◆ 焦点新闻
ASCE-EMI Call for Mindlin Medal Nominations
首位固体力学“Rodney Hill”奖得主(2008年):Prof. Michael Ortiz (加州理工学院)
Call for Symposia - 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on mechanics and
2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in
Engineering (July 2009, Weihai)
International Workshop on Mechanics and Biomimetics of Biomaterials & Animal
Locomotion (Dec. 2008, Beijing)
8th Int. Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business,
Engineering and Sciences (Oct. 2009, Guilin)
Lecture-Notes on “Nanomechanics”
² Faculty Positions,
Mechanical Science & Engineering, UIUC
² Assistant
Professor (tenure track) in Structural Engineering, EPFL
² PostDoc Position
in Real-Time State Estimation in Urban Water Networks
² PostDoc Positions,
Quantitative Systems Biology, U. of California, Irvine
² 加州理工学院土木工程与应用力学系(CE&AM,
² 郝柏林院士:我国自然科学基础研究的管理和资助体制必须彻底改变
² 饶毅:中国需要更多有独立判断能力的科学家
结构力学系列课程教学团队 袁 驷 清华大学
基础力学教学团队 李俊峰 清华大学
基础力学课程教学团队 王 琪 北京航空航天大学
基础力学理论和实验教学团队 隋允康 北京工业大学
力学教学团队 亢一澜 天津大学
力学教学团队 潘一山 辽宁工程技术大学
力学课程教学团队 张少实、王焕定 哈尔滨工业大学
工程力学教学团队 陈传尧 华中科技大学
力学教学基地教学团队 龚 晖 西南交通大学
理论与应用力学创新性人才培养教学团队 周又和 兰州大学
材料力学性能 西南交通大学 戴光泽
弹性力学及有限单元法 河海大学 邵国建
材料力学(含工程力学)华南理工大学 黄小清
理论力学 西南交通大学 杨翊仁
工程流体力学 东北电力大学 周云龙
力学 北京大学 舒幼生
2008年全国优秀博士学位论文评选结果近日揭晓,本次评选结果共100篇,从来源看 ,清华大学(含协和医学院)共9篇,北京大学6篇,中国科大5篇,浙江大学和东北师大均为4篇,上海交通大学、中国农业大学、国防科技大学和中国科学院上海生命科学研究院均为3篇,其他0-2篇不等。
1. 王立峰,碳纳米管及相关纳米结构的力学性质研究 指导:郑泉水 清华大学
2.郑新前,轴流压气机非定常旋涡流场流态转化条件研究 指导:周 盛 北京航空航天大学
3. 梁正召,三维条件下的岩石破裂过程分析及其数值试验方法研究 指导:唐春安 东北大学
4. 梁卫国,盐类矿床水压致裂水溶开采的多场耦合理论及应用研究 指导:赵阳升 太原理工大学
5. 雷 震, 粘弹性流体力学方程组的整体经典解和不可压缩极限 指导:周 忆 复旦大学
6.曹茂森,基于动力指纹小波分析的结构损伤特征提取与辨识基本问题研究 指导:任青文 河海大学
7.黄志龙,几类非线性随机振动系统动力学与控制研究 指导:朱位秋 浙江大学
8. 徐 岩, 非线性波动方程的间断有限元方法 指导:舒其望 中国科学技术大学
9.罗旗帜,基于能量原理的薄壁箱梁剪力滞理论与试验研究 指导:刘光栋 湖南大学
朱瑞 010-66097847
陆 敏 010-66096528
唐继卫 010-66097896
详请见教育部网站(http://www.moe.edu.cn )
Raymond D. Mindlin Medal
This medal is named for Raymond D. Mindlin, Ph.D., M.ASCE who was a Professor at
Columbia University, and who is best known for pioneering contributions to
applied mechanics. The medal was established by action of the Society in
February 4, 2008.
I. The medal may be awarded annually to an individual in recognition of
outstanding research contributions to applied solid mechanics.
II. Membership in the Society is not a consideration for this medal.
III. The Awards Committee of the Engineering Mechanics Institute shall recommend
for EMI Board approval the name of the recommended winner. With EMI Board
approval, the recommendation is presented to the Executive Committee for final
IV. The medal will be presented in the Engineering Mechanics Institute Annual
Conference, the Society's Annual Conference, or a mechanics conference
co-sponsored by ASCE.
