

本期编辑:陈文  黄丹  王勇





编者按:《力学动态 》文摘于每月10日和25日发送 ,免费订阅、自由退订。欢迎发布信息、交流体会、共享经验



    ² 教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”开始申报
    ² 科技部公布973计划项目后三年预算初步方案
    ² 国家公派高级研究学者、访问学者录取名单确定
    ²   2009年海峡两岸力学交流暨中学生力学夏令营在河海大学开幕

     ◆ 力学人物
    ² Prof. J. Tinsley Oden ,University of Texas at Austin


    ² 第一届全国热应力学术研讨会会议通知


    ² 2009年度全国复合材料力学研讨会征文通知(第二轮)

    ² IUTAM“微流体力学”国际暑期学校将于2009年8月在京举办



    ² Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
    ² Applied Mechanics Reviews
    ² Journal of Fluid Mechanics
    ² International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering


    ² 武汉大学招聘长江学者启事

    ² Post-Doc Positions in Computational Materials / Computational Chemistry at The University of Texas at Arlington

    ² Ph.D. position in material modelling, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

    ² Opening for Ph.D. Student Position in the Field of Computational Solid Mechanics, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ,Saudi Arabia

    ² Phd or Postdoc position on multiscale mechanics in Bochum/Germany

    ² The Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), The University of Texas at Austin

    ² 清华大学出版社:面向国内双语教学的《有限单元法导论》(英文)










“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”申请者应具有中国国籍,且必须通过人事关系所在单位申请,不接受跨单位申报;申请者所在学校或主管部门能够承诺匹配所要求的资助经费;已获得“长江 学者特聘教授”、“国家杰出青年科学基金”、中科院“百人计划”、“跨世纪优秀人才培养计划”、“高校青年教师奖”资助者,不得再申请本计划。

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 Prof. J.  Tinsley Oden, University of Texas at Austin

J. Tinsley Oden (born December 25, 1936 in Alexandria, Louisiana) is the Associate Vice President for Research, the Director of the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences, the Cockrell Family Regents' Chair in Engineering #2, the Peter O'Donnell Jr. Centennial Chair in Computer Systems, a Professor of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and a Professor of Mathematics at The University of Texas at Austin. Oden has been listed as an ISI Highly Cited Author in Engineering by the ISI Web of Knowledge, Thomson Scientific Company.

Research Interests

Dr. Oden was the founding Director of the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), which was created in January 2003 as an expansion of the Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics, also directed by Oden for over a decade. The Institute supports broad interdisciplinary research and academic programs in computational engineering and sciences, involving four colleges and 17 academic departments within UT Austin.

He finished secondary school in Alexandria in 1955 and entered Louisiana State University in the fall of that year. He earned a B.S. degree in civil engineering from LSU in 1959. Dr. Oden earned a Ph.D. in engineering mechanics from Oklahoma State University in 1962. He taught at OSU and The University of Alabama in Huntsville, where he was the head of the Department of Engineering Mechanics prior to going to Texas in 1973. He has held visiting professor positions at other universities in the United States, England, and Brazil.

An author of over 500 scientific publications: books, book chapters, conference papers, and monographs, Dr. Oden is an editor of the series, Finite Elements in Flow Problems and of Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics. Among the 49 books and book chapters he has authored or edited are Contact Problems in Elasticity, a six-volume series: Finite Elements , An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Finite Elements, and several textbooks, including Applied Functional Analysis and Mechanics of Elastic Structures, and, more recently, A Posteriori Error Estimation in Finite Element Analysis, with M. Ainsworth. His treatise, Finite Elements of Nonlinear Continua, published in 1972 and subsequently translated into Russian, Chinese, and Japanese, is cited as having not only demonstrated the great potential of computational methods for producing quantitative realizations of the most complex theories of physical behavior of materials and mechanical systems, but also established computational mechanics as a new intellectually rich discipline that was built upon deep concepts in mathematics, computer sciences, physics, and mechanics. Computational Mechanics has since become a fundamentally important discipline throughout the world, taught in every major university, and the subject of continued research and intellectual activity. Dr. Oden has published extensively in this field and in related areas over the last three decades.

