

本期编辑:陈文  黄丹 





编者按:《力学动态 》文摘于每月10日和25日发送 ,免费订阅、自由退订。欢迎发布信息、交流体会、共享经验



    ² 国务院决定投入1000亿元支持科技创新
    ² 基金委:启动2009年度基金申请接收;新设“外国青年学者研究基金”;大科学装置联合基金申请开始
    ² 教育部:组织开展第五届高等学校教学名师奖评选表彰工作
    ² 钟万勰院士在《计算机辅助工程》专文呼吁:发展我国自主CAE软件产业
    ² 嫦娥一号卫星成功撞击月球

     ◆ 力学人物
    ² Multiscale Modeling:Professor Willams A. Curtin at Brown University

     ◆ 学术会议
    ² “中国力学学会学术大会2009”征文通知
    ² “计算力学的新问题、新方法和新理论”专题讨论会征文
    ² 1st International Symposium on Soft Materials
    ² Symposium “Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures” at the 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference
    ² IACM-Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering
    ² 8th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Sciences (DCABES 2009)

    ² 《研究生力学教学的创新与实践》专题研讨会征文
    ² 关于举办“第二期基础力学教学讲习班”的通知

    ² 北京大学应用物理与技术研究中心(CAPT)招收博士后/博士生
    ² 北京大学力学与空间科学系招聘
    ² 河海大学力学实验中心招聘
    ² 天津市政设计研究院招收博士后
    ² 50 Post-Doctoral Positions in Mechanobiology at NUS

The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at Brown University

    ² 章青:重新明确特色型大学重要地位
    ² 时东陆:90% 学刊论文可能有误
    ² 冯端院士:冯康是否既“顶天”又“立地”的讨论
    ² 几个国外科学基金网址

























  1. 符合上述基本条件的教师向所在学校提出申请。各高等学校、各地教育行政部门根据本通知精神,依照《第五届高等学校教学名师奖评选指标体系(本科部分)》和《第五届高等学校教学名师奖评选指标体系(高职高专部分)》,组织开展校级、省级教学名师奖的评选表彰工作。为提高评选表彰工作的质量及透明度,在校、省级教学名师奖的推荐、评审过程中,要坚持标准,宁缺毋滥;务必设立公示环节。
  2. 各地教育行政部门组织评审后,严格按照名额分配方案(见附件3)的配额向教育部推荐候选人。
  3. 候选人申报工作采取网络申报与函报结合的方式,候选人材料将及时在网上公示。





应《计算机辅助工程》(以下简称《计辅》)之约,中科院院士钟万勰教授发来题为“发展自主CAE软件产业的战略探讨”的文章,已刊登在《计辅》2008年12月出版的第4期“专家视点”栏目中,全文可以在《计辅》的官方网站www.chinacae.cn下载。此外,上海CAE技术公告服务平台陆仲绩等也应约在该期发表题为“建设自主CAE服务平台 实现工程科学国家战略”的文章。

计算机辅助工程(Computer Aided Engineering,CAE)软件产业在航空航天、汽车、兵工、机械、土木等行业中发挥着不可代替的作用,CAE技术的良好应用,可以大大提高创新能力,缩短产品开发周期,降低开发成本。如,上海市临港新城核电设备和大飞机等装备制造业项目,无不需要CAE技术的有力支持。多年来,钟院士一直向各界呼吁我国应大力发展CAE软件产业。钟院士在上述专文中指出,CAE软件产业的发展对提高我国自主创新能力至关重要,应将其上升到需要国家关注的基础性、前瞻性的战略产业地位;CAE软件产业建设已从宏观理论层面进入到关键的发展时期,然而,如何建设以自主创新为主体的软件企业尚需探讨。钟院士认为,CAE是知识经济最典型的行业之一,发达国家的事实证明,CAE已成为推动国家经济结构调整和产品结构更新的重要基础和支撑,我国应从知识经济时代的体制创新等相关角度,思考建设自主CAE软件产业的途径。

