◆ 焦点新闻
MIT solves 100-year-old engineering problem
GeoShanghai International conference 2010 (June, 2010, Shanghai)
2009 ASCE-ASME-SES Joint Conference on Mechanics and Materials (June, 2009,
Blacksburg, VA)
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences
(June 2009, Leipzig, Germany)
² 《力学
² 浙江大学固体力学学科诚招博士后
² Postdoc position
on fluid driven fracture at CSIRO Petroleum, Australia
² Postdoctoral
fellowships for Energy Environment and Water Resources at MIT
² Research Positions
in Reservoir Geomechanics at Texas A & M University
² PostDoc position
on Advanced geotechnical modeling at UPC in Barcelona
² 美国流体动力学研究中心(FDRC)
² 朱作言院士:论文质量评价要看具体引用次数
联系地址:北京西单大木仓胡同35号 教育部科技司计划处
联系电话: 010-66097841 010-66096298
传 真:010-66020784
详请见中国力学学会网站(http://www.cstam.org.cn )
此外,2008年度诺贝尔文学奖被授予法国作家勒•克莱齐奥(Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clezio)。勒•克莱齐奥出生于1940年,是20世纪后半期法国新寓言派代表作家之一。1994年,法国读者调查中,克莱齐奥成为最受读者欢迎的作家,是当今法国文学的核心之一。与莫迪亚诺、佩雷克并称为“法兰西三星”。克莱齐奥的代表作有《诉讼笔录》、《寻金者》、《罗德里格岛游记》。他的早期作品,诸如《诉讼笔录》、《可爱的土地》等,多寻找一种空灵与寂静,人物时常在形式、色彩与物质的海洋中摇摆不定,人和物的界限变得模糊不清。而他的后期作品,诸如《寻金者》、《罗德里格岛游记》等,则更关注心理空间,向着自然与人这两个“宇宙”同时进行宏观与微观的探索。
(From 吴锤结教授)
Elizabeth A. Thomson, News Office
September 24, 2008
As a car accelerates up and down a hill then slows to follow a hairpin turn, the airflow around it cannot keep up and detaches from the vehicle. This aerodynamic separation creates additional drag that slows the car and forces the engine to work harder. The same phenomenon affects airplanes, boats, submarines, and even your golf ball.
Now, in work that could lead to ways of controlling the effect with potential impacts on fuel efficiency and more, MIT scientists and colleagues have reported new mathematical and experimental work for predicting where that aerodynamic separation will occur. The research solves "a century-old problem in the field of fluid mechanics," or the study of how fluids -- which for scientists include gases and liquids -- move, said George Haller, a visiting professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Haller's group developed the new theory, while Thomas Peacock, the Atlantic Richfield Career Development Associate Professor in the same department, led the experimental effort.
Papers on the experiments and theory are being published in the Sept. 25 issue of the Journal of Fluid Mechanics and in the September issue of Physics of Fluids, respectively. Fluid flows affect everything in our world, from blood flow to geophysical convection. As a result, engineers constantly seek ways of controlling separation in those flows to reduce losses and increase efficiency. One recent accomplishment: the sleek, full-body swimsuits used at the Beijing Olympics.
Controlling fluid flows lies at the heart of a wide range of scientific problems, including improving the performance of vehicles, Peacock said.
For example, picture air flowing around, over and past an object. "Instead of flowing smoothly past the object, the air tends to dramatically part from the surface, or separate," said Peacock. Like the wake behind a boat, the water doesn't automatically reconfigure into a single stream. Rather, the region is quite turbulent. "And that adversely affects the lift [or vertical forces] and drag [or horizontal forces] of the object."
In 1904, Ludwig Prandtl derived the exact mathematical conditions for flow separation to occur. But his work had two major restrictions: first, it applied only to steady flows, such as those around a car moving at a constant low speed. Second, it only applied to idealized two-dimensional flows.
"Most engineering systems, however, are unsteady. Conditions are constantly changing," Haller said. "For example, cars accelerate and decelerate, as do planes during maneuvers, takeoff and landing. Furthermore, fluids of technological interest really flow in our three-dimensional world," he added. As a result, ever since 1904 there have been intense efforts to extend Prandtl's results to real-life problems, i.e., to unsteady three-dimensional flows.