Honors and Awards

In 2005, Dr. Oden was informed that he would receive an Honorary Doctorate, honoris causa, from Ecole Normale Superieure Cachan (ENSC), France. The honorary degree will be presented by the Board of the Scientific Council of ENSC in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the field of Computational Mechanics. In 2004, Dr. Oden was among the seven UT-Austin engineering faculty listed as the most highly cited researchers in the world from 1981-1999 in refereed, peer-reviewed journals, according to the International Scientific Index.

Dr. Oden is an Honorary Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and is a Fellow of six international scientific/technical societies: IACM, AAM, ASME, ASCE, SES, and BMIA. He is a Fellow, founding member, and first President of the U.S. Association for Computational Mechanics and the International Association for Computational Mechanics. He is a Fellow and past President of both the American Academy of Mechanics and the Society of Engineering Science. Among the numerous awards he has received for his work, Dr. Oden was awarded the A. C. Eringen Medal, the Worcester Reed Warner Medal, the Lohmann Medal, the Theodore von Karman Medal, the John von Neumann medal, the Newton/Gauss Congress Medal, and the Stephan P. Timoshenko Medal. He was also knighted as “Chevalier des Palmes Academiques” by the French government and he holds four honorary doctorates, honoris causa, from universities in Portugal (Technical University of Lisbon), Belgium (Faculte Polytechnique), Poland (Cracow University of Technology), and the United States (Presidential Citation, The University of Texas at Austin).

Dr. Oden is a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering and the National Academies of Engineering of Mexico and of Brazil. He serves as Co-Chairman of the Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative (ASCI) Panel for Sandia National Laboratories. He is a Member of the IUTAM Working Party 5 on Computational Mechanics and serves on numerous organizational, scientific and advisory committees for international conferences and symposia. He is an Editor of Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering and serves on the editorial board of 27 scientific journals.

Current Research Topics

Dr. Oden has worked extensively on the mathematical theory and implementation of numerical methods applied to problems in solid and fluid mechanics and, particularly, nonlinear continuum mechanics. His current research focuses on the subject of multi-scale modeling and on new theories and methods his group has developed for what they refer to as “adaptive modeling.” The core of any computer simulation is the mathematical model used to study the physical system of interest. They have developed methods that estimate modeling error and adapt the choices of models to control error. This has proven to be a powerful approach for multi-scale problems. Applications include semiconductors manufacturing at the nanoscale level. Dr. Oden, along with ICES researchers, is also working on adaptive control methods in laser treatment of cancer, particularly prostate cancer. This work involves the use of dynamic-data-driven systems to predict and control the outcome of laser treatments using our adaptive modeling strategies.

• Finite Elements of Nonlinear Continua, Dover Publications, 2006.
• An Introduction to the Mathematical Theory of Finite Elements, with J. N. Reddy, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1976.
• Applied Functional Analysis, Prentice Hall, 1979.
• Mechanics of Elastic Structures, 2nd ed., with E. A. Ripperger, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1981.
• Finite Elements in Fluids, volume 2, with O. C. Zienkiewicz, R. H. Gallagher, and C. Taylor, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1976.
• Finite Elements in Fluids, volume 4 with R. H. Gallagher, D. N. Norrie, and O. C. Zienkiewicz, Wiley, Chichester, 1982.
• Finite Elements in Fluids, volume 6, with R. H. Gallagher, G. F. Carey, and O.C. Zienkiewicz, Wiley, Chichester, 1985.
• State of the Art Survey in Computational Fluid Mechanics, with A. K. Noor, ASME, 1988.
• Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1980.


承办单位: 哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院
会议时间: 2009年12月
会议地点: 深圳
1. 热/机械载和的定义
2. 材料在成型和加工中的残留热应力
3. 空间结构的热/机械耦合响应
4. 先进热防护和热屏蔽材料力学
5. 高温测量技术
6. 热结构的分析;固体和气体之间的相互作用
7. 温度测量设备
8. 温度测量方法
9. 热弹性、热塑性、粘弹性
10. 热断裂、热疲劳
11. 热接触力学
12. 高温结构的主动和被动控制
13. 热冲击
14. 高/低温环境下的材料设计
15. 热问题的反方法及结构优化
16. 电子封装中的热应力
17. 生物医学工程中的热应力
18. 工业实际中的热应力\
19. 热传导/热辐射问题
20. 热/机械耦合计算方法
21. 热/机械耦合试验方法
22. 热载荷下材料和结构的稳定性和局部失效
23. 孔稀材料的热应力问题
24. 材料的热/力/电/磁耦合行为
25. 其它热相关问题
联系人: 王保林
联系电话:0755-26032119,0755-26033490, 13058018816




为推动我国复合材料力学的发展,中国复合材料学会、中国力学学会定于2009年10月16-20日在湖南省长沙市举办“2009年度全国复合材料力学研讨会”。 本次会议由中国复合材料学会和中国力学学会联合主办;中国复合材料学会复合材料力学专业委员会,中国力学学会固体力学专业委员会复合材料专业组、复合材料设计、应用与评价专业委员会和湖南大学机械与运载工程学院承办。其目的是增进复合材料力学相关领域的专家和学者之间的沟通了解,促进高等学校、科研院所及企业之间的交流与合作,从而推动我国复合材料力学的发展和实现研究成果的产业化。
通信地址:湖南长沙湖南大学机械与运载工程学院 邮编:410082
联 系 人:刘桂萍 韩旭





经国际理论与应用力学联合会(IUTAM)的批准,2009年8月17日-20日将在北京大学现代物理中心举办“微流体力学”国际暑期学校:IUTAM Summer School on Mechanics in Microfluidics。



北京大学      中国力学学会



 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids

1.Two-scale micromechanics-based probabilistic modeling of domain switching in ferroelectric ceramics
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 15 July 2009
W. Tang, D.N. Fang, J.Y. Li

2.On probabilistic aspects in the dynamic degradation of ductile materials
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 14 July 2009
Hervé Trumel, Franco¸is Hild, Gilles Roy, Yves-Patrick Pellegrini, Christophe Denoual

3.Shape and topology sensitivity analysis for cracks in elastic bodies on boundaries of rigid inclusions
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 14 July 2009
A.M. Khludnev, A.A. Novotny, J. Soko lowski, A. Żochowski

4.Understanding the influence of structural hierarchy and its coupling with chemical environment on the strength of idealized tropocollagen-hydroxyapatite biomaterials
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 10 July 2009
Devendra K. Dubey, Vikas Tomar

5.Lattice incompatibility and strain-aging in single crystals
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 9 July 2009
S. Varadhan, A.J. Beaudoin, C. Fressengeas

6.Mechanics of adhesive contact on a power-law graded elastic half-space
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 30 June 2009
Shaohua Chen, Cong Yan, Peng Zhang, Huajian Gao

7.The influence of particle fluctuations on the average rotation in an idealized granular material
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 25 June 2009
Luigi La Ragione, James T. Jenkins

8.Gradient nanoscale polycrystalline elasticity: Intergrain interactions and triple-junction conditions
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 23 June 2009
Eliot Fried, Morton E. Gurtin

9.Micro-pillar plasticity: 2.5D mesoscopic simulations
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 21 June 2009
A. Amine Benzerga

10.In-plane mechanical behaviors of 2D repetitive frameworks with four-coordinate flexible joints and elbowed beam members
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 17 June 2009
Hiro Tanaka, Yoji Shibutani

11.Anisotropic buckling patterns in spheroidal film/substrate systems and their implications in some natural and biological systems
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 16 June 2009
Jie Yin, Xi Chen, Izhak Sheinman

12.Optical properties of two-dimensional polymer photonic crystals after deformation-induced pattern transformations
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 3 June 2009
D. Krishnan, H.T. Johnson

13.Numerical solution of polarization saturation/dielectric breakdown model in 2D finite piezoelectric media
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 21 May 2009
Cui-Ying Fan, Ming-Hao Zhao, You-He Zhou

14.When and how do cracks propagate?
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 21 May 2009
A. Chambolle, G.A. Francfort, J.-J. Marigo

15.Pair vs many-body potentials: Influence on elastic and plastic behavior in nanoindentation of fcc metals
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 21 May 2009
Gerolf Ziegenhain, Alexander Hartmaier, Herbert M. Urbassek

16.The 1/r singularity in weakly nonlinear fracture mechanics
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 19 May 2009
Eran Bouchbinder, Ariel Livne, Jay Fineberg

17.Finite deformation of incompressible fiber-reinforced elastomers: A computational micromechanics approach
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 19 May 2009
Joaquín Moraleda, Javier Segurado, Javier LLorca

18.Compressive response of a sandwich plate containing a cracked diamond-celled lattice
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 19 May 2009
I. Quintana Alonso, N.A. Fleck

19.A micromechanics-based nonlocal constitutive equation and minimum RVE size estimates for random elastic composites containing aligned spheroidal heterogeneities
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 19 May 2009
Ilaria Monetto, W.J. Drugan

20.Matched asymptotic expansions for twisted elastic knots: A self-contact problem with non-trivial contact topology
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 18 May 2009
N. Clauvelin, B. Audoly, S. Neukirch

21.Symmetric and skew-symmetric weight functions in 2D perturbation models for semi-infinite interfacial cracks
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 15 May 2009
A. Piccolroaz, G. Mishuris, A.B. Movchan

22.Material aspects of dynamic neck retardation
In Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available online 12 March 2007
Z. Xue, A. Vaziri, J.W. Hutchinson

Editorial changes
In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 2 December 2003
Kaushik Bhattacharya, John Willis


 Applied Mechanics Reviews

September 2009,Volume 62, Issue 5

Review Articles
Mathematical Modeling of Skin Bioheat Transfer
F. Xu, T. J. Lu, K. A. Seffen, and E. Y. K. Ng
Appl. Mech. Rev. 62, 050801 (2009) (35 pages)

Ballistic Resistant Body Armor: Contemporary and Prospective Materials and Related Protection Mechanisms
N. V. David, X.-L. Gao, and J. Q. Zheng
Appl. Mech. Rev. 62, 050802 (2009) (20 pages)



 Journal of Fluid Mechanics,Vol.631

Pressure-driven flow in a two-dimensional channel with porous walls
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 1-21

An experimental study of an axisymmetric turbulent pulsed air jet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 23-63

Gravity currents impinging on bottom-mounted square cylinders: flow fields and associated forces
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 65-102

Time-dependent water-wave scattering by arrays of cylinders and the approximation of near trapping
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 103-125

Swimming due to transverse shape deformations
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 127-148

Numerical study of vertical dispersion by stratified turbulence
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 149-163

Dynamics of ultra-thin two-layer films under the action of inclined temperature gradients
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 165-197

Momentum and scalar transport at the turbulent/non-turbulent interface of a jet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 199-230

Anomalous pressure drop behaviour of mixed kinematics flows of viscoelastic polymer solutions: a multiscale simulation approach
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 231-253

AC electrohydrodynamic instabilities in thin liquid films
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 255-279

Large-eddy simulation and wall modelling of turbulent channel flow
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 281-309

Low-dimensional models and performance scaling of a highly deformable fish pectoral fin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 311-342

Stability of micropolar fluid flow between concentric rotating cylinders
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 343-362

Exact solutions for Stokes flow in and around a sphere and between concentric spheres
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 363-373

A reformulation and applications of interfacial fluids with a free surface
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 375-396

Mid-gap invasion in two-layer slot coating
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 397-417

Particulate gravity currents along V-shaped valleys
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 419-440

Are cascading flows stable? – CORRIGENDUM
Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 631, July 2009, pp 441-442


 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering

Volume 79 Issue 6 (6 August 2009)

Research Articles
An enriched element-failure method (REFM) for delamination analysis of composite structures (p 639-666)
X. S. Sun, V. B. C. Tan, G. Liu, T. E. Tay
Published Online: Feb 10 2009 8:57AM

Optimization-based dynamic human walking prediction: One step formulation (p 667-695)
Yujiang Xiang, Jasbir S. Arora, Salam Rahmatalla, Karim Abdel-Malek
Published Online: Feb 25 2009 8:07AM

An exponentially fitted method for solving Burgers' equation (p 696-705)
Turgut Özi , Utku Erdo kan
Published Online: Mar 4 2009 4:56AM

Thermodynamically consistent time-stepping algorithms for non-linear thermomechanical systems (p 706-732)
Ignacio Romero
Published Online: Mar 4 2009 4:56AM

A localized mixed-hybrid method for imposing interfacial constraints in the extended finite element method (XFEM) (p 733-752)
A. Zilian, T.-P. Fries
Published Online: Mar 16 2009 4:52AM

Combined equivalent charge formulations and fast wavelet Galerkin BEM for 3-D electrostatic analysis (p 753-772)
Jinyou Xiao, Johannes Tausch, Yanchuang Cