

本期编辑:陈文  黄丹 





编者按:《力学动态 》文摘于每月10日和25日发送 ,免费订阅、自由退订。欢迎发布信息、交流体会、共享经验



    ² 中国力学学会:2009年两院院士候选人、创新研究群体推荐
    ² 国务院学位委员会第六届力学学科评议组成员名单公布
    ² 教育部公示系列项目、计划结果
    ² 2008年度“中国高等学校十大科技进展”评选揭晓
    ² 力学专家王乘教授就任河海大学校长

     ◆ 学术会议
    ² Joint ASCE- ASME- SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials(Jun. 2009, Virginia)
    ² Symposium on Vibration and  Structural Acoustics Analysis & IRF2009 (Jul. 2009, Portugal)
    ² 2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM) & EPMESC XII (Nov. 2009, Hongkong-Macau)
    ² Symposium of Stability of Solids and Structures at 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference(Jun. 2009, Virginia)
    ² 第一届结构及多学科优化工程应用与理论研讨会(CSMO-2009, Sep. 2009, Dalian)
    ² 2009年度全国复合材料力学研讨会(2009.7, 长沙)

    ² 中科院力学所系列岗位招聘(新)
    ² 南昌航空大学2009年诚聘英才
    ² Two postdoctoral positions in modeling fluid flow in multimedia
    ² Postdoctoral position in numerical simulation of flow and transport in porous media

    ² 新期刊——Advances in Applied Mathmatics and Mechanics (AAMM),第1期
    ² 系列专辑——Advances in Engineering Mechanics (AEM)
    ² 新期刊——Journal of Mechanics and MEMS (JMM)
    ² Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2009年第1期
    ² 《力学学报》,2009年第1期

Professor Yonggang,  Huang's Mechanics of Materials Research Group at Northwestern University

    ² Top Ten cited papers in Journal of Computational Physics
    ² Website linked to 281 journals of Mechanical Engineering
    ² 华尔街杂志发文称“数学家在美国是最好的职业”







(from 中国力学学会网站 http://www.cstam.org.cn







1.2008年 育部科学技术研究重点项目2009年度项目评审工作现已结束。申报项目经资格审查、申报人基本信息公示、网络评审等多轮评选程序,现已确定教育部科学技术研究重点项目2009年度拟资助项目名单。








1 线粒体超氧炫现象及其产生机制,程和平, 北京大学
2 航天器姿态控制新型惯性执行机构技术, 房建成 ,北京航空航天大学
3 小型高精度CMOS天体敏感器技术 ,张广军, 北京航空航天大学
4 硬脆材料复杂曲面零件精密制造技术与装备, 郭东明,大连理工大学
5 下一代互联网核心技术国际标准RFC5210(IPv6真实源地址体系结构及测试床),吴建平,清华大学
6 晚更新世亚洲季风旋回驱动机制和突变事件韵律的研究,汪永进,南京师范大学
7 白血病、红细胞和血小板等血液系统相关疾病研究获整体突破,陈赛娟,上海交通大学
8 光子晶体光纤飞秒激光技术,王清月,天津大学
9 新型铁基高温超导材料的发现及相图研究,陈仙辉,中国科学技术大学
10 MicroRNA 对成瘤性乳腺癌干细胞“干性”的调控作用研究,宋尔卫,中山大学


2月15日,中共教育部党组成员、副部长李卫红在河海大学教师干部大会上宣布了中共教育部党组和教育部关于河海大学党委书记和校长的任免决定并作重要讲话。教育部党组和教育部决定王乘任河海大学校长 。


1988年回国后,在华中理工大学任教并先后担任研究生院副院长、校长助理、水利水电及自动化工程系常务副主任、工程计算与仿真研究所所长等职务。1998年任华中理工大学副校长;2000年5月 任华中科技大学副校长;2005年4月任华中科技大学常务副校长(正厅级)。



Joint ASCE- ASME- SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials

(From the Engineering Mechanics Institute (EMI)of ASCE)

 ASCE, ASME and SES will hold their Joint Conference on Mechanics and Materials on June 24-27, 2009 in Blacksburg, VA. The conference will be chaired by Dr. Ishwar K. Puri, Department Head, Engineering Science and Mechanics, Virginia Tech. The conference web site provides details, including an invitation to submit symposium and organized session proposals, key dates and instructions for the submission of abstracts and registration information.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is March 15, 2009.