A century later, Haller led a group that did just that. In 2004 Haller published his first paper in the Journal of Fluid Mechanics explaining the mathematics behind unsteady separation in two dimensions. This month, his team reports completing the theory by extending it to three dimensions. Haller's coauthors are Amit Surana, now at United Technologies; MIT student Oliver Grunberg; and Gustaaf Jacobs, now on the faculty at San Diego State University. Equally important, this month Peacock and colleagues report important experimental work. Said Peacock, "while we fully trust George's new mathematical results, the engineering community is usually skeptical until they also see experimental results."
Haller added, "while giving a beautiful validation of the 2D theory, Tom's work also gives strong experimental backing to our new 3D theory." Coauthors on the experimental work are Haller, Jacobs, Matthew Weldon, now at Penn State; and Moneer Helu, now at the University of California at Berkeley.
The research was initially supported by an internal source, the MIT Ferry Fund. Currently the work is supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the National Science Foundation. The researchers said it's too soon to quantify the level of improvement in performance of cars and planes that might stem from the work, noting that more work must be done before it can be applied to commercial technologies. "This is the tip of the iceberg, but we've shown that this theory works," Peacock said.
江体乾,男,1930年生,华东理工大学教授。历任中国力学会,中国化学会流变委员会主任委员(1995-2003),副主任委员、委员(1985-1995);国际流变学会(ICR)中国代表(1985-2003),中国力学学会理事(1992-2003),PRCR 国际委员会委员(1997-至今),《力学学报》第五、六、七届编委(1992-2004)。
江体乾教授我国流变学研究的开拓者。1962年,他在 “物理学报”上发表了我国第一篇流变学的论文,所得公式直到1965年才有人在AIChE J上发表。 他在我国最早研究非牛顿流体传递过程并已形成特色,尤其是传质研究。1988年获得国家教委(甲类)科技进步二等奖。
韩式方,男,1935年生,中国科学院成都计算机应用研究所研究员;中国化学会、中国力学学会流变学委员会委员,中国仪器仪表学会粘度委员会委员,四川省力学学会常务理事,美国流变学会会员,德国应用数学和力学学会( GAMM )会员。
创造性发展了适用于低分子液晶的Leslie-Ericksen理论, 同时显著区别于Volkov-Kulichikhin
理论。2、首先提出了计算机智能解析新方法,应用改进的康氐(Kantorovich)变分法和谱方法等数学方法,与计算机符号运算软件,如 Macsyma,
建立和发展了与经典理论有显著区别的流动稳定性理论, 创立了非牛顿流动稳定性研究的新方法 。
杨挺青,男,1934年生,华中理工大学教授;曾任华中理工大学力学系系主任(1985~1994),湖北省暨武汉市力学学会副理事长、理事长,高等学校工程力学专业指导委员会委员,中国力学学会第四、五届常务理事,教育委员会第四、五届副主任委员,《力学学报》第五、六、七、八届编委(1990~2007),《固体力学学报》第三、四届副主编,第五届编委;Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica 副主编(1991~1995;1995~1999),中国化学会中国力学学会流变学专业委员会第二届委员,第三届、四届副主任委员。
Symp. on Creep in Structures中的邀请报告,颇受国际同行重视,均刊载于IUTAM系列文献。对固体流变力学有较深入系统的研究,取得多方面的重要成果。如:线性和非线性黏弹体在周期应变下的应力与能耗,黏弹性本构模型、黏弹塑性与非线性黏弹本构关系,黏弹性轴对称问题的一般解,黏弹性结构分析,薄板蠕变延迟屈曲及其载荷-时间相关律,聚合物银纹扩展、时间-温度-应力等效原理,三峡船闸高边坡岩体时效特性及长期稳定性,以及HDPE板材贮液罐蠕变等。这些研究成果得到国际国内同行专家的赞誉和高度评价。
1、 曾广胜博士
2、 高鹏博士
http://www.cstam.org.cn )
中国力学学会学术大会是我国力学界每两年一次的综合性学术盛会,是广大力学工作者进行学术交流的重要平台。中国力学学会学术大会’2009 将于2009 年8 月20 日左右在河南郑州举行。会议由中国力学学会主办,郑州大学承办。
专题研讨会:可以是与力学相关的任何专题,如理论研究、实际应用、学科前沿等,由专家自由申请或由专业委员会、工作委员会推荐专家申请,最后由大会组委会审批。大会鼓励专家发挥在本专业领域内的带头作用,积极申请专题研讨会,组织者将作为专题研讨会主席,同时免收会议费。每个专题研讨会应组织15 篇以上报告,报告人应来自3 个以上单位。
会议的学术交流安排为主会场1 天(含开幕式、闭幕式和大会邀请报告),分会场1 天,专题研讨会1 天,具体安排见后续通知。
申请专题研讨会截止日期:2008 年11 月15 日
联 系 人:刘洋,何漫丽
电 话:010-62559209,010-62536271
传 真:010-62559588
电子邮箱: liuyang@cstam.org.cn , hemanli@cstam.org.cn
地 址:北京北四环西路15 号 中国力学学会办公室 100190
GeoShanghai International conference 2010 (June, 2010, Shanghai)
