSI设计部经理,英国VVL公司;1995年1月至今,西安交通大学教授;1997年6月至今,西安交通大学博士导师;2008年2月,与另外三位科学家共同获得兰克奖。



北京大学 固体力学 王建祥
北京交通大学 固体力学 汪越胜
哈尔滨工业大学 工程力学 冷劲松
西北工业大学 流体力学 蔡晋生 (原单位:新加坡国立大学Research Scientist)

北京大学 流体力学 徐昆(香港科技大学)
华中科技大学 固体力学 李少凡(加州大学伯克利分校)
南京航空航天大学 流体力学 舒昌(新加坡国立大学)
上海交通大学 固体力学 叶林(悉尼大学)



      更多阅读 上海大学刘高联院士治丧委员会讣告





详情见: http://em.hhu.edu.cn/News_View.asp?NewsID=117




北京大学工学院 力学与空天技术系2008招聘计划

招聘岗位 特聘研究员(包括教授、副教授或助理教授)(4~6人)
招聘单位 北京大学工学院 力学与空天技术系
招聘范围 国内外

1、 应聘者应具有理学、工学博士学位;具有良好的学术道德及团队精神;有航空航天背景者优先考虑;
2、 需要承担一定的教学任务,为本科生、研究生开设相关课程;具有指导研究生的能力和经验;
3、 有很好的研究工作经历,取得过有影响的科研成果,在相关领域期刊杂志上发表过高质量论文;
4、 具备独立开展科研工作的能力,独立承担或作为主要成员参与过国家级科研项目。

岗位待遇: 按北京大学工学院特聘研究员待遇执行,具体待遇及启动科研经费面谈。


应聘材料 个人简历,研究计划,3封推荐信
联系方式 电话:010-62754175, Email:liuwen@coe.pku.edu.cn
发布日期 2008年2月18日
截止日期 2008年12月31日


A job opening for geomechanical engineer, working on CO_2 storage

Schlumberger, in relation to its R&D effort related to Co2 Storage (http://www.slb.com/carbonservices), is looking for a highly innovative and motivated individual with a background in geo-mechanics to join its multi-disciplinary engineering team. A PhD in a field related to geo-mechanics (Solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, civil engineering, geophysics etc.) is necessary. No prior work experience is required. The candidate must have experience in numerical and analytical modeling: not only running codes but also developing them. In particular, a knowledge of the following phenomena is desired:

Candidatures should be addressed directly to Brice Lecampion:blecampion@slb.com


Tenure-track Faculty Position in Computational Science and Engineering

The Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering seeks outstanding faculty candidates in the area of computational science and engineering including modeling and simulation of complex systems, energy and climate change, multi-scale, multi-field, nano-mechanics, sustainability and innovative material design. The department has significant strengths in air pollution, applied mechanics, computational stochastic mechanics, earthquake engineering, structural control and health monitoring. The successful candidate is expected to develop a first rate research program and to participate in the educational mission of the department. Successful candidates are expected to draw on the department's strengths and the interdisciplinary initiatives of the USC Viterbi School of Engineering. USC's supercomputer has been ranked the nation's second most powerful computer system in an academic setting. The department has recently been named as the Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering with a record-setting $17-million gift. The gift is the largest ever to name a civil engineering department. The USC Viterbi School of Engineering (VSoE) is among the top 10 Engineering Schools (US News & World Report). VSoE counts 170 faculty members including 30 members of the National Academy of Engineering, 7 Presidential Early Career Awards, and over 45 Early Career Awards. VSoE research expenditures reach $170 million annually. VSoE is home to the Information Sciences Institute (ISI), two National Science Foundation-funded Engineering Research Centers, the USC Stevens Institute for Technology Commercialization, and the Department of Homeland Security’s first center of excellence (CREATE). Applications must include a letter clearly indicating the area of specialization, a detailed curriculum vitae, a one-page statement on current and future research directions, and names of at least four professional references. Please send applications to

Chair, CEE-CSE Faculty Search Committee
Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Southern California
Los Angeles CA, 90089-2531
Email: donzhang@usc.edu
Website: www.usc.edu/cee

USC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and encourages
applications from women and members of underrepresented groups.



Post-Doctoral Position in Continuum Kinetic Algorithms at LLNL

A post-doctoral position is available immediately in the area of numerical algorithms and software development for continuum kinetic simulations. The successful candidate will work in the Center for Applied Scientific Computing at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The main goal of this project is to develop efficient, accurate, and robust finite volume algorithms for the discretization of the Vlasov-Maxwell system with application to laser-plasma interactions. Candidates must hold a PhD in computational science, applied mathematics, or equivalent discipline. Proficiency in scientific computing and C++ programming is required. Familiarity and previous experience with hyperbolic conservation laws, finite volume methods, adaptive mesh refinement, MPI parallel programming, and/or object-oriented programming are strong advantages. For more information and to apply, interested candidates are directed to posting 007556 within LLNL's LHire system (http://jobs.llnl.gov).

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is managed by Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. for the National Nuclear Security Administration within the Department of Energy. We are an equal opportunity employer with a commitment to workforce diversity.


Research assistants / Ph.D. students on multicore at KIT / Germany

The Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH) and the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe are joining forces to form the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and are integrating their research activities both structurally and strategically. Within the framework of the German Excellence Initiative several new research groups are established. The Shared Research Group (SRG)

"New frontiers in High Performance Computing exploiting Multicore and Coprocessor Technology” is funded as part of the cooperation between KIT and the company Hewlett-Packard (HP) and is associated with the Department of Mathematics and the Steinbuch Centre for Computing. The SRG addresses innovative research topics dedicated to the profitable utilization of multicore and coprocessor technologies in high performance computing and numerical simulation. Emerging technologies like multicore CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, the Cell processor and other accelerators raise new demands on parallel implementation of scientific applications. A primary challenge relies on the ability to exploit the available computing power for highly CPU time-consuming applications by means of adapted numerical methods and optimized parallel implementations.

The SRG consists of a group leader (junior professor) and two research assistants. The positions for 2 research assistants / Ph.D. students (TV-LE13) are now to be filled for a period of four years at the earliest possible date. Ideal candidates have
- very good academic records
- completed master's or equivalent degree in applied mathematics or computer science
- experience in numerical simulation
- interest in conducting Ph.D. research in an interdisciplinary area at the interface of numerical mathematics, scientific computing and computer architecture
- interest in close cooperation with the industrial partner HP
- very good proficiency in English

One of the positions shall focus on utilization of adapted numerical methods and their parallel implementation. The other position shall address hardware and performance analysis, parallel programming aspects, software and tools. Salaries will be according to TV-L E13 of the German civil service remuneration system. To increase the number of women involved in science and
technology, female applicants are specifically encouraged. Handicapped applicants will have higher preference in case of equal qualifications. Applications should comprise a letter of motivation, a CV, undergraduate and graduate transcripts and any other information that prove a high academic aptitude. If available please include contact information of references and test scores (such as TOEFL). Please send your application (preferably by email using PDF) to Dr. Jan-Philipp Weiss, Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH), Rechenzentrum, Zirkel 2, 76128 Karlsruhe, Germany, Email: jan-philipp.weiss@kit.edu, URL: http://srg-multicore.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de.

Closing date for receiving the applications is March 28, 2008. For further information please contact Dr. Jan-Philipp Weiss( jan-philipp.weiss@kit.edu ).




Subject: Method of Lines Software

We have extended the software for the method of lines (MOL) solution of PDEs announced previously (NA Digest, Sunday, December 2, 2007, Volume 07: Issue 49).  Specifically, the MOL solution of 2D and 3D PDEs has been added as four example applications (coded in Matlab) that illustrate systems of linear and nonlinear PDEs in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical coordinates with Dirichlet, Neumann and third type boundary conditions.

 This software is available on a CD, with related printed material, through a request directed to wes1@lehigh.edu. Please provide a postal mailing address. A small package will be sent by US First Class mail or international air mail.

 Please direct any questions to wes1@lehigh.edu.

 G. W. Griffiths, UK

W. E. Schiesser, USA




ICEM2008 will be held in 南京,8th-11th November,2008

The International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 2008 (ICEM 2008) & the Seventh Asian Conference on Experimental Mechanics (ACEM7) will be held in NANJING, China, during the period November 8-11, 2008. Being organized by the Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, and Southeast University, Nanjing, China, and co-operated / sponsored by various international societies in experimental mechanics, this conference is aimed at attracting prominent researchers, engineers and scientists to present their important findings and discuss new developments in the board areas in experimental mechanics. These cover all aspects of optical methods and techniques, Nano and Micro testing, hybrid concept and methods, biomaterials and bioengineering, smart materials and structures, residual stresses, NDT/NDE, etc.

For the details, please visit: http://www.icem2008.org/



13-17 Oct 2008: Suzhou, China

Conference Synopsis
Meshless methods belong to one of the most progressively developed part of Computational Mechanics, which is increasingly used in many fields of engineering and sciences. Each day, the number of new results in this field is growing significantly, and therefore there is a natural need to discuss current results and further developments. The First ICCES Special Symposium on Meshless Methods was held successfully in Stara Lesna, Slovakia, Jun 8-10,2005, the Second in Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 14-16, 2006, and the Third inPatras, Greece, June 15-17, 2007. The Fourth Symposium will continue in the same spirits .

Aims & Scope
The Symposium will gather prominent researchers with common interest in meshless methods from all over the world. It is expected that researchers from different fields will exchange new ideas. Both mathematicians and engineers will be brought together and discuss recent developments in highly efficient meshless methods for solving a wide variety of large scale problems. The focus will be on:
- Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Methods,
- Element Free Galerkin Methods,
- Local Boundary Integral Equations,
- Radial Basis Function Methods,
- Methods of Fundamental Solutions,
- Trefftz Methods,
- SPH, - Boundary Node and Hybrid Boundary Node Methods.

Other meshless formulations will be encouraged, too. Open questions are to be highlighted in panel discussions.

The authors are invited to submit one-page abstracts by email to the Conference Secretariat (Prof. Zhenhan Yao email:demyzh@tsinghua.edu.cn) before August 1, 2008. Full-length papers of 15 pages should be submitted after the Symposium, prior to November 15, 2008. The paper will be printed in the monograph "ADVANCES IN MESHLESS METHODS", edited by Dr. Zhenhan Yao. Further information on required paper format and submission guidelines will be posted on the web site soon. Moreover, the original (previously unpublished) contributions will be reviewed for the journal CMES: Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences.

Instructions for the abstract preparation are available in the sample files:
Sample PDF File
Sample MS Word File
Registration Procedures
Pre-registration should be made on-line by July 1, 2008.

Regular fees: 600 EURO (注:国内代表的注册费另行通知,应该低于300 EURO)
Students: 400 EURO
Accompanying persons: 150 EURO
Fees for delegates cover coffee breaks, lunches and dinners on all conference days, and the monograph "ADVANCES IN MESHLESS METHODS". Fees for accompanying persons cover dinners on all conference days.

Payment should be remitted by "Bank Drafts" (non-USA participants), or by personal cheques (USA participants), drawn in the name of "ICES", before September 15, 2008 to:

5251 California Avenue, Suite 140
Irvine, CA 92612, USA.
Organizing Committees

Local Organizing Committee
Zhenhan Yao Chair
Tsinghua University, China
Haibo Chen USTC, China
Wen Chen Hohai University, China
Haitao Wang Tsinghua University, China
Jianming Zhang Hunan University, China
Xiong Zhang Tsinghua University, China

International Scientific Committee
S.N. Atluri Chair
Jin Yeon Cho INHA University, Korea
E. J. Kansa UC Davis, USA
G.R. Liu NUS, Singapore
Q. Ma City University, London, UK
H. Noguchi Keio Univ., Japan
H. Okada Kagoshima Univ., Japan
J. Orkisz Cracow Univ. of Technology,Poland
D. Pepper UNLV, USA
D. Polyzos Patras, Greece
H. Power Univ. of Nottingham, UK
B. Sarler Nova Gorica Polytechnic, Slovenia
R. Schaback Universität Göttingen, Germany
Jan Sladek Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia
Jurica Soric Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia
A. Tadeu Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
R. Vignjevic Cranfield Univ., UK






三、 征文要求


Tel: 0571-87952396, 13858057550

浙江省力学学会 (代章)



        为推动江苏省力学及相关学科的发展和创新,促进青年力学工作者之间的学术交流,更好地发挥青年力学工作者聪明才智和作用,江苏省力学学会青年工作委员会将于2008年5月16-18日在苏州科技学院(苏州)举办的 “第四届苏港力学及其应用论坛”上分设“江苏省力学学会青年论坛2008”。欢迎从事与力学相关领域研究的青年教师、研究生、科研与设计人员踊跃参加。
       2008年5月16日 下午:报到注册;

² 力学
² 机械动力
² 土木水利
² 航空航天
² 交通运输
² 矿山冶金
² 化学生物
² 船舶
1. 论文未在公开出版物或全国性学术会议上发表过;
2. 论文请按规定格式提交Word 电子文档;
3. 被推荐到期刊的论文按期刊要求收取版面费。
4. 江苏省力学学会青年工作委员会及青年论坛的详细情况请浏览网址:http://jslx.hmip.net  。
论文全文截至日期: 2008年3月20日;
联系人:张大长博士 E-mail: qnlxwork@njut.edu.cn
南京市中山北路200号南京工业大学土木工程学院 邮编:210009





提交论文摘要截止日期: 2008年5月1日
第二轮通知(论文录用、预缴注册费及预订房): 2008年6月1日
论文全文截止日期: 2008年9月1日
第三轮通知: 2008年10月1日


9 – 12 June 2008, Nancy France
Laboratoire d’Energétique et de Mécanqiue Théorique et Appliquée
Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Géologie - Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine

Dear Colleague

We are organizing a EUROMECH Colloquium entitled « Nonlinear mechanics of multiphase flow in porous media: phase transitions, nonequilibrium, instability, modelling”. The Colloquium will be held in Nancy, France, 9-12 June 2008. It will consist of the following sessions and sub-sessions :
Session I : Flow with phase transitions in porous media
1.1. Nonlinear waves in compositional two and three-phase flow
1.2. Micromechanics of multiphase flow with phase transitions
1.3. Thermal flow and draying in saturated and nonsaturated porous media
Session II : Non-equilibrium in multiphase flow and self-organization
2.1. Capillary non-equilibrium
2.2. Non equilibrium of phase transitions in porous media
2.3. Influence of porous medium on thermodynamics of multiphase systems
2.4. Flow with population dynamics and self-organization
Session III : Two-phase flow instability and mixing in heterogeneous media
3.1. Two-phase instability in heterogeneous media
3.2. Homogenization of multiphase flow and fluid mixing/dispersion
Session IV : Conceptual problems of modelling multiphase flows
4.1. New conceptual models of multiphase flow in porous media
4.2. Mathematical problems of modelling the multiphase flow

We plan to have around 60 speakers. All presentations will be oral.
The colloquium web site is :http://www.ensem.inpl-nancy.fr/LEMTA/EUROMECH
We have the pleasure of inviting you to give a presentation on a subject in your research area of interest.
As you may know, Euromech colloquia have practically no budget and expenses will have to be born by participants. Kindly let us know at your earlier convenience whether you can participate in this Euromech Colloquium.

Sincerely yours,
Colloquium Chairs:
Mikhail Panfilov
Majid Hassanizadeh /Utrech University/


"New Geophysical Tools and Software for High-Resolution Field Site Characterization" at the AGU Joint Assembly from 27-30 May 2008
in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

We invite abstracts for the session NS03 "New Geophysical Tools and Software for High-Resolution Field Site Characterization" at the AGU Joint Assembly from 27-30 May 2008 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Session description: Rapid progress in geophysical measurement technology related to positioning, wireless communication, fiber-optics, handheld computing and visualization has greatly improved efficiency and precision of field data acquisition. This session will serve as a forum for geophysicists, hydrologists and resource managers to exchange practical experiences and explore ways to advance characterization of field sites for hydrologic, environmental, and engineering applications. The creation of shared instrument- and expertise pools, as done for example by the CUAHSI Hydrologic Measurement Facility for Geophysics, makes these new tools available to the wider community. The case histories in this session will illustrate the possibilities and limitations of new geophysical tools and software. After the session, presenters will have the opportunity to demonstrate their equipment and/or software in a workshop/demo.

The abstract deadline is 5 March 2008. More information on the program can be found at http://www.agu.org/meetings/ja08/

FINAL CALL FOR ABSTRACTS - Abstracts due 3 March 2008

SHIRMS 2008 1st Southern Hemisphere International Rock Mechanics Symposium 16-19 September 2008, Sheraton Perth Hotel, Western Australia

Please visit the Symposium Website for all event details: http://www.shirms.com/ or download the Last Call for Abstracts Brochure from http://www.shirms.com/__data/page/4447/2008_SHIRMS.pdf The ACG Team looks forward to receiving your abstract.

Kind regards
Christine Neskudla
Australian Centre for Geomechanics
P O Box 3296 - Broadway
Nedlands WA 6009
Western Australia
ABN 37 882 817 280
Phone: 61-8-6488 3300
Fax: 61-8-6488 1130
The ACG is a University of Western Australia Research Centre, CRICOS Provider No. 00126G






  1、 生物力学中的实验分析技术

  2、 生物材料和力学性能表征

  3、 生物力学计算与实验方法的结合

  4、 力学实验技术在生物力学研究中取得的重大进展与展望





         张东升 上海市上大路99号上海大学力学系,200444,电话:021-66135258emaildonzhang@staff.shu.edu.cn

         张青川 安徽合肥中国科技大学机械工程与力学系,230026,电话:0551-3607613emailzhangqc@ustc.edu.cn

         杨国标 同济大学航空航天与力学学院,200092,电话:021-65982388emailyanggby@mail.tongji.edu.cn





Workshop on Architecture-aware Simulation and Computing,
Cyprus, Jun 2008

Workshop on Architecture-aware Simulation and Computing (AASC08)

- as part of the 2008 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2008) and in conjunction with the 22nd European Conference on Modeling and Simulation (ECMS 2008) -Nicosia, Cyprus, June 3 - 6, 2008

With multi- and many-core based systems, performance increase on the microprocessor side will continue according to Moore's Law, at least in the near future. However, the already limited memory access is expected to get worse with multiple cores on a chip, and gets more complex because of the required hierarchies of cache memory. In addition, the increasingly hybrid and hierarchical design of high-end systems, including accelerator components, is another obstacle for programming. All mentioned issues will have a major impact on overall performance in future systems. This means that compute and data intensive tasks can only benefit from the Hardware’s full potential if both processor and architecture features are taken into account at all stages from the early algorithmic design to the final implementation.

Paper Submission, Registration, and Publication:
You are invited to submit original and unpublished research works on above and other topics related to simulation and modeling of multicore and multiprocessing systems. Please submit a PDF copy of your full manuscript, not to exceed 7 double-column IEEE formatted pages, and include up to 6 keywords and an abstract of no more than 350 words. Each paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. At least one of the authors of each accepted paper will have to register and attend the HPC08 conference for presenting the paper at the session. Accepted papers will be published by ECMS in the conference proceedings. Papers should be submitted as attachments to: Michael.Bader@cs.tum.edu.
If accepted, final papers will follow the format that ECMS follows which will be posted on the web site. If you have any questions about paper submission or the session, please contact the session organizers.

Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission Deadline: ------------- March 15, 2008
Notification of Acceptance: ------------- March 31, 2008
Camera-Ready papers Due ------------ April 17, 2008

Workshop Organizers:
Michael Bader and Josef Weidendorfer
Institut fr Informatik - TU Mnchen
Email: Michael.Bader@cs.tum.edu, weidendo@cs.tum.edu




中国航空学会 西北工业大学


1) 断裂与疲劳研究的新理论和新方法
2) 线弹性与弹塑性断裂、界面断裂、动态断裂
3) 材料疲劳与断裂的实验及测试技术
4) 断裂与疲劳损伤的微细观方法研究
5) 材料断裂与循环形变的晶体学原理
6) 金属材料的断裂与疲劳行为
7) 非金属材料与新型材料的疲劳与断裂行为
8) 复杂载荷与环境下材料和结构的疲劳与断裂行为
9) 随机载荷下材料与结构的疲劳与断裂
11) 计算断裂力学、概率断裂力学及可靠性
12) 材料和结构的疲劳寿命估算、延寿及老龄化控制分析
13) 断裂与疲劳的失效分析
14) 断裂与疲劳分析软件及材料数据库
15) 断裂与疲劳理论的典型工程应用
16) 抗断裂与疲劳的工程设计技术
17) 工程结构中的耐久性/损伤容限设计与评估
18) 大型工程项目的抗疲劳断裂设计与控制


¨ 题目:2号黑体居中
¨ 作者姓名:4号仿宋体居中,各作者名之间用空格分开
¨ 单位地址、邮编:圆括号内5号宋体居中
¨ 详细摘要正文:小4号宋体,单倍行距。图名用5号宋体在图下方居中,表题用5号宋体在表上方居中。
¨ 关键词:3~5个,小4号宋体,逗号隔开
¨ 作者简介(5号宋体):姓名、性别、出生年月、单位、职务/职称,主要业绩和研究方向。

联系人:李亚智 田薇
地 址:陕西省西安市友谊西路127号西北工业大学118信箱
邮 编:710072
电 话:029-88460621;029-88493957
电 邮:yazhi.li@nwpu.edu.cn; tianwei@nwpu.edu.cn



2008 ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers
(Computing Frontiers 2008),Ischia, Italy,May 5-7, 2008

The increasing needs of present and future computation-intensive applications have stimulated research in new and innovative approaches to the design and implementation of high-performance computing systems. These boundaries between state of the art and innovation constitute the computing frontiers that must be pushed forward to provide the computational support required for the advancement of all science domains and applications. This conference focuses on a wide spectrum of advanced technologies and radically new solutions; it is designed to foster communication among many scientific and technological disciplines.

The conference program includes papers on all areas of innovative computing systems that extend the current frontiers of computer science and engineering and that will provide advanced systems for
current and future applications.

Selected papers will be published in the conference proceedings and will be made available in the ACM Digital Library. In addition, selected papers will be invited to appear in a special issue of the
HiPEAC journal.

* Early registration deadline: April 4th


Intl. Wksp. Accurate Soln of Eigenvalue Problems
Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 9-12, 2008

Abstract Deadline: April 15, 2008 (moved forward two weeks)
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2008 (moved forward 1 month)

In cooperation with SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra (SIAG/LA).

Jesse Barlow, Penn. State Univ.,
Zlatko Drmac, Univ. of Zagreb, Croatia,
Kresimir Veselic, Fernuniversitaet Hagen, Germany,
Ivan Slapnicar, Univ. of Split, Croatia (local manager).

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together experts on accuracy issues in the numerical solution of eigenvalue problems for four days of research presentations and discussions. This is the seventh such workshop. The most recent was held at the Penn State Univ., May 22-25, 2006. In addition, the organizers welcome submitted presentations and posters that are consistent with the theme of the meeting. A prize will be given for the best poster.
For more information: http://www.fesb.hr/iwasep7/


Workshop on multiscale modeling of moving interfaces in materials
Leuven, Belgium, on July 2-4, 2008.

Website: http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/conference/multiscale08

Modeling the evolution of polycrystalline and multi-phase materials is a challenging task, due to its inherent multi-scale nature, which requires expertise in both materials science and scientific computing. Grain boundary and interface movement, for instance, are influenced by phenomena on scales ranging from the atomistic (dislocations, ...) up to the mesoscale (dislocation structures, solutes, second phase particles,...).

The goal of this workshop is to bring together scientists in materials science, scientific computing and computational engineering, and to provide them an introduction to : (1) the principles and state-of-the-art of modeling and simulation techniques
at the (near) atomistic scale;(2) coarse-graining techniques for upscaling to larger length and time scales.

We have very limited room for contributed lectures related to the above topics. However, we will provide room to put up a poster for the entire duration of the workshop, and we encourage every participant to bring a poster.

Please register before June 15, 2008. The registration fee of 60 euros includes a program book, all lunches and coffee breaks.

This workshop is sponsored by the Scientific Research Networks 'Advanced numerical methods for mathematical models', 'Surface modification of materials', and 'Structural and chemical characterization of materials at the micro- and nanoscale', as well as by Res Metallica (consisting of OCAS, Bekaert and Umicore).

The organizers,
Nele Moelans, Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, K. U. Leuven
Giovanni Samaey, Scientific Computing, Dept. of Computer Science, K. U. Leuven

Website: http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/conference/multiscale08

Modeling the evolution of polycrystalline and multi-phase materials is a challenging task, due to its inherent multi-scale nature, which requires expertise in both materials science and scientific computing. Grain boundary and interface movement, for instance, are influenced by phenomena on scales ranging from the atomistic (dislocations, ...) up to the mesoscale (dislocation structures, solutes, second phase particles,...).

The goal of this workshop is to bring together scientists in materials science, scientific computing and computational engineering, and to provide them an introduction to : (1) the principles and state-of-the-art of modeling and simulation techniques
at the (near) atomistic scale;(2) coarse-graining techniques for upscaling to larger length and time scales.

We have very limited room for contributed lectures related to the above topics. However, we will provide room to put up a poster for the entire duration of the workshop, and we encourage every participant to bring a poster.

Please register before June 15, 2008. The registration fee of 60 euros includes a program book, all lunches and coffee breaks.

This workshop is sponsored by the Scientific Research Networks 'Advanced numerical methods for mathematical models', 'Surface modification of materials', and 'Structural and chemical characterization of materials at the micro- and nanoscale', as well as by Res Metallica (consisting of OCAS, Bekaert and Umicore).

The organizers,
Nele Moelans, Dept. of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, K. U. Leuven
Giovanni Samaey, Scientific Computing, Dept. of Computer Science, K. U. Leuven




Trefftz and Collocation Methods

Z.-C. LI, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan,
T.-T. LU, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan,
H.-Y. HU, Tunghai University, Taiwan and
A. H.-D. CHENG, University of Mississippi, USA

This book covers a class of numerical methods that are generally referred to as “Collocation Methods”. Different from the Finite Element and the Finite Difference Method, the discretization and approximation of the collocation method is based on a set of unstructured points in space. This “meshless” feature is attractive because it eliminates the bookkeeping requirements of the “element” based methods. Particularly, if the basis functions used satisfy the governing equation, the collocation is conducted only on the boundary. The boundary collocation methods are also known as Trefftz methods. The main advantages of these methods include the flexible representation of the irregular and deforming geometry, ease of data input and preprocessing, high accuracy of solution, and the efficient computation.

This book contains a preliminary introduction, an appendix, and 11 chapters in which several types of collocation methods are discussed. These include the radial basis function method, the Trefftz method, and the coupled collocation and finite element method. Governing equations investigated include Laplace, Poisson, Helmholtz and bi-harmonic equations. Regular boundary value problems, boundary value problems with singularity, and eigenvalue problems are also examined. Rigorous mathematical proofs are contained in these chapters, and many numerical experiments are provided to support the algorithms and to verify the theory. A tutorial on the applications of these methods is provided in the introductory introduction, and the historic review of boundary methods in the Appendix.

ISBN: 978-1-84564-153-5 January 2008 432pp Published price £142.00/US$284.00/€213.00
30% Discount Price £99.40/US$198.80/€149.10 (Offer ends 30th April 2008)


New book: High Order Differ. Methods for Time Dependent PDE

Bertil Gustafsson "High Order Difference Methods for Time Dependent PDE" 2008. XVI, 334 p.
Springer Series in Computational Mathematics Vol. 38 ISBN 978-3-540-74992-9, 79,95

The subject of this book is high order finite difference methods for time dependent PDE. The idea is to give an overview of the basic theory and construction principles by using model examples. The book also contains a general presentation of the techniques and results for well-posedness and stability, with inclusion of the three fundamental methods of analysis both for PDE in its original and discretized form: the Fourier transform, the energy method and the Laplace transform. Various types of wave propagation problems are treated in specific detail since high order methods are particularly effective for these problems.





        台湾海洋大学振动与噪声研究所在国际著名计算力学学者陳正宗教授的卓越领导下,成为国际上计算力学的著名研究机构,原创性地提出了重要的dual boundary element技术,边界元方面的研究在国际上名列前茅。更多的细节请访问该所的网页:http://ind.ntou.edu.tw/~msvlab/



         本 学科结合河海大学的水利特色,形成了“坚持基础与应用并重、理论与实践结合,以解决我国重大水利水电工程、土木工程及环境工程中力学问题为科研目标”的学科特色。拥有一支由国家有突出贡献中青年专家和长江学者特聘教授领衔、以中青年学术带头人和骨干为主、年龄结构合理的学术队伍(全系教职工51人)。构建了“高坝破坏力学与安全评估”、 “计算力学与工程仿真”、 “工程材料的力学特性与行为”、“地下结构力学分析的理论与方法”四个稳定的研究方向。




学术搜索常用网址 (转贴)

http://scholar.google.com/  这是google的产品,专门查理论技术的文章,ps和pdf格式的文章。
http://citeseer.ifi.unizh.ch/cs  名为citeseer,除了能查到文章还能查到文章的相关信息,比如被引用的次数,引用了什么文章等。学术味很浓
http://hpsearch.uni-trier.de/ HomePageSearch ,查不到文章,就查作者的主页,至少能发现他的email吧?



由哈佛大学著名力学专家锁志刚教授所创办。该网站内容更新及时,信息量大,是一个汇集当代力学有关的研究的博客网站:A web of mechanics and mechanicians!! For details, please go to



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