VI. No one shall receive the medal more than once.
VII. The award consists of a certificate and medal.
VIII. The year of first award of the medal shall be 2009.
To nominate for achievement, submit the following:
• A cover letter, signed by the nominator
• An Official Award Nomination form
• The nominee's Curriculum Vitae or biographical information
• Two or three letters of recommendation
Electronic submissions are encouraged to awards@asce.org by November 14. Paper submissions are also accepted, in which case one copy of the complete nomination package should be received by the Honors and Awards Program at the ASCE headquarters: 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Reston, VA 20191-4400.
首位固体力学“Rodney Hill”奖得主(2008年):Prof. Michael Ortiz (加州理工学院)
(from Elsevier )
Elsevier is delighted to announce that the first winner of the Rodney Hill Prize in Solid Mechanics is Professor Michael Ortiz, Dotty and Dick Hayman Professor of Aeronautics and Mechanical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.
The prize is awarded in recognition of outstanding research in the field of solid mechanics and consists of a plaque and a check for $25,000.
Michael Ortiz was selected by the panel for a remarkable stream of achievements during the period 1998—2007, encompassing physical modelling, mathematical analysis and computational techniques and including, in particular
Development of the quasi-continuum method for multiscale modelling;
Formulation of new incremental variational methodology for plastic deformation, with non-convex dissipation functions leading naturally to the formation of dislocation sub-structures;
Development of a three-dimensional, finite deformation cohesive element model for simulation of fracture and fragmentation, and associated development of symplectic integrators;
Novel exploitation of tools from algebraic topology in the study of crystal lattices with defects.
Professor Ortiz will deliver a Prize Lecture at the International Congress of
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ( ICTAM) (August 2008, Adelaide). The award
will be presented prior to the lecture.
About the Rodney Hill Prize in Solid Mechanics:
The Rodney Hill Prize In Solid Mechanics founded and sponsored by Elsevier Limited (awarded under the auspices of IUTAM)
Elsevier Limited has established the Rodney Hill Prize in Solid Mechanics. This prize is to be awarded in recognition of outstanding research in the field of solid mechanics. The prize is to consist of a plaque and a check for $25,000 (twenty-five thousand US Dollars). The prize is to be awarded every 4 years, to coincide with the quadrennial International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM). The first prize is to be awarded at the ICTAM in Adelaide 2008, and a subsequent prize to be awarded at the following ICTAM.
This proposal has been welcomed both by the Editors of the Elsevier journals in solid mechanics and by the Bureau and the Executive Committee of the Congress Committee (XCCC) of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM).
The further conditions for awarding of the prize are as follows:
The prize is to be awarded on each occasion to a single individual (and not shared between two or more). No individual should win the prize more than once.
The research recognized by the award shall normally have been published in one or more papers (possibly, but by no means necessarily, in the EJSM) during the ten-year period prior to the date of the award (e.g. during the period 1998-2007 inclusive for the prize to be awarded in 2008). The intention is that younger researchers should be as eligible for consideration as those who are more established, and that the work recognized by awarding of the prize should be of great current interest (representing, for example, an emerging field of application of solid mechanics, or a significant breakthrough in an established branch of the subject). Attention may also be paid to the researcher's effectiveness at communicating ideas.
The recipient of the prize shall deliver a Prize Lecture at the ICTAM as scheduled in the program for that purpose; the award will be presented prior to the lecture.
The lecture shall be published in the Elsevier journal of the awardee's choosing (as well as in the Congress Proceedings at the awardee's discretion), and shall be made freely available on the journal website.
The Prize shall be awarded by a Committee drawn from the research community in solid mechanics. The Selection Committee should consist of 4 members appointed by the IUTAM Bureau and constituted as follows: two chosen by Elsevier Limited; one chosen by the Bureau of IUTAM; and one chosen by the XCCC of IUTAM. One of the members will be asked by the Bureau to serve as chair of the Selection Committee.
Procedure for the Prize to be awarded in 2008:
The procedures adopted for selection of the awardee are:
A Committee, constituted as above, shall be appointed by 30th August 2007, to select the winner of the prize to be awarded at ICTAM 22, Adelaide, August 2008.This Committee shall agree on the form of the Announcement of the Prize, and invite nominations (self-nominations not being permitted) from the Editors and Editorial Advisory Boards of the Elsevier Journal in Solid Mechanics, from the Congress Committee of IUTAM, and from the community at large.
A nomination should include a brief curriculum vitae (either narrative or outline in form, but no more than one page in length) of the candidate being nominated, a list of his/her publications during the period 1998-2007 with up to 10 of particular distinction being marked by an asterisk, and a brief (no more than one page) statement of the case for making the award to the particular nominee.