To promote further international communication and cooperation on the developments and advancements of geotechnical engineering and its future directions, our organizer plans to hold the 2nd GeoShanghai International Conference in Shanghai, China in 2010. Well aware of the success of past GeoShanghai International Conference 2006, which had more than 400 people from about 33 countries/areas attended, we are eager to meet the challenge of making GeoShanghai 2010 the best ever.
Soil behavior & geo-micromechanics;Soil dynamics & earthquake engineering
Deep excavations & retaining structures;Drilled shafts & deep foundations
Tunneling and underground constructions;Geotechnical in-situ testing &
Ground improvement; Geosynthetics;Engineering in karst terrain;Pavement
Seepage and porous mechanics; Unsaturated soil mechanics; Geoenvironmental
Innovative testing for pavement materials; Geoinformatics; New frontiers in
urban geotechnology; Case studies
Important Dates:
Abstract due: January 31, 2009
Acceptance of abstract: March 31, 2009
Paper due: August 10, 2009
Acceptance of paper: October 31, 2009
Final paper due: January 31, 2010
Abstract Submission
Contributed abstracts may be submitted only via the web in accordance with the instructions on the conference website at www.geoshanghai2010.org.
Abstracts sent by fax or email cannot be accepted.
Conference Language: English
ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication.
ASCE GSP Guidelines will be followed and papers will be peer-reviewed.
Baoshan Huang, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor
Civil & Environmental Engineering
The University of Tennessee
101 Berry Hall, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996-2010
Tel: (865)974-7713 Fax: (865)974-2669
E-mail: bhuang@utk.edu
Xian Liu, Ph.D.
Department of Geotechnical Engineering
Tongji University
1239 Siping Road, Shanghai 200092, P.R. China
Tel: (86)21-65980234 Fax: (86)21-65985210
2009 ASCE-ASME-SES Joint Conference on Mechanics and Materials (June 2009,
Blacksburg, VA)
The 2009 ASCE-ASME-SES Joint Conference on Mechanics and Materials, June 24-27, 2009, Blacksburg, VA
ASCE, ASME and SES will hold their Joint Conference on Mechanics and Materials on June 24-27, 2009 in Blacksburg, VA. The conference will be chaired by Dr. Ishwar K. Puri, Department Head, Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech. The call for papers appears below. The deadline for submitting symposium and organized session proposals is October 15, 2008. The deadline for submitting abstracts is March 15, 2009. The conference web site provides details, key dates, instructions for the submission of abstracts and registration information.
The joint 2009 ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials that will be held at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia from June 24-27, 2009 will be a major forum for the exchange of ideas and discussion of recent developments in all mechanics and materials research fields. This event is being organized by the Department of Engineering Science and Mechanics at Virginia Tech. Researchers, engineers, industry representatives, public officials, and all others who have an interest are invited to attend and participate.