Conference Website: http://www.cpe.vt.edu/mech09/index.html

Symposium on Vibration and Structural Acoustics Analysis & IRF2009

(From J. Dias Rodrigues & C. M. A. Vasques, University of Porto, Portugal)


 2nd Call for Papers: Symposium on VIBRATION AND STRUCTURAL ACOUSTICS ANALYSIS in conjunction with IRF2009 (3rd International Conference on Integrity, Reliability & Failure),Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal,20-24 July , 2009.

Extended Abstracts are due by 28 February 2009 (please see address below), and those accepted will appear in a book which will be made available to delegates of IRF2009 during the event. Full papers will also be compiled in a CD-ROM and selected papers will be considered for publication in a number of scientific journals of international reputation.

The Extended Abstracts must not exceed two pages and should be written in the same format as the full papers for the CD-ROM (no limitation in length for these). A sample abstract is available for download and further instructions on formatting are available at the conference website and in the IRF2009 Symposium Call for Papers .

Please refer to the conference website for further information on the registration, program, symposia, hotels and social program.

Conference web: http://paginas.fe.up.pt/clme/IRF2009

2nd International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM) & EPMESC XII

(From Ir Dr. LU, Wei-Zhen Jane, City University of Hong Kong)


The Second International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM) and the Twelfth International Conference on the Enhancement and Promotion of Computational Methods in Engineering and Science (EPMESC XII) ( http://www.icacm.net/iscm2 ) will be held in Hong Kong and Macau during 30 November - 3 December 2009.

The deadline for submissions of abstract title, mini-symposiums, and special session are extended to 28 February 2009. The online submission can be done via "login" and "Sing-up" on webpage http://www.icacm.net/iscm2 .
Important Dates
31 Jan 2009 Express of interest
31 Mar 2009 Abstract for proceedings
30 Apr 2009 Notification of acceptance
30 Jun 2009 Full paper for CD production
31 Jul 2009 Early registration (80% refundable by 31 Oct, no refund afterward)
31 Oct 2009 Last day for online registration
• Kowloon Regal Hotel, Hong Kong (to be confirmed later)
• The Venitian Village Hotel, Macau (to be confirmed later)
Dr. Jane WZ Lu
Department of Building and Construction, City University of Hong Kong
Tel. 852‐2784 4316, Fax. 852‐2788 7612, Email: bcwzlu@cityu.edu.hk
Prof. KM Mok
Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Macau
Tel. 853 397 4354, Fax. 853 838 314, Email: kmmok@umac.mo

Symposium of Stability of Solids and Structures at 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference

(From Prof. Pizhong Qiao,  Washington State University)


We are cordially inviting you to submit abstract(s) to a symposium “Stability of Solids and Structures” at the 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials (http://www.cpe.vt.edu/mech09/index.html), Blacksburg, VA, June 24-27, 2009. Since we are aware that you have been an active researcher in this field, we have the pleasure of inviting you to participate in this Symposium and to present your current work. Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is March 15, 2009.

Thank you for your kind consideration. We are looking forward to your contribution to this symposium.

(1) Visit the conference website http://www.cpe.vt.edu/mech09/index.html  to submit the abstracts.

(2) Please select “Symposia: Stability of Solids and Structures” when submitting your abstract(s).