Nominations should be submitted via email to Professor Dick van Campen, IUTAM Secretary General, at d.h.v.campen@tue.nl no later than 20th October 2007.
The Committee should draw up a short list by correspondence, and elect the prize-winner at a meeting scheduled for this purpose before 30th November 2007, in order to allow time to ensure his/her participation at ICTAM 22 in Adelaide in August 2008. The decision of the Committee will be final.
Elsevier Limited, the Bureau of IUTAM and the Congress Committee should be immediately informed of the result, and the result should be publicly announced when the Program for the Congress is made available on the Congress web-site.
The Selection Committee should be dissolved upon announcement of the Prize.
These procedures should be reviewed, in the light of experience, prior to the appointment of a new Committee to select the subsequent prizewinner.
Call for Symposia -
2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on mechanics and materials
We invite you to submit symposium and organized session proposals for the 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials. The deadline has now been extended to Friday, November 14, 2008.
For more information, visit the following website: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/mech09/
2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in
8-11 July
2009, Weihai, P. R. China
2nd International Conference on Smart Materials
and Nanotechnology in Engineering (SMN2009) will be held in Weihai, China.
Abstract submission system on-line is openned. Welcome you to submit you papers
and attend the conference.
Important Dates:
Deadline of abstract submission: 15th January, 2009
Date of abstract acceptance: 18th March, 2009
Deadline of pre-registration: 1st June, 2009
Deadline of final paper: 8th July, 2009
Plenary Speakers:
Fu-Kuo Chang Stanford University USA
Ken P. Chong National Science Foundation (NSF) USA
Yoseph Bar-Cohen Jet Propulsion Lab.(JPL) NASA USA
Ephrahim Garcia Cornell University USA
Donald J. Leo Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University USA
Zhigang Suo Harvard University USA
Holger Speckmann AIRBUS Deutschland Gmbh Germany
The conference proceedings will be published by SPIE, and published digitally in
SPIE's digital library, which widely indexed by INSPEC, Compendex (EI), Physics
Abstracts, Chemical Abstracts, SPIN, International Aerospace Abstracts, ISI
Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings, and the Smithsonian/NASA
Astrophysics Data System Abstract Service (ADS). After normal peer-review
process, selected full-length papers will be published in the special issues of
SCI cited journals.
Deadline of abstract submission : 15th January, 2009
All abstracts must be submitted on-line via http://smart-nano.org/smn2009.
All manuscripts must be submitted on-line via MySPIE (http://myspie.org/submission/index.cfm?fuseaction=act_AbstractInit&EventId=871601).
The following is expected: name of authors, title of proposed paper, about five
keywords, abstracts (200-300 words). In case of several authors, the name for
contact should be indicated.
Registration :
Before 1st May, 2009
US $500 per person for author delegate and US $150 for spouse
US $300 per person for student delegate
After 1st May, 2009
US $550 per person for author delegate and US $200 for spouse
US $350 per person for student delegate
The registration fee covers:
Proceeding, reception, banquet, coffee breaks, lunches, dinners.
Organized by:
Harbin Institute of Technology, China
Cooperating Organization:
National Science Foundation (NSF), USA
Asia Pacific Committee of Smart and Nano Materials ( APCSNM)
Advanced Materials Research Centre, College of Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Singapore
The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
Chinese Society of Composite Materials
Chinese Society of Mechanics
Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Chinese Materials Research Society (C-MRS)
American Society of Civil Engineers
International Scientific Committee:
Honorary Chair:
Ken P. Chong,National Science Foundation (NSF) USA
Shanyi Du, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering(CAE),Harbin Institute of
Technology China
Jinsong Leng,Harbin Institute of Technology China
Anand K. Asundi,Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Wolfgang Ecke,IPHT Jena Germany
Hiroshi Asanuma,Chiba University Japan
Xiaoyi Bao,University of Ottawa Canada
International Workshop
on Mechanics and Biomimetics of Biomaterials & Animal Locomotion
December 9–12, 2008, Beijing, China
(from Prof. Xi-qiao FENG, Tsinghua Univ.)
Scientists have increasingly turning their attentions to searching for inspirations from the splendid living world in order to solve various challenging problems of technologically importance. Rapid advances in observation techniques and computational ability will make it a reality to understand, at different time and space scales, the structures and properties of natural materials as well as the complicated behaviors of swimming, flying and running of animals. The aim of this workshop is to join internationally famous experts to exchange and explore the recent developments in the study of mechanics and biomimetics of natural biomaterials and animal locomotions, a subject of great scientific interest.
The scope of this workshop will be focused on:
1. Structures and properties of natural biomaterials;
2. Multiscale modeling of natural biomaterials;
3. Biomimetic design and fabrications of novel materials;
4. Biomechanics of animal flying and swimming;
5. Biomechanics of animal terrestrial locomotion;
6. Biomimetics of micro-sized air vehicles.
The official language of the conference will be English.
Abstracts should be no longer than 500 words and include the following
• Paper title
• List of authors and affiliations
• Abstract text
• References
Professor Mao Sun
Institute of Fluid Mechanics
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Fax: +86-10-82317506
Email: m.sun@263.net
Professor Xi-Qiao Feng
Institute of Biomechanics and Medical Engineering
Department of Engineering Mechanics
Tsinghua University
Beijing 100084, P. R. China
Fax: +86-10-62781824
Email: fengxq@tsinghua.edu.cn
8th Int. Conference on
Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Sciences
16th - 19th October 2009, Guilin, China,
(from Prof. Choi-Hong LAI, Univ. of Greenwich - Maritime Greenwich Campus )
The Eighth International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Sciences (DCABES2009)will be held during 16th - 19th October 2009 in Guilin, China.
As in previous conferences, DCABES intends to bring together researchers and developers in the academic field and industry from around the world to share their research experience and to explore research collaboration in the areas of distributed parallel processing and applications.
Proceedings of the DCABES have been indexed by the ISTP of ISI since 2001. Selected papers have been published in special issues of international journals, including International Journal of Computer Mathematics and the Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology.
This series of meetings has achieved a very good reputation in distributed computing and its applications, for its comprehensive dissemination of the state-of-the-art of research results.
You are invited to submit an extended abstract/full paper of 4 or 5 pages, and/or a proposal to organize a technical session. All accepted abstracts should be extended by the authors to a full paper (5 pages or less), which will be published as a book of proceedings (with ISBN) to be distributed at the conference. Please visit the DCABES 2009 website to find out more details.
We welcome submissions in all areas of distributed parallel processing and
applications. Topics include, but not limited to the following:
Distributed/Parallel applications - computational methods in science and
engineering; computational finance; E-engineering and e-science applications;
E-commerce applications; E-education applications;
Distributed/Parallel algorithms - numerical parallel algorithms; non-numeric
parallel algorithms; algorithms exploiting distributed computing environment;
performance analysis; compression and decompression for multimedia applications;
Grid Computing - grid computing platforms and tools; grid computing
applications; new technologies and developments in computer networking;
System Architectures - real-time embedded systems for business, engineering, and
sciences; distributed information systems for business, engineering, and
sciences; web resources management and system design for e-science and
e-engineering; web performance analysis for business, engineering and sciences.
Software tools and environments for distributed or parallel platform -use of MPI,
PVM, Java Platforms for web-based simulation and computing; mobile agents and
Intelligent transportation - vehicle Controls; traffic surveillance and control;
tourism information management
Important Dates:
Submission due - 8th May 2009
Notification of Acceptance - 30th May 2009
Camera-Ready due - 30th June 2009
Early registration - Before 15th June 2009
Lastest Registration - Before 30th June 2009
Non-author registration: Any Time Before 16th October 2009
Contact Information:
Prof Guo Qingping
Dept of Computer Science
School of Computer Science & Technology
Wuhan University of Technology,Yu Jia Tou Campus
Wuhan 430063, China
Email : qpguo@mail.whut.edu.cn
Email(2): ycheng.g@gmail.com
Mobile: +86-13871517571
Tel: +86-(0)27-86554639
Fax: +86-(0)27-86554639
为了培养人才、服务教学、促进高等学校力学基础课程的改革与建设,增进青年学生学习力学的兴趣,培养分析、解决实际问题的能力,发现和选拔后继的力学创新人才,为青年学子提供一个展示基础知识和思维能力的舞台,受教育部高等教育司委托,教育部高等学校力学教学指导委员会力学基础课程教学指导分委员会、中国力学学会和周培源基金会将于2009年5月24 日共同主办第七届全国“周培源大学生力学竞赛”。本次竞赛由《力学与实践》编委会承办,中国力学学会教育、科普工作委员会、西北工业大学协办。
副组长:刘人怀 朱克勤
成员:洪嘉振 王润孝 周如苹 姜弘道 张若京
组织委员会负责人:万小朋 蒋持平 高行山
成员:卫丰 梅凤翔 朱西平 高云峰 王 琪 黄克服 朱本华 吴文龙
(1) 参赛对象: 年龄在30周岁以下(1979年6月1日以后出生)的在校大学本科、专科、及研究生.
(2) 竞赛科目和方式:
(3) 报名办法:2009年3月1日前通过所在学校(研究所)或个人直接向所在省、直辖市、自治区力学学会报名.各地力学学会联系人名单见附件1。
报名者需填写报名表(表格见www.cstam.org.cn/zpy/index.asp的下载中心)。报名费80元/人, 报名后未参加竞赛者恕不退还报名费.
(4) 竞赛时间和地点:
参赛者可就近参加,所需费用由所在单位或个人自行解决. 竞赛具体事项另行通知。
(8)以往各届竞赛试题及答案, 已在中国力学学会网站上公布, 敬请关注。
Lecture-Notes on “Nanomechanics”
(from Dr. CQ Ru, Univ. of Alberta)
I just circulating my lecture-notes of "nanomechanics"
among friends, see the course-website:
This course is developed for graduate
students from my dept. and other engineering depts. who even did not take a
course in strength of materials, and also for senior undergraduate students from
my dept. who do not know elasticity. So, it is largely limited to 1D cases, easy
to understand. In my current class, some students do come from materials or
electrical engineering -usually it is very dangerous to take courses from other
dept. because of possible "bad marks" which may kill all of your potential for
any fellowships.
(From Prof. Xi-qiao FENG, Tsinghua Univ.)
清华大学生物力学与医学工程研究所的前身是成立于 1979
年的清华大学工程力学系生物力学实验室,2006 年 1 月正式扩建为生物力学与医学工程研究所(Institute of Biomechanics and
Medical Engineering, 简称 IBME
(1) 细胞力学;
(2) 生物材料力学与仿生学;
(3) 微纳米力学;
(4) 植物力学;
(5) 分子动力学模拟或多尺度数值模拟,等。
清华大学工程力学系 邮编100084
电话:010-62772934 (办)
Email: zhaohc@tsinghua.edu.cn
电话:0717-6436506 传真:0717-6436888
邮箱: 710rczp@gmail.com 网址:http://www.csic710.com.cn
Faculty Positions, Mechanical Science & Engineering, UIUC
(from http://imechanica.org/ )
The Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is actively seeking candidates for faculty positions in all areas of mechanical science and engineering. This includes candidates whose research interests are in mechanical science and engineering but whose backgrounds are in another area of engineering, or in biology, chemistry, physics, or applied mathematics. Information about the department, and the relevant research areas, can be found at http://mechse.illinois.edu/.
Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Structural Engineering, EPFL
EPFL is committed to enhance the excellence of its School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering (ENAC). We are currently recruiting an assistant professor (tenure track) in structural engineering with emphasis on mechanics of structures. Topics of interest are, but not necessarily limited to, dynamic behaviour of structures (vibrations, aeroelasticity, impact, earthquake science and engineering). The successful candidate will have a strong interest in teaching and the potential to develop an outstanding record of scientific accomplishments in experimental, numerical and/or theoretical fields. The Assistant Professor is expected to develop a vigorous and independent research program and be committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching, and supervise doctoral students in civil engineering.
Significant start-up resources and state-of-the-art testing infrastructure will be available (http://is.epfl.ch/page36428-en.html). We offer internationally competitive salaries and benefits.
To apply, please follow the application procedure at http://enac.epfl.ch/facultypositions
The following documents are requested in PDF format: cover letter including a statement of motivation, curriculum vitae, publications list, statement of research and teaching interests as well as the names and addresses (including email addresses) of at least three references.
Screening will start on February 15, 2009 and the search will continue until the
position is filled. Further enquiries should be made to the Chair of the Search
Eugen Brühwiler, Professor
School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering, EPFL
Station 18
CH-1015 Laûsanne
e-mail : eugen.bruehwiler@epfl.ch
For additional information on EPFL, please consult:
http://www.epfl.ch or
EPFL aims to increase the presence of women amongst its faculty, and qualified
female candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.
PostDoc Position in Real-Time State Estimation in Urban Water Networks
University of Cincinnati, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Center for Sustainable Urban Engineering
Contact: Prof. Jim Uber; jim.uber@uc.edu
Application information: Send resume and statement of interest, along with names and contact information for three references Start Date: Immediate/negotiable Salary: $46,000/year + Benefits
Duration: 1-2 years Required Experience and Characteristics: PhD in Engineering, Mathematics, or Physics; Skilled at development and testing of complex software systems using C/C++ and/or Java; Excellent understanding of numerical analysis algorithms, especially those related to statistical estimation, real-time state estimation, and signal processing; Interest in field-scale state estimation applications as well as theoretical development. A background in urban water distribution networks is an advantage, but is not required.
Project Responsibilities and Goals:
We are looking for an exceptional individual to take a lead role in the real-time estimation of spatially and temporally variable water usage in metropolitan-scale urban water distribution networks. The statistical characteristics of water usage rates at the individual customer level vary with demographic and land use characteristics, at hourly, weekly, and seasonal time scales. These water usage variations are a principle source of uncertainty in the numerical prediction of network hydraulic and water quality dynamics, and thus limit the application of network models to support real-time operations. You would be a key member of a development team seeking to apply algorithms and software for real-time state estimation, fusing field measurements of hydraulic pressures and flow rates with numerical network models to estimate the statistical patterns of water usage. Significant foundational work has been accomplished by other members of the project team, and the goal for the next project period is to further develop and apply state estimation algorithms and software to a real water distribution network at a participating water utility, and evaluate and improve performance.
Postdoc Positions, Quantitative Systems Biology, U. of California, Irvine
The Center for Mathematical and Computational Biology (CMCB) at University of
California, Irvine, is looking for two to three postdoctoral fellows. The
successful candidates are expected to work in an inter-disciplinary research
environment on projects in systems biology funded by NIH. Appointments will be
effective on July 1, 2009. Please refer to UCI- MATH/QSB #4241 on MathJobs.org:
https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/165/1433 for instructions on the electronic
application process. For further inquiry on the positions, please contact Qing
Nie (qnie@math.uci.edu ).
加州理工学院土木工程与应用力学系(CE&AM, Caltech)
The Civil Engineering program at Caltech has been an active one since the founding of the Institute. Currently, the department is concentrated primarily on earthquake engineering, a field in which Caltech researchers have been important contributors since the 1920's. Research is currently being conducted in areas such as seismic early warning, characterization of near-source motion in earthquakes, soil-structure interaction, nonlinear finite element analysis of civil structures, structural health monitoring and earthquake loss-estimation.
The Applied Mechanics department was founded nearly five decades ago to focus on research and education in the areas of solid mechanics and dynamics. Current research is mainly in the area of dynamics, dealing with topics such as vibrations of structures and machinery, structural response to earthquakes, including system identification and control of structural response, and fundamental studies of the behavior of nonlinear dynamical systems.
1. James L. Beck, Professor of Engineering and
Applied Science; Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics
interest: earthquake
engineering;structural dynamics; system identification; structural
control;probabilistic methods
2. Jean-Lou Chameau , Professor of Civil Engineering, Environmental Science, and Engineering Mechanical Engineering; Caltech President
interest: sustainable technology; environmental geotechnology; earthquake ground motion; soil dynamics; earthquake engineering; liquefaction of soils
3. John F. Hall, Professor of Civil Engineering; Dean of Students; Acting Vice President of Student Affairs
interest: nonlinear finite element analysis; system identification; structural engineering; earthquake behavior of structures; fluid-structure interaction; dynamic testing
4.Thomas H. Heaton, Professor of of Geophysics; Professor of Civil Engineering; Department of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechancis; Earthquake Engineering Research Laboratory, Director
interest: strong ground motion; earthquake rupture physics and crustal stress; earthquake warning systems; studies of building vibrations
5.Wilfred D. Iwan, Professor of Applied Mechanics, Emeritus
interest: Seismic Safety; structural dynamics; Earthquake Ground Motion; Dynamics and Vibration
6. Paul C. Jennings, Professor of Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Emeritus; Previous Caltech Provost
interest: earthquake engineering, characteristics of strong ground shaking, structural dyanmics
7. Swaminathan Krishnan, Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering and Geophysics
interest: earthquake engineering ; structural engineering; nonlinear finite element analysis
http://www.ce.Caltech.edu )
(摘自科学网郝柏林院士博客, 本文引用地址:http://www.sciencetimes.com.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=2916
仅仅在去年8月《科学时报》记者采访宫颈癌疫苗发明人之一Ian Frazer教授时,还很难搜索到楚尔·豪森教授的中文介绍,而他正是因发现HPV和宫颈癌之间的关系获得了今年的诺贝尔生理学或医学奖。
,原载《科学时报》 2008-10-23 作者 陈欢欢)
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