《计辅》致力于成为CAE业界,集学术性、工程性、信息性于一体的行业导向性杂志,设立“专家视点”栏目的目的就是邀请国内外知名CAE专家和学者对CAE的最新进展和发展趋势等发表评论。该栏目从2007年开办以来,已发表9位CAE学术界和企业界的知名人士撰写的视点文章,今年12月出版的第4期还将发表FunctionBay总公司董事会主席、韩国KyungHee大学机械系教授崔轸焕先生的文章“Dream of standalone CAE and its vision”。


3月1日16时13分,“嫦娥一号”卫星在控制下成功撞击月球。 经最后确认,嫦娥一号卫星对月球的撞击点位于南纬1.50度,东经52.36度。


Multiscale Modeling:Professor Willams A. Curtin at Brown University

William A. Curtin:Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor,Division of Engineering, Brown University

Degrees: PhD Physics


2005- Editor-in-Chief, "Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering".

2005-2006 Guggenheim Fellow, "Multiscale Modeling of Materials", one of four fellows in Engineering nationwide in this year.

2006- Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor, Brown U.


Member, American Physical Society; American Society of Mechanical Engineers;  Materials Research Society

The major theme of Professor Curtin's research is modeling of mechanical behavior of materials, with special emphases on fracture and multiscale modeling. Materials currently under investigation include metals such as Aluminum-Magnesium, nanoscale materials such as Aluminum-Silicon composites and carbon nanotubes, intermetallics such as Nb-Si and Ti-Al, and composites such as carbon-fiber reinforced plastics and nanoceramic composites.


Dr. William Curtin received a combined 4 yr. ScB/ScM degree in Physics from Brown University in 1981 and a PhD in theoretical physics from Cornell University in 1986, working on the optical properties of metal nanoparticles and on statistical mechanics theories of freezing. Dr. Curtin then joined the Applied Physics Group at the British Petroleum Research Laboratories (formerly SOHIO) in Cleveland, OH, where he worked on hydrogen storage in amorphous metal alloys, the statistical mechanics of crystal/melt interfaces, and the mechanics of ceramic and composites. In 1993, he joined the faculty at Virginia Tech with a joint appointment in Materials Science & Engineering and Engineering Science & Mechanics. In 1998, Professor Curtin returned to Brown University as a faculty member in the Solid Mechanics group of the Division of Engineering. Professor Curtin was appointed as the Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor at Brown in 2006. His research interests are detailed elsewhere.

Professor Curtin is the Director of the Center for Advanced Materials Research at Brown, Director of the NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at Brown, and founding Director of the General Motors/Brown Collaborative Research Laboratory on Computational Materials Science. He has published over 125 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals, has been Principal Investigator on over $20M in research funding, was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship for 2005-06 to pursue research on multiscale modeling of materials, and has presented many invited talks at national and international venues.


Professor Curtin's research is predominantly in the area of multiscale modeling of the mechanical behavior of materials. Within this theme lie a number of specific research areas:
(i) Multiscale modeling of dislocation/grain-boundary interactions
(ii) Multiscale modeling of fiber-reinforced composites
(iii) Atomistic modeling of crack growth
(iv) Atomistic modeling of Al-Si nanocomposites
(v) Atomistic modeling of deformation of nanoscale structures
(vi) Microstructural modeling of deformation and failure in particulate composites, titanium aluminides, and polycrystalline aluminum
(vii) Damage detection by electrical resistance in polymer matrix composites
(viii) Development of nanotube ceramic matrix composites and atomistic modeling of multiwall nanotubes including interwall coupling
(ix) Discrete-dislocation modeling of fracture in thin metal films and fatigue crack growth emanating from small inclusions in structural metals such as Al
Many of these efforts are coupled to experimental studies carried out by collaborators at Brown and elsewhere.


Professor Curtin regularly teaches the freshman course EN 0004, Dynamics and Vibrations, taken by all freshman Engineering concentrators. This course combines the basic physics of Newton's laws, the methods of calculus, and the concepts of engineering idealization and solution, to tackle a wide spectrum of realistic problems encountered in everyday experience and in the design of basic engineering devices. The integration of physics, mathematics, and engineering presents a challenge to students but provides them a solid foundation for learning subsequent physics and engineering topics. Professor Curtin has also taught EN 31, Mechanics of Structures, and EN 137, Advanced Dynamics, at the undergraduate level. At the graduate level, he has frequently taught EN 221, Continuum Mechanics, for first-year graduate students, and several special-topics courses for advanced graduate students, such as "Quantum, Statistical, and Continuum Mechanics" and "Methods of Multiscale Modeling". 