(From Prof. GUO Xu,Dalian University of Technology)


欢迎大家参加2009年9月3日-4日于中国大连举行的结构及多学科优化工程应用与理论研讨会(CSMO-2009)。由中国力学学会主办,大连理工大学承办、Altair Engineering协办的CSMO-2009旨在为国内优化领域的专家学者和CAE工程师提供一个交流研究成果和工程应用经验的开放平台,以推动结构优化的工程应用和科学研究在我国更快发展。CSMO-2009的会程将包括特邀报告、工程应用和理论研究的论文发表、专题讨论和会后培训班等项内容。
协办单位:Altair Engineering, Inc
程耿东 院士 大连理工大学
周明 教授/副总裁 Altair Engineering, Inc
会务费: 正式代表¥1000,在读研究生¥600
住宿及费用:组委会推荐入住大连理工大学科技园酒店 标准间: 298元/天左右 (因房间数量有限,有意入住者请尽早与会务组联系)会务组联系方式
联系人: 曲牧
联系电话:0411-84707652,传真: 0411-84707652,Email: yzlxb@dlut.edu.cn
会议网站:http://denm.dlut.edu.cn/CSMO-2009.htm ,E-mail:csmo2009@gmail.com




时间:2009年10月 地点:湖南省长沙市
通信地址:湖南长沙湖南大学机械与运载工程学院 邮编:410082
联 系 人:刘桂萍 韩旭






详情请查阅中科院力学所网站: http://www.imech.ac.cn





1. 院士、长江学者、博士生导师、学科带头人、重点实验室主任、学院院长


详情请联系:江西省南昌市南昌航空大学人事处 330063


联系电话:3863092、2983372、3863095、3863091  邮箱:xu3863@gmail.com


Two postdoctoral positions in modeling fluid flow in multimedia

  The Environmental Hydrology and Hydraulics laboratory, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Temple University invites applications for two postdoctoral positions in the general area of modeling fluid flow and solute transport in 1) coastal aquifers and 2) offshore environments. Successful applicants should have a PhD in Environmental Engineering or a closely related field, and have extensive experience in conducting numerical simulations using various techniques (e.g., Eulerian and Lagrangian frameworks).

For position 1) successful applicants are expected to have demonstrated knowledge in hydrology, in particular, variably-saturated and multiphase flows in porous media, and mass transfer formulations. For position 2), successful applicants should have demonstrated knowledge in fluid mechanics, wave dynamics, and working knowledge in oceanography. Each position requires a dynamic person seeking personal and professional growth, and willing to contribute to knowledge via publications and mentoring of graduate and undergraduate students. Ability to communicate effectively with other engineers and scientists is a must. The review of application will start immediately. Initial appointment will be for a 12 month period with the potential of extension depending on performance and availability of funding. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. Interested persons should send their applications in one file to ceed@temple.edu.

The application should contain a letter clearly describing the qualifications related to the position advertised, a curriculum vitae, and the coordinates of three references. Additional information about the laboratory and the Department could be found at www.temple.edu/environment  and www.temple.edu/engineering/cee.

Temple University located in Philadelphia, a major city in the US, is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action employer, committed to employing a highly qualified, diverse researchers, faculty and staff. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Postdoctoral position in numerical simulation of flow and transport in porous media

Dr. Amaziane at Université de Pau, France, would like to announce a postdoc position in numerical simulation of flow and transport in porous media:

Subject: A posteriori error estimation and adaptive refinement strategies related to combined finite element and finite volume methods for solving diffusion-advection equations.

Laboratories: LMAP UMR CNRS 5142 – Pau – France & IRSN/DSU/SSIAD – Fontenay Aux Roses – France

Location: University of Pau, Pau, France. Several stays in IRSN, next to Paris, France, will be held in order to familiarize the candidate with the numerical simulation tool used and the industrial issues of the project.

Opening: 2009, as soon as possible.

Duration: 18 months

Qualifications: PhD or equivalent in applied mathematics and a strong background in numerical analysis, discretization methods, and scientific computing. Computer and programming skills: Fortran 90, C; C++. Knowledges in numerical simulation of flow and transport in porous media will be appreciated.