The abstract submission categories include:
Advanced materials; Biodynamics; Biomaterials; Biomechanics; Dynamics ; Dynamical systems; Fluid mechanics;
Materials engineering; Materials science; Mechanics of materials; Nanomaterials; Nanomechanics; Solid mechanics; Interdisciplinary
For more information on how to submit an abstract or to register for the conference, visit: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/mech09
SIAM Conference on
Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (June 2009, Leipzig,
SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences
Monday-Thursday, 15-18 June 2009,Leipzig, Germany
This biennual conference covers all aspects of computational and mathematical issues in modeling the atmosphere, climate, weather, oceans, surface water, subsurface science, seismology and earth dynamics.
1. Martin Blunt, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
2. Chris Farmer, Schlumberger and University of Oxford, United Kingdom
3. Rupert Klein, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Free
University of Berlin, Germany
4. Rosemary Knight, Geophysics and Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford
University, USA
5. Peter Lemke, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research,
University of Bremen, Germany
6. Barbara Romanowicz, Berkeley Seismological Laboratory, University of
California, Berkeley, USA
7. Joannes Westerink, Computational Hydraulics Laboratory, University of Notre
Dame, USA
Submission of minisymposium proposals: 14 November 2008
Submission of abstracts of contributed and minisymposia talks: 15 December 2008
复杂网络是由具有一定特征和功能的、相互关联和相互影响的基本单元 (节点)所构成的复杂集合体。它们一般包含巨大数量的节点和丰富多样的拓扑连接结构,呈现极其丰富的统计特性和动力学演化行为。人们早期是基于图论工具对具有规则拓扑结构的网络开展研究的。到了20世纪50年代末,才出现随机网络的基本模型和初步理论。近十年多来,人们发现了许多具有与规则网络和随机网络不同的统计特征的复杂网络,其中最著名的是小世界网络和无标度网络。许多真实网络系统都表现出小世界效应和无标度特性,从而引起了人们对复杂网络的极大兴趣。
本专辑包括复杂网络动力学的理论和应用的各个方面的综述性文章。每篇文章根据其选题内容,较全面系统地反映和评述了相应领域的国内外研究现状,适当介绍了有关的基本知识,展望了今后的发展趋势和应用前景,并提供了较详细的重要参考文献。在写作上注意到表述流畅,力求图文并茂,尽量增强可读性。本专辑共包括14篇论文,大致可分为两大部分:第一部分是复杂网络的基本理论,介绍复杂网络的建模思想和方法、统计物理背景、图论方法、同步、控制、传播动力学和集群行为等;第二部分介绍复杂网络在生物神经系统、软件系统、移动通信系统、博弈问题、科研合作等方面的一些重要应用。有兴趣的同志可到《力学进展》网站点击浏览摘要http://www.cstam.org.cn/lxjz/cn/xqml.asp 。
陈关荣. 复杂网络及其新近研究进展简介
方锦清 李永. 网络科学中统一混合理论模型的若干研究进展
史定华. 复杂网络的随机刻画和演化规律
吕金虎. 复杂网络的同步: 理论、方法、应用与展望
汪小帆 苏厚胜. 复杂动态网络控制研究进展
陆启韶 刘深泉 刘锋 王青云 侯中怀 郑艳红. 生物神经网络系统动力学与功能研究
谭伟文 刘重明 谢智刚. 复杂用户网络在移动通信方面的应用研究
吴枝喜 荣智海 王文旭. 复杂网络上的博弈
官山 何大韧 朱陈平. 跨越多个实际科学领域的合作网络与合作-竞争网络
李兵 马于涛 刘婧 丁琦伟. 软件系统的复杂网络研究进展
朱照宣 陆启韶 陈关荣. 序言
何大韧 刘宗华 汪秉宏. 复杂网络研究的一些统计物理学方法及其背景
段志生. 图论与复杂网络
李翔. 复杂动态网络传播动力学
程洁 狄增如. 复杂网络上集群行为与自旋模型
1 杨攀 Lam Yee Cheong 朱克勤 Gan Hiong Yap. 弹性湍流及其对微混合效率影响研究的若干进展
9 吕箴 姚卫星. 样本疲劳寿命分析问题研究进展
16 时宇 杨正明 杨开菊 黄延章. 低渗透油藏非线性两相渗流研究
19 刘强 周瑞忠 刘宇航 . 基于Hilbert-Huang变换分析的地震动能量与震动效应评估
24 王秋维 史庆轩.
28 陈波 . 预应力方钢管混凝土柱非线性规划的最优解
32 何明胜 姚谦峰 黄炜 李斌 . 水平载荷作用下密肋复合墙体计算方法研究
37 李云鹏 艾传志 杨志法 王芝银 张路青 张世辉 . 层状岩板冲击载荷及参数反演
40 姜朋明 吕云霞 梅国雄 . 土压力问题上限有限元分析
45 傅学金 强洪夫 杨月诚 . 扰动波长对一维标准SPH稳定性的影响
53 刘丽川. 含缺陷罐壁轴压失稳临界应力计算方法
57 陈翔 王恩涌 钱勇生 钱勇生 . 采用模糊PID的液压半主动悬架的仿真研究
62 周超 . 膏体推进剂供给系统新方案探索与初步验证
65 张国栋 曲淑英 张宝峰 . K型管节点的应力集中系数研究
70 董永刚 张文志 宋剑锋 . 应用上限原理求解重轨万能轧制过程轧制力
75 边炳传 . 拓扑优化在变压器吊耳设计中的应用
79 徐广民 刘凤奎 王文君 张学东. 后压浆灌注桩单桩极限承载力的液压模型
82 陈力 李德聪 丁雁生. 室内泄漏燃气浓度分布的一个量级估算方法
86 焦燏烽 赵果 陈水福 . 低层四坡屋面建筑群风环境特性的数值模拟
90 秦植海 . 高压水流冲洗测压管的实践及颗粒受力分析
93 梅凤翔 . 关于广义动量守恒的物理意义--理论力学札记之四
94 刘延柱 . 啄木鸟玩具演示自激振动
96 何斌 刘祚秋 苏炜 富明慧 . 空间运动刚体角速度的一种形式
98 杜茂林 陈平 陈国良 . 一般运动刚体角速度向量引入的一种新方法
99 周岭. 刚体绕平行轴转动动量矩求解方法的分析
101 柴维斯 谢灵 . 高等院校材料力学实验教学新模式
103 彭献. 尝试工程力学课程设计
105 白欣 杨舰 冯立升 . 明清重心知识演进
108 周道祥 . 金属的应力腐蚀
110 胡元中 . 提琴声中的摩擦原理
112 董天立 韩增盛 . 力学中的黄金分割率
114 陈立群 . 《趣味刚体动力学》评介
115 宋小壮 . 对"为什么大汽车的后排比前排颠簸"一文的补充
116 朱照宣 . 有没有由字母 cn 开头的英文字?
(From Prof. Weiqiu Chen)
电话: 0571-87952651; 0571-88208704
联系方式: chenwq@zju.edu.cn , zlhuang@zju.edu.cn
1. 王建祥教授研究组:
拟招收博士后1 名,主要利用多尺度的计算方法、拓扑优化以及NanoCAD 设计多功能的非均质材料或纳米结构材料。要求博士期间研究背景 为力学、凝聚态物理和材料物理等相关学科。具有很强事业心、对科研有浓厚兴趣;具有娴熟的英文水平,能熟练阅读外国资料与文献。
电话:010-62757948;Email: jxwang@pku.edu.cn ;Website:http://www.coe.pku.edu.cn/subpaget.asp?id=133
2. 李法新特聘研究员实验室:
拟招收博士后1 名,主要从事铁电薄膜的制备及测试研究,要求博士期间研究背景为材料学,物理学,实验力学,化学等相关学科,具有独立进行科研的能力。
电话:010-62757454; Email: lifaxin@pku.edu.cn ;Website:http://www.coe.pku.edu.cn/subpaget.asp?id=51
3. 段慧玲特聘研究员研究组:
拟招收博士后1-2 名,主要从事如下两个方面的研究工作:
电话:010-62753228; Email: hlduan@pku.edu.cn ;Website:http://www.coe.pku.edu.cn/subpaget.asp?id=76
3、最近的进站时间为08 年10 月。有关博士后信息请登陆http://www.postdoctor.org.cn
Postdoc position on fluid driven fracture at CSIRO Petroleum, Australia
CSIRO Petroleum works closely with the resources and energy sectors to provide research and technology based industrial solutions to address the rapidly evolving needs of these sectors. Activities include projects in geoscience, geomechanics, gas to liquids, and offshore facilities.
CSIRO Petroleum welcomes applications to a Postdoctoral Fellowship in hydraulic fracture stimulation mechanics. The successful candidate will have a background in applied mechanics and numerical methods with an interest in verifying numerical calculations by experiment. The research results will be applied to stimulation of hot fractured rock geothermal reservoirs.
You will be part of an effort to develop a better understanding of hydraulic
fracture growth in naturally fractured rock. Fracture growth under opening and
shearing modes will be studied by application of commercial and in-house
advanced numerical models, with lab verification where possible and practical.
Key project components will include:
• Apply an existing 2D fully coupled hydraulic fracture model to study fracture
growth in naturally fractured rock to develop predictive models for extent of
opening and shearing mode fracture growth.
• Carry out scaled laboratory experiments to characterise fracture growth
through naturally fractured rock.
To find out the selection criteria, please look at the webpage https://recruitment.csiro.au/asp/Job_Details.asp?RefNo=2008%2F1211 .
You must apply online and follow the online instructions to complete the application process. For more information about the Hydraulic Fracturing Group in CSIRO Petroleum, please contact Dr. Rob Jeffrey (rob.jeffrey@csiro.au ) or phone: +61-3-95458353.
Postdoctoral fellowships for Energy Environment and Water Resources at MIT
The Cyprus Institute (CyI) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Energy Initiative (MITEI) invite applications for postdoctoral fellowships in the Cyprus Program for Energy Environment and Water Resources (CEEW).
The Cyprus Institute is a novel non-profit research and educational institution in Cyprus that strives to achieve the highest standards of excellence with emphasis on international partnerships with leading universities and research organizations. The CEEW program at MITEI is a new research and education program in energy, environment, and water resources established at MIT through its partnership with the Cyprus Institute.
To strengthen its human resources in research and education the CEEW program at MITEI offers a number of Post-doctoral Cyprus Institute Fellowships for outstanding young researchers with interests in the fields of energy science and technology, water resources and environmental/climate research. The fellowship program is administered by the MITEI-CEEW program and encompasses both technical and policy research, concentrating on issues of relevance to Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean region. Cyprus Institute Fellows will be expected to spend the first 18 to 24 months of the Fellowship Period at MIT and the following two years, with the schedule depending on the nature of the Fellow’s research, at the CyI’s Energy, Environment, and Water Research Center (EEWRC) in Cyprus or in collaboration with the EEWRC elsewhere in the region.
Eligibility: The Fellowship is intended for researchers from various disciplines, such as physical sciences, engineering, economics, social sciences and policy, who want to conduct research in the areas of energy, environment, or water resources, and who have an interest in careers in Cyprus.
Interested applicants should apply to CEEW by submitting:
• a CV including a list of publications,
• a statement of interest describing possible research to be carried out,
related to the focus areas of energy, environment and water
• details of three professional referees who can provide letters of
If approved, the initial fellowship award will be for a duration of three to four years, and may be renewed based upon progress. The salary will be commensurate with the experience of the successful candidates. At this stage, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until the positions are filled.
For more information please contact:
Nick Polydorides
nickpld@mit.edu , 617-324-8498
D32-784, 77 Massachusetts Avenue
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
or visit: www.mit.edu/mitei ,
Research Positions in Reservoir Geomechanics at Texas A & M University
Several Ph.D. level Research Assistant and Post-Doctoral positions are available
in the following areas:
-Numerical modeling of 3D fracture propagation in rock using FEM/BEM
-Finite element modeling of coupled fluid flow, heat transport, and geomechanics
-Geomechanics-based stochastic analysis of induced seismicity
-Experimental study of rocks and hydrate-bearing sediments
Interested candidates can contact:
Ahmad Ghassemi
Associate Professor
George & Joan Voneiff Endowed Professor
Harold Vance Department of Petroleum Engineering
Texas A&M University
3116 TAMU - 401E Richardson Building
College Station, TX 77843-3116
(979) 845-2206
(979) 845-1307 (FAX)
e-mail: ahmad.ghassemi@pe.tamu.edu
PostDoc position on Advanced geotechnical modeling at UPC in Barcelona
Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education (Ministerio de Educación) a PostDoctoral position is available within the geotechnical group of the Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences at UPC, in Barcelona.
The contract spans 24 months starting in January 2009 or shortly thereafter. The salary allocated for this position is of about 30.000€ per year. Social security and health benefits are also and separately funded.
The researcher will work on a project aiming to develop numerical techniques for the simulation of jet-grout treatments of soil. Both continuum and discrete element-based coupled thermo-hydro mechanical approaches are envisaged for a challenging modelling problem of widespread practical application.
The candidate should hold a doctoral degree in geotechnical engineering or a closely related field, or be in a position to obtain that degree shortly after starting the contract.
Experience in numerical modelling of geomaterials is desirable, particularly in the areas of continuum constitutive modelling, thermo-hydro-mechanical couplings and/or discrete element methods applied to geotechnical problems. Candidates whose area of expertise lies outside geotechnical engineering but with experience on relevant techniques (fluid coupled discrete elements, C++, parallel processing) are also encouraged to apply.
Candidates interested in the position should send a CV, with two references, to Professor Antonio Gens, antonio.gens@upc.edu or Dr. Marcos Arroyo, marcos.arroyo@upc.edu , preferably before the 10th December 2008.
The Fluid Dynamics Research Center (FDRC) is a division of the Mechanical, Materials and Aerospace Engineering Department (MMAE) of the Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT). The FDRC was established in 1985 to continue the tradition of research in fluid dynamics begun by the pioneering work of Dr. Mark Morkovin and Dr. Andrew Fejer carried out at Illinois Institute of Technology in the 1960s. Faculty and researchers have established a tradition of excellence in research, particularly through the use of advanced experimental and computational techniques, in areas such as unsteady aerodynamics, fluid - structure interaction, turbulence, hydrodynamic stability, and aeroacoustics.
In 1986 under the guidance of Dr. Hassan Nagib, the Fluid Dynamics Research Center was chosen as one of three National Centers of Excellence by the US Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The FDRC maintains several wind tunnels and water channels including the National Diagnostic Facility, which is a large wind tunnel with very high quality flow. In recent years, the FDRC has established expertise in computational fluid dynamics to complement its strengths in experimental research, and it has partnered increasingly with industry to augment its traditional base of funding through US Department of Defense agencies.
Mission of the Fluid Dynamics Research Center:
1. Develop New Technology based on creative application of fluid dynamics
Aerospace applications
Biomedical applications
Homeland security
2. Advance and Disseminate Fundamental Knowledge in fluid dynamics with
experimental, computational, and analytical approaches to problem solving
3. Educate Students in state-of-the-art numerical and experimental techniques
Impact graduate education
Impact undergraduate education
Areas of Activities:
1. Fundamentals
Dr. Nagib - high Reynolds number turbulence; three-dimensional and separated
flows; modeling of complex turbulent and separated flows
Dr. Rempfer & Dr. Wark - developing new theories and experiments to improve
prediction capabilities related to contaminant dispersion
2. Aerospace Applications
Dr. Cassel - conducting fundamental studies of vortex surface interactions and
shock induced separations
Dr. Nagib - enhancing forces on aerodynamic surfaces, with application to
high-lift and reduced drag, for tilt-rotor aircraft, advanced concept STOL
vehicles, and bluff bodies
Dr. Raman - powered-resonance tubes for aircraft cavity flow control, jet
screech control
Dr. Williams - using pneumatics and fluidic oscillators to increase efficiency
in engine compressors; using active flow control to modify leading edge vortex
development on three-dimensional airfoils
3. Biomedical Applications
Dr. Cassel - computational modeling of cephalic arch hemodynamics in dialysis
patients with arteriovenous fistulas
Dr. Raman - non-intrusive sampling of blood glucose levels
Dr. Rempfer - fluid dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles in blood flow
Dr. Williams - using fluidic oscillators to design more accurate / less
expensive equipment for the detection of chronic pulmonary disease
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK
European Community and Universities
IIT Pritzker Institute of Biomedical Science and Engineering
NASA Space Grant
National Science Foundation
The Boeing Company
US Air Force Office of Scientific Research
US Department of Energy
US Office of Naval Research
(摘自科学网 http://www.sciencenet.cn )
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