中国力学学会学术大会2009 将于2009年8月24-26日在河南郑州举行。大会由中国力学学会主办,郑州大学承办。
• 会议时间:2009年8月24-26日
• 会议地点:河南郑州黄河迎宾馆

大会将重点交流力学学科领域的最新研究进展及成果,内容涉及固体力学、流体力学和一般力学等几乎力学的所有分支学科领域,反映近年来我国力学研究、力学教 育以及工程应用等方面取得的主要进展、成果和学科前沿发展的新生长点。结合国家需求,大会将安排以综述性报告为主体的大会特邀报告,力求反映力学及其交叉 学科的重大进展和重要发展趋势;分会场邀请报告将主要介绍各力学分支学科的前沿研究和代表性成果,全面反映我国力学学科的发展现状。
• 主会场:组织有关力学学科展望、前沿、综述等方面的大会邀请报告,报告时间为1天。
• 分会场:由专业委员会、工作委员会组织,报告全部为邀请报告,报告时间为1天。目前已设立16个分会场。
• 专题研讨会:由力学学科专家组织,每个专题需要组织10篇以上报告,报告人需至少来自3个不同单位以上,报告时间为1天。目前已设立52个专题研讨会。
• 分会场和专题研讨会设置详情可登录大会网站http://www.cstam.org.cn/cctam2009/ 查询。专题研讨会面向全国力学及相关科技工作者征稿,欢迎踊跃投稿。
• 摘要截止时间:2009年4月1日
• 全文截止时间:2009年6月15日
• 二轮通知发布:2009年6月1日
• 大会报到时间:2009年8月23日
联 系 人:杨亚政,汤亚南,刘洋  电 话:010-62559209,010-82543903  传真:010-62559588
电子信箱:office@cstam.org.cn, yntang@cstam.org.cn, liuyang@cstam.org.cn
地 址:北京市海淀区北四环西路15号中国力学学会办公室,邮编:100190
杨 扬(郑州大学,橡塑模具国家工程研究中心)电 话:13598063236、0371-63887600 电子信箱:lyang@zzu.edu.cn
黄 明(郑州大学,橡塑模具国家工程研究中心)电 话:13526659046、0371-63888582 电子信箱:nerc@zzu.edu.cn
传 真:0371-63887570;地 址:郑州市文化路97 号148 信箱,橡塑模具国家工程研究中心,邮 编:450002;
大会网站http://www.cstam.org.cn/cctam2009/ 将及时发布会议相关通知,敬请关注。




1. 移动界面问题、无限域问题、高维高波数波问题
2. 铁路中的计算力学问题
3. 计算力学软件
4. 多维散乱数据处理
5. 扩展有限元方法和广义有限元方法
6. 积分方程快速算法
7. 分数阶导数方程计算方法
8. 各类无网格方法
9. 粒子类方法(分子动力学、耗散粒子动力学、离散元等)
10. 非线性计算的新方法
11. 刚性常微分方程组问题、高精度时间导数离散格式
我们邀请您向本专题讨论会投稿。请于2009年4月1日前将摘要提交到以上的力学大会网址, 并请注明论文联系人(姓名、通讯地址、电话、传真、Email)。

陈文: 河海大学工程力学系
电话:025-83786873  传真: 025-83736860  邮编: 210098  电邮: chenwen@hhu.edu.cn  Web: http://em.hhu.edu.cn/chenwen 

张雄 清华大学航天航空学院
电话:010-62782078  传真:010-62782078  邮编:100084  电邮:xzhang@tsinghua.edu.cn  Web:http://xzhang.comdyn.cn 


The 1st International Symposium on Soft Materials,25-26 May 2009, Shanghai


The last few decades have witnessed rapidly growing research activities on various anomalous physical behaviors of soft materials for which the standard theories cease to work. Soft materials are those commonly used in fields such as fibrous, particulate, porous, and discrete media. Ever since Pierre-Gilles de Gennes proposed the term for these kinds of materials in 1991, the concept of soft matter has been accepted with remarkable speed by a growing scientific population. The numbers of research efforts and publications on soft matter science (also known as condensed soft matter science) have been growing as well, at an amazing rate.

This symposium aims to build bridges among the different disciplines using theoretical, modeling, experimental investigations, and industrial applications. Presentations of reviews and perspectives of the current and potential research areas are especially welcomed. The scope and interests of the symposium include, but are not limited to, biomedical soft materials, aeronautical and astronautical soft materials, gels, and porous media. Emphasis is on the following aspects of the science of soft materials at all lengths and time scales:
• Novel applications of soft materials (aerospace, biomedical, energy, …);
• Multiphysical phenomena in soft materials;
• Effective physical and chemical properties of soft materials;
• Structure design and optimization—theory and applications;
• Synthesis and formation of new soft materials.

Prospective authors are invited first to submit a single-page abstract. Upon acceptance and notification, a full-length paper should be submitted for peer review and publication in the formal proceedings. The submission of a paper implies that it is original and has not been submitted elsewhere, and that it will be presented by the author(s). All submissions should be in Word format, transmitted electronically as an attachment to the conference chair, Prof. Ning Pan (npan@ucdvis.edu).

For further information, please contact the conference co-chairs:
Prof. Ning Pan
University of California at Davis Tel: (530) 752-6232  Fax: (530) 752-7584  Email: npan@ucdavis.edu
Prof. Jihuan He
Donghua University  jhhe@dhu.edu.cn
Prof. Zengyuan Guo
Tsinghua University  demgzy@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn
Scientific Chair:
Dr. Moran Wang
Los Alamos National Laboratory  mwang@lanl.gov
Full paper submission: April 30, 2009
After the single-page abstract has been reviewed and accepted, the full-length paper will be published in the formal symposium proceedings.
From among all full-length papers received, Springer will publish those that are selected for and pass a review process by the symposium organizing committee, under the (tentative) title, Soft Materials.
Conference website:  http://www3.dhu.edu.cn/ISSM2009/index.htm 

Symposium "Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures" at 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference

(From Prof. Pizhong Qiao,  Washington State University)


On behalf of the committee on ASCE Advanced Materials and Structures (AMS), I am cordially inviting you to submit abstract(s) to a symposium “Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures” at the 2009 Joint ASCE-ASME-SES Conference on Mechanics and Materials ( http://www.cpevt.edu/mech09/index.html  ), Blacksburg, VA, June 24-27, 2009. I seek your support and welcome you to participate in this Symposium and to present your current work. Please note that the deadline for submitting abstracts is March 15, 2009. While submitting your abstract(s), please identify “Symposia: Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures” as the topic of your abstract(s).

In addition, we are also going to hold our annual committee meeting in the same venue. If you are interested in joining the AMS committee, please kindly let me know.
Thank you for your kind consideration. We are looking forward to your contribution and participation in this symposium.

IACM-Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering


First IACM supported international conference on ‘Computational and Mathematical Biomedical Engineering’ will be held between June 29th and July 1st 2009 at Swansea University, UK. It is our pleasure to invite you to submit an abstract for consideration. The deadline for submitting an abstract is now extended to 15th March 2009.

Please follow the link http://www.compbiomed.net/Abstract_subm/  to submit an abstract.

Accepted Mini-Symposia:
• Recent advances in computational and mathematical methods for imaging and image analysis - Professor Guowei Wei
• Advances in arterial wall mechanics and hemodynamics - Professor G.A. Holzapfel, Professor J.D. Humphrey and Professor C.A. Taylor
• Methodologies for analysing protein conformational changes - Dr. Simon Guest and Mr. A. Macdonald
• Shape and Deformable Modelling in Biomedical Image Analysis - Dr. X. Xie and Professor M. Mirmehdi
• Patient-Specific Modelling of Haemodynamics in Aortic Aneurysms, Dr I. Sazonov, Professor P Nithiarasu and Dr. S. Ashraf
• Heart Valve Modelling, Dr. R. vanLoon and Professor X. Luo
• Multiphysics Multiscale Computational Modeling of the Cardiovascular System, Professor P.J. Blanco and Professor R.A. Feijoo
• Cerebral Aneurysm Haemodynamics, Professor J.R. Cebral and Professor R. Lohner
• Computational Anatomy and Shape Classification, Dr. C.J. Cotter and Dr. J. Peiro
• Computational Modelling of Respiratory System, Professor W.A. Wall and Professor K.R. Lutchen

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission: 15th March, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: 15th April 2009
Early bird Registration: 30th April 2009

Please refer to www.compbiomed.net for further details. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. The conference e-mail address is: compbiomed@swansea.ac.uk

8th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Sciences (DCABES 2009)

(From Prof. Choi-Hong LAI ,  University of Greenwich - Maritime Greenwich Campus)


The Eighth International Conference on Distributed Computing and Applications for Business, Engineering and Sciences (DCABES2009)will be held during 16th - 19th October 2009 in Guilin, China. As in previous conferences, DCABES intends to bring together researchers and developers in the academic field and industry from around the world to share their research experience and to explore research collaboration in the areas of distributed parallel processing and applications.

Proceedings of the DCABES have been indexed by the ISTP of ISI since 2001. Selected papers have been published in special issues of international journals, including International Journal of Computer Mathematics and the Journal of Algorithms and Computational Technology.

This series of meetings has achieved a very good reputation in distributed computing and its applications, for its comprehensive dissemination of the state-of-the-art of research results.

You are invited to submit an extended abstract/full paper of 4 or 5 pages, and/or a proposal to organize a technical session. All accepted abstracts should be extended by the authors to a full paper (5 pages or less), which will be published as a book of proceedings (with ISBN) to be distributed at the conference. Please visit the DCABES 2009 website to find out more details.


We welcome submissions in all areas of distributed parallel processing and applications. Topics include, but not limited to the following:

Distributed/Parallel applications - computational methods in science and engineering; computational finance;

E-engineering and e-science applications; E-commerce applications; E-education applications;

Distributed/Parallel algorithms - numerical parallel algorithms; non-numeric parallel algorithms; algorithms exploiting distributed computing environment; performance analysis; compression and decompression for multimedia applications;

Grid Computing - grid computing platforms and tools; grid computing applications; new technologies and developments in computer networking;

System Architectures - real-time embedded systems for business, engineering, and sciences; distributed information systems for business, engineering, and sciences; web resources management and system design for e-science and e-engineering; web performance analysis for business, engineering and sciences.

Software tools and environments for distributed or parallel platform -use of MPI, PVM, Java Platforms for web-based simulation and computing;mobile agents and computing.

Intelligent transportation - vehicle Controls; traffic surveillance and control; tourism information management

Important Dates:
Submission due - 8th May 2009
Notification of Acceptance - 30th May 2009
Camera-Ready due - 30th June 2009
Early registration - Before 15th June 2009
Lastest Registration - Before 30th June 2009
Non-author registration: Any Time Before 16th October 2009
Contact Information:
Prof Guo Qingping
Dept of Computer Science, School of Computer Science & Technology, Wuhan University of Technology, Yu Jia Tou Campus, Wuhan 430063, China
Email : qpguo@mail.whut.edu.cn  Email(2): ycheng.g@gmail.com  Mobile: +86-13871517571   Tel: +86-(0)27-86554639  Fax: +86-(0)27-86554639




一、 研讨内容
1、 研究生力学教学中的现代教学理念;
2、 研究生力学教学在有关学科创新人才培养中的作用;
3、 有关学科研究生力学课程体系建设与课程建设;
4、 研究生力学教材建设的成果及经验;
5、 研究生力学课程教学方法的革新;
6、 研究生力学教学的师资队伍建设;
7、 其它。

1. 详细摘要投稿截止日期:2009年4月1日;
2. 全文投稿截止日期:2009年6月15日。
研讨会由中国力学学会教育工作委员会主办。研讨会负责人为教育工作委员会副主任,清华大学施惠基教授,联系方式为Email:shihj@tsinghua.edu.cn,电话 :13910920822。
研讨会联系人为教育工作委员会副秘书长、河海大学赵引老师,Email:Zhaoyin01@hhu.edu.cn,电话:13951697118,通讯地址:江苏省南京市西康路1号河海大学土木工程学院工程力学系, 邮编:210098。



 为了进一步加强力学优质教学资源的推广,推进基础力学教学改革,提高力学教学质量,根据中国力学学会教育工作委员会的工作计划,决定在笫一期基础力学教学讲习班取得成功的基础上,于2009年 7月暑假期间在河北省石家庄市石家庄军械工程学院举办“第二期基础力学教学讲习班”,旨在共享基础力学优质教学资源,交流基础力学教学、教改经验,帮助提高青年教师课堂讲授水平。本次活动由河北省力学学会、江苏省力学学会协办,石家庄军械工程学院承办。讲习班相关事项如下∶
1) 国家级教学名师奖获得者、著名力学专家做特邀报告;
2) 全国力学青年教师讲课比赛特等奖和一等奖获得者做示范讲课,名师点评;
3) 交流基础力学教学及参加讲课比赛的心得体会。
4) 其它。
二、时间∶ 2009年7月。会期2至3天,具体日期见第二号通知。
三、地点: 石家庄军械工程学院
  全国高校本科、高专基础力学青年教师,欢迎中年教师参会交流。请各省(市、区)力学学会积极组织本省高校派出青年教师参加讲习班。拟参加者请填写报名表,在 5月15日之前通过邮件或传真返回至以下联系人。讲习班的进一步信息,将在 6月初发出。
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联 系 人:邬萱  联系方式:邮箱 lxxh@yahoo.com.cn; 电话: 025-83786951(O)传真 025-83786951。




北京大学应用物理与技术研究中心(Center for Applied Physics and Technology,CAPT)成立于2007年12月,由我国著名物理学家贺贤土院士出任主任,主要开展面向国家重大需求的应用基础研究,并积极探索具有挑战性的若干前沿问题,强调科学问题的理论、计算机模拟与实验相结合的研究方法,致力于培养和训练具有创新能力和对科学事业有献身精神的优秀人才,为国家相关重大项目的研究储备人才。


中心现有四个科研小组,包括“可压缩高马赫数流体行为”、“高能量密度物理”、“强场物理与粒子加速”、“计算科学”。中心提倡学术民主,积极交流,畅所欲言,思想创新。 2008年以CAPT发表论文近五十篇,其中包括发表在PRL、Optic Letters、APL、JFM、JCP等高水平期刊的论文二十余篇。了解详情请登陆中心网站 http://capt.pku.edu.cn 查询。


(2)具有独立从事科研能力和开拓创新精神, 并取得了相应的科研成果;
北京市海淀区海淀路46号资源西楼2210房间 周立新 收 邮编:100871
或以电子邮件形式发至 zhoulx@coe.pku.edu.cn









岗位职责:能够独立从事高水平的科学研究、独立指导研究生, 能够胜任北京大学理论与应用力学专业与工程结构分析专业的相关课程教学,特别是工程结构方面的课程教学。





联系方式:刘文   电话:62757426  北京大学工学院  邮编:100871







电 话:025-83786879  传 真:025-83736860  E-mail: ziming58@163.com   地 址:南京市西康路1号, 河海大学工程力学系   邮 编:210098





50 Post-Doctoral Positions in Mechanobiology at NUS


A new $150M Research Center of Excellence (RCE) on Mechanobiology has been set up at the National University of Singapore (http://newshub.nus.edu.sg/headlines/0209/TRCE_20Feb09.php). We are now in the process of hiring 50 good post-docs.

This newly established Centre at the National University of Singapore (NUS) aims to complete an integrated nanometer to tissue description of the mechanically dependent functions in cells and tissues. Through quantitative biophysical approaches, we will address major problems in biomedical sciences including pathogenesis (from bacterial to cancer), tissue regeneration and function. We are seeking outstanding candidates with strong background in molecular and cell biology, biophysics, biology-related engineering or computer sciences, and a commitment for collaborative interdisciplinary research to join research in molecular, cellular and tissue mechanics. Faculty in the Centre are coming from many major international research universities with diverse research backgrounds. They have a common goal of training a new generation of researchers to solve important biological problems by combining the approaches of nanotechnology, bioinformatics, molecular biology, modeling and biophysics. The Centre is directed by Mike Sheetz and Paul Matsudaira. For further information on the research profiles of the team members, see website http://www.dbs.nus.edu.sg/mechano/index.html. Singapore is a vibrant garden city with year round tropical climate and rich multicultural heritage. Established in 1905, NUS has evolved into a top teaching and researchintensive institution, acknowledged as one of the finest universities in the Asia-Pacific.

The Centre offers competitive salary package, and housing allowance. Please submit your application (form downloadable from http://www.dbs.nus.edu.sg/mechano/jobs.html), along with curriculum vitae, research interest and names of three external referees to:

Prof Choy L Hew, Deputy Director, RCE in Mechanobiology,National University of Singapore, 14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543 Fax: (65) 6779 5671, Email: mechbio@nus.edu.sg


The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at Brown University


The Materials Research Science and Engineering Center (MRSEC) at Brown University is one of a nationwide network of MRSEC’s sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF). NSF sponsors MRSEC’s as centers of excellence that support interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary materials research and education of the highest quality in our nation. The MRSEC program enables faculty to engage in research problems of a broader scope and complexity than those addressed by a single investigator and to address problems that require the advantages of a larger infrastructure and interdisciplinary expertise provided by a campus-based research center.

The MRSEC at Brown University began in 1996, and was renewed in 2000 and 2005. The current MRSEC research is focused on Micro- and Nano- Mechanics of Materials. The goals of the center are to 1) perform leading edge research in the mechanics of materials on multiple length scales down to the nano-scale and apply principles of solid mechanics to cell adhesion and other biological problems; 2) use the faculty and university resources to achieve broader impact in the areas of science education, technology transfer, human resource development and creation of a more diverse scientific community.

The MRSEC is administered through the Center for Advanced Materials Research (CAMR) at Brown University. The Director of the Center is W.A. Curtin who is advised by an executive committee that contains a representative from each IRG (E. Chason, A. Bower) and the seed project (L.B. Freund).

Brown University’s Materials Research Science and Engineering Center’s research thrust is on Mechanics of Materials. The Center builds upon the infrastructure for research and outreach previously established at Brown to form a powerful entity for advancing the frontiers of materials science and for sharing the fundamental knowledge and excitement stemming from the research work.

The central role of mechanics in the national effort on the science and engineering of materials is clear. Mechanics issues abound across the full scope of advanced and emerging materials, often exploited in combinations with mismatched mechanical, electrical and thermal properties. Sufficiently strong, tough and durable lightweight and high-temperature structural materials are a direct route to energy efficiency. In electronics, the defects that degrade devices are nucleated by high stresses, and the control of stress during device fabrication is a major issue. Yet, stress can drive the formation of useful structures such as quantum dots. There are a host of biological phenomena wherein stress is a primary driving force. Mechanics is thus an integral part of the invention, design and representation of material behavior across the full spectrum of functional systems. Furthermore, the mechanical behavior of materials is among the branches of materials science that are most dependent on multi-scale phenomena due to the hierarchy of interactions among physical features at different scales. The Center serves a unique national role by fostering the research of an internationally-recognized faculty that is continually pushing forward the boundaries of mechanics of materials.

The Center will has three main research thrusts, structured as two IRGs and a Seed. The exceptional degree of collaboration and synergy among a large group of faculty with disciplinary expertise in materials, solid mechanics, physics, electrical engineering, and biology is a hallmark of the Brown MRSEC. These thrusts are also distinguished by the integration of careful experiments and novel theory/modeling on critical problems in the field.

IRG 1: Stress in Thin Films and Small Scale Structures. IRG 1 emphasizes the mechanics of thin film and small-scale structures, focusing on the energetics and stability of nanostructured materials and the evolution of stress during film growth and other non-equilibrium processes.

IRG 2: Multiscale Mechanics of Complex.  IRG 2 emphasizes the multiscale mechanics of complex microstructures, focusing on the prediction and mechanisms of deformation, fracture and fatigue of micron-scale multiphase materials and ultra-fine grain materials.

SEED - Micromechanics of Cell Adhesion. The Seed project extends our established expertise in quantitative mechanics to the problem of adhesion in biological systems. This work represents a natural outgrowth of our mechanics base into a class of biological phenomena that are critical to life in animals and in which the effects of stress and deformation are paramount.

The MRSEC is managed by a director (William Curtin) and an executive committee (Eric Chason, Allan Bower, Ben Freund) representing each IRG and the seed project. The executive committee makes the decisions regarding the research directions for the center (short-term and long-term), allocating resources and overseeing the outreach and facilities management.

The center is administered through the Institute for Molecular and Nanoscale Innovation (IMNI)/Center for Advanced Materials Research (CAMR). The staff of IMNI/CAMR help with all aspects of the center administration including proposal and report submission, administrative support for the outreach programs, management of the facilities and financial administration.

William A. Curtin, Elisha Benjamin Andrews Professor, Professor of Engineering, Solid Mechanics

Executive Committee:
Allan F. Bower, Professor of Engineering, Solid Mechanics
Eric H. Chason, Professor of Engineering, Materials Science
L. Ben Freund, Henry Ledyard Goddard University Professor, Professor of Engineering, Solid Mechanics


(章青 全国人大代表、河海大学教授。  原载《科学时报》 2009-3-10 B4 视点,作者:袁建胜 钱恂熊















时东陆:90% 学刊论文可能有误


“Ziman guesses that while the primary literature in physics is perhaps 90% wrong, textbooks in physics are perhaps 90% right - by no means 100% right. ” --- Henry H. Bauer


用科学方法进行对自然的探索,有些结果可以揭示自然规律,也很有可能出错。但是科学的精髓在于不断地通过规范的方法对结果进行质疑,分析,判断,推理,和更正 (这与宗教有根本的不同。比如基督教的结论是永恒的,不可质疑的)。这里所谓的“结果”指那些最前沿的,原初的,首次的探索结果。也就是在学术刊物发表的原始结果。比如一位物理学家发现某种物质具有超导性。这是第一发现,不可能完全被学术界立即完全接受。这个结果也完全可能有误。因而,这个原始结果需要通过世界学术界其他小组的重复,当然是在严格的科学规范实验基础之上,最后得以证实的。这往往需要时间。有些实验结果或许不需要很长时间,也许1-2年就可以证实。有些需要很长时间。爱因思坦的相对论在发表的时候甚至连诺贝尔委员会都看不懂。这个理论经过了漫长的时间才被世界物理学界逐步接受。类似的例子很多,包括达尔文进化论和宇宙大爆炸理论。因此,原始科学结果的发现和发表往往会出现许多错误,这是非常自然的。但是,科学之美在于她的“质疑论。”通过对原始结果的不断质疑,真理会慢慢地沉淀出来,最后进入教科书。所以ZIMAN先生说:"物理研究学刊论文可能90%有误,而教科书90%是正确的。"

对于这个理念其实早己在世界学术界认可。Henry H. Bauer 先生在 <<科学伦理>>一文中写得十分精彩和详细。在此与大家分享。文章网页来自:http://www.files.chem.vt.edu/chem-ed/ethics/hbauer/hbauer-filter.html ,按照他的分析,学术结果可以分成三类:

1.  Primary literature:Articles in research journals (学术研究杂志文章)

2.  Secondary literature :Review articles and monographs (综述性文章和专著)

3. Textbook science :Textbooks (教科书)

1. 时东陆, "科学的定义," <科学> 2007,59(3):4
2.时东陆, "再论科学的定义," <科学> 2007,59(5):23Engineering:



(原载《科学时报》 2009-3-2 A1 要闻,作者冯端院士)








http://www.ifs.se/ 国际科学基金会
http://www.esf.org/ 欧洲科学基金会
http://www.nsf.gov/ 美国国家科学基金会(NSF)
http://www.dfg.de/ 德意志研究联合会
http://www.arc.gov.au/ 澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)


结      束