Contact: Brahim Amaziane, brahim.amaziane@univ-pau.fr. Phone +33 (0)559407547

To apply: send your CV in English or French including your background in numerical analysis, discretization methods and scientific computing, a short motivation letter, and a list of your publications to brahim.amaziane@univ-pau.fr and marc.bourgeois@irsn.fr


新期刊——Advances in Applied Mathmatics and Mechanics (AAMM),第1期


The first issue of AAMM is online; please visit http://www.global-sci.org/aamm/volumes/v1n1/index.html .

The hard copy of issue one will be available at the end of this month. We will make some promotion for the first few issues; so please let us know if you need more than one copy of issue 1 for promotion use (to send to potential authors or to libraries).

The first issue of AAMM:
H.T. Banks and J.R. Samuels, Jr.
Detection of Arterial Occlusions Using Viscoelastic Wave Propagation.
Hilmar Wobker and Stefan Turek
Numerical Studies of Vanka-Type Smoothers in Computational Solid Mechanics.
P. Solin and D. Andrs
On Scientific Data and Image Compression Based on Adaptive Higher-Order FEM.
Yingxiong Xiao, Shi Shu, Hongmei Zhang and Yuan Ouyang
An Algebraic Multigrid Method for Nearly Incompressible Elasticity Problems in Two-Dimensions.
Y. Y. Zhang, C. M. Wang and V. B. C. Tan
Assessment of Timoshenko Beam Models for Vibrational Behavior of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes using Molecular Dynamics.
Jichun Li
Posteriori Error Estimation for an Interior Penalty Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Maxwell's Equations in Cold Plasma.
Liping Liu, Min Huang, Kewei Yuan and Michal Krizek
Numerical Approximation of a Nonlinear 3D Heat Radiation Problem.
D. Lesnic
On the Boundary Integral Equations for a Two-Dimensional Slowly Rotating Highly Viscous Fluid Flow.


系列专辑——Advances in Engineering Mechanics (AEM)


Advances in Engineering Mechanics (AEM)——a series of monograph in the field of engineering mechanics published by Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 400 Oser Ave. Suite 1600, Hauppauge NY, 11788-3619, USA

Chief Editor: Prof. Bohua Sun (孙博华)

Nova Science Publishers has recently launched a new series of monographs in the field of engineering mechanics entitled "Advances in Engineering Mechanics" . There is no any printing charge.

Each volume will consist of around 8 articles. Each article should be at least 40 printed pages and provide self-contained and fundamental knowledge of the topic. The instructions for paper preparation can be found in the attached file or on the web page:


The major developments in the fields of fluid and solid mechanics are scattered throughout an array of technical journals, often making it difficult to find what the real advances are, especially for a researcher new to the field or an individual interested in discovering the state-of-the-art in connection with applications. The Advances in Engineering Mechanics book series draws together recent significant advances in various topics in engineering mechanics.

"Advances in Engineering Mechanics" aims to provide both authoritative review and research articles on topics in the mechanical sciences, primarily of interest to scientists and engineers working in the various branches of mechanics, but also of interest to the many who use the results of investigations in mechanics in various application areas such as aerospace, chemical, civil, environmental, mechanical and nuclear engineering.

"Advances in Engineering Mechanics" is going to be a publication of high visibility and impact. Both review and research articles are provided by active, leading scientists in the field by invitation of the editors. Many of the articles published will become classics within their fields.

新期刊——Journal of Mechanics and MEMS (JMM)


Journal of Mechanics and MEMS (JMM) Published by Serials Publications, http://www.serialspublications.com/journal_form.asp?jid=286&jtype=1

Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Bohua Sun (孙博华), Faculty of Engineering, Cape Peninsula University of Technology,  Cape Town, South Africa

Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2009年第1期

1. Mechanical and electronic approaches to improve the sensitivity of microcantilever sensors
Madhu Santosh Ku Mutyala Deepika Bandhanadham Liu Pan Vijaya Rohini Pendyala Hai-Feng Ji
13. Stabilization control of a bumblebee in hovering and forward flight
Yan Xiong Mao Sun
23. Near wake vortex dynamics of a hovering hawkmoth
Hikaru Aono W Shyy Hao Liu
37. Numerical investigation on the flowfield of “swallowtail” cavity for supersonic mixing enhancement
Chun Wang Zonglin Jiang Zongmin Hu Junming Lu
45. Subgrid-scale contributions to Lagrangian time correlations in isotropic turbulence
Jian Zhang Guowei He Lipeng Lu
51.Experimental study of vortex-induced vibrations of a cylinder near a rigid plane boundary in steady flow
Bing Yang Fuping Gao Dong-Sheng Jeng Yingxiang Wu
65.Tuning of band gaps for a two-dimensional piezoelectric phononic crystal with a rectangular lattice
Yize Wang Fengming Li Yuesheng Wang Kikuo Kishimoto Wenhu Huang
73. Fracture mechanics analysis on Smart-Cut®technology. Part 1: Effects of stiffening wafer and defect interaction
Bin Gu Hongyuan Liu Yiuwing Mai Xiqiao Feng Shouwen Yu
83. A natural neighbour method based on Fraeijs de Veubeke variational principle for materially non-linear problems
Xiang Li Serge Cescotto Barbara Rossi
95. Interfacial effects in electromagnetic coupling within piezoelectric phononic crystals
FJ Sabina AB Movchan
101. Carrier fringe method of moiré interferometry for tiny strain measurements in micro-field
Yudong Cao Shibin Wang Shuangxi Qi Jingwei Tong
107. Jet formation and penetration mechanism of W typed shaped charge
Cheng Wang Fenglei Huang Jianguo Ning
121. Age- and direction-related adaptations of lumbar vertebral trabecular bone with respect to apparent stiffness and tissue level stress distribution
He Gong Yubo Fan Ming Zhang Ling Qin
131. Stability analysis of a noise control system in a duct by using delay differential equation
Masakazu Haraguchi Haiyan Hu
139. Study on magneto–elastic–plastic deformation characteristics of ferromagnetic rectangular plate with simple supports
Yuanwen Gao




1 沈清 朱德华. 高超声速尾迹流场稳定性数值研究
8 杨阳 宗丰德 . 超声驱动下激励参数对单泡空化振动的影响
15 潘光 黄明明 胡海豹 刘占一 黄桥高 . Spalding公式在脊状表面湍壁摩擦力测量中的应用
21 孙昭晨 梁书秀 周丰 王世澎 . 波浪环境中垂直射流紊动特性的实验研究
28 于陆军 范宝春 归明月 董刚 . 出口爆轰的外流场研究
35 姚伟 陈楠 丁光宏. 基于Starling假设新发现的组织流场模拟
41 朱辉 吴正 林展熙 . 三车道宏观交通流模型和扰动演化的数值研究
49 及春宁 王元战 王建峰. 虚拟区域法在流固耦合问题中的应用
60 易大可 王自强. 能量非局部模型和新的应变梯度理论
67 傅衣铭 田燕萍. 正交各向异性材料的弹塑性损伤本构关系
76 梁文彦 王振清 吕红庆 . II型动态扩展裂纹尖端的弹黏塑性渐近场
84 陈小伟 梁冠军 姚勇 王汝恒 陶俊林. 平头弹穿透金属靶板的模式分析
91 丁洲祥 朱合华 谢永利 龚晓南 蒋明镜 . 基于非保守体力的大变形固结有限元法
98 张晖 刘书田 张雄. 考虑自重载荷作用的连续体结构拓扑优化
105 彭慧莲 王士敏 王琪 郭易圆 . 双面约束多点摩擦多体系统的建模和数值方法
113 周加喜 邓子辰. 夹层梁低速冲击下的接触定律与结构响应
122 苗雨 王元汉 . 弹性动力学的双互易杂交边界点法
129 姚志刚 张伟 陈丽华. 压电复合材料层合梁的分岔、混沌动力学与控制


Professor Yonggang,Huang's Mechanics of Materials Research Group at Northwestern University

(From EMI News)


Goals: To develop mechanics models for advanced technology (e.g., transfer printing, stretchable electronics, flexible silicon solar cell, electronic‐eye camera)

Rationale: Advanced technologies have many important applications to infrastructures, such as stretchable electronics for reliability assessment, flexible and transparent silicon solar cells for energy efficiency. Mechanics plays a critical role in the development of the scientific and engineering foundations for these advanced technologies. One example is high performance electronics and optoelectronic systems that are reversibly stretchable/compressible. These systems combine high quality electronic materials, such as aligned arrays of silicon nanoribbons and other inorganic nanomaterials, with ultrathin and elastomeric substrates, in multilayer neutral mechanical plane designs and with ‘wavy’ structural layouts. Such approaches, guided by detailed mechanics models, enable diverse classes of integrated circuits as well as highly integrated optoelectronics systems with well‐developed electronic materials, whose intrinsic brittle, fragile mechanical properties would otherwise preclude their use in such applications. Analytical and finite element method simulations of the mechanics play a central role in the development, not only to reveal the fundamental physics, but also to provide a set of practical strategies for the construction of the devices.

Research Topics:
• Mechanics of stretchable electronics
• Mechanics of flexible silicon solar cells
• Mechanics of transfer printing

• Northwestern University: Professor Yonggang Huang (y‐huang@northwestern.edu), Jianliang Xiao, Shuodao Wang, and Dr. Jian Wu
• University of Illinois: Professor John Rogers (jrogers@illinois.edu) and Duc Ngo
• University of Miami: Professor Jizhou Song (jsong8@miami.edu)
• Inst. of High Performance Computing (Singapore): Professor Yongwei Zhang (zhangyw@ihpc.astar. edu.sg) and Zhuangjian Liu
• Tsinghua University (China): Professors Xue Feng (fengxue@tsinghua.edu.cn), Daining Fang (fangdn@tsinghua.edu.cn), and Keh‐Chih Hwang (huangkz@tsinghua.edu.cn)
• King Abdullah University of Sci. & Tech. (Saudi Arabia): Dr. Chun Lu (luc@kaust.edu.sa)

Selected Publications:
• Khang, Jiang, Huang, and Rogers, “A stretchable form of single crystal silicon for high performance electronics on rubber substrates,” Science 311, 208‐212, 2006.
• Meitl, Zhu, Kumar, Lee, Feng, Huang, Adesida, Nuzzo, and Rogers, “Transfer printing by kinetic control of adhesion to an elastomeric stamp,” Nature Materials, v 5, pp 33‐38, 2006.
• Sun, Choi, Jiang, Huang, and Rogers, “Controlled buckling of semiconductor nanoribbons for stretchable electronics,” Nature Nanotechnology 1, 201‐207, 2006.
• Jiang, Khang, Song, Sun, Huang, and Rogers, “Finite deformation mechanics in buckled thin films on compliant supports,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of the United States of America 104, 15607‐15612, 2007.
• Jiang, Khang, Fei, Kim, Huang, Xiao, and Rogers, “Finite width effect of thin films buckling on compliant substrate: Experimental and theoretical studies,” Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 56, 2585‐2598, 2008.
• Kim, Ahn, Choi, Kim, Kim, Song, Huang, Liu, Lu, and Rogers, ”Stretchable and foldable silicon integrated circuits,” Science 320, 507‐511, 2008.
• Kim, Song, Choi, Kim, Kim, Liu, Huang, Hwang, Zhang, and Rogers, ”Materials and non‐coplanar mesh designs for integrated circuits with linear elastic responses to extreme mechanical deformations,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 105, 18675‐18680, 2008.
• Ko, Stoykovich, Song, Malyarchuk, Choi, Yu, Geddes, Xiao, Wang, Huang, and Rogers, ”A hemispherical electronic eye camera based on compressible silicon optoelectronics,” Nature 454, 748‐753, 2008.
• Yoon, Baca, Park, Paulius, Geddes, Li, Kim, Xiao, Wang, Kim, Motala, Ahn, Duoss, Lewis, Nuzzo, Ferreira, Huang, Rockett, and Rogers, “Flexible arrays of monocrystalline silicon solar cells for micro‐optic concentrator designs,” Nature Materials 7, 907‐915, 2008.


Top Ten cited papers in Journal of Computational Physics

No.1.  Citation 4046:Numerical integration of the cartesian equations of motion of a system with constraints: molecular dynamics of n-alkanes Volume 23, Issue 3, 1977, Pp 327-341 Ryckaert, J.-P. | Ciccotti, G. | Berendsen, H.J.C.

No.2. Citation 2711:Fronts propagating with curvature-dependent speed: Algorithms based on Hamilton-Jacobi formulations Volume 79, Issue 1, 1988, Pp 12-49
Osher, S. | Sethian, J.A.

No.3. Citation 2602:A perfectly matched layer for the absorption of electromagnetic waves Volume 114, Issue 2, 1994, Pp 185-200 Berenger, J.-P.

No.4. Citation 2095:Approximate Riemann solvers, parameter vectors, and difference schemes Volume 43, Issue 2, 1981, Pp 357-372 Roe, P.L.

No.5. Citation 1846:Volume of fluid (VOF) method for the dynamics of free boundaries Volume 39, Issue 1, 1981, Pp 201-225 Hirt, C.W. | Nichols, B.D.

No.6. Citation 1433:Numerical integration for polyatomic systems Volume 99, Issue 1, 1992, Pp 84-98 Te Velde, G.

No.7. Citation 1261:Compact finite difference schemes with spectral-like resolution Volume 103, Issue 1, 1992, Pp 16-42 Lele, S.K.

No.8. Citation 1152:Towards the ultimate conservative difference scheme. V. A second-order sequel to Godunov's method Volume 32, Issue 1, 1979, Pp 101-136 van Leer, B.

No.9. Citation 1090 :Solution of the Schrödinger equation by a spectral method Volume 47, Issue 3, 1982, Pp 412-433 Feit, M.D. | Fleck Jr., J.A. | Steiger, A.

No.10. Citation 1058:A fast algorithm for particle simulations Volume 73, Issue 2, 1987, Pp 325-348 Greengard, L. | Rokhlin, V.

Website linked to 281 journals of Mechanical Engineering

The website linked to 281 journals of Mechanical Engineering:




在2009年1月6日出版的华尔街杂志上,发表了一篇题为“学数学以找到好的工作”的文章(Doing the Math to Find the Good Jobs)。该文称数学家列在美国最好职业榜第一位,保险精算师和统计学家分列第二和第三位。这个排行榜是由CareerCast.com制作的。主要参考了工作环境,收入,就业前景,体力要求,和强度。此项研究称一个数学家的平均工资是94,160美元,而伐木工人列在200项工作的最后。 以下是这个(最好最坏)排行榜前二十位和后二十位的工作。
The Best and Worst Jobs
The Best:
1. Mathematician; 2. Actuary; 3. Statistician; 4. Biologist; 5. Software Engineer;

6. Computer Systems Analyst; 7. Historian; 8. Sociologist; 9. Industrial Designer;10. Accountant;

 11. Economist; 12. Philosopher; 13. Physicist; 14. Parole Officer; 15. Meteorologist;

16. Medical Laboratory Technician;  17. Paralegal Assistant; 18. Computer Programmer; 19. Motion Picture Editor; 20. Astronomer
The Worst:
200. Lumberjack ; 199. Dairy Farmer; 198. Taxi Driver; 197. Seaman; 196. EMT
195. Roofer; 194. Garbage Collector; 193. Welder; 192. Roustabout; 191. Ironworker
190. Construction Worker; 189. Mail Carrier; 188. Sheet Metal Worker; 187. Auto Mechanic; 186. Butcher
185. Nuclear Decontamination Tech; 184. Nurse (LN); 183. Painter; 182. Child Care Worker; 181. Firefighter

(摘自:中国数学学会网站,http://www.cms.org.cn/   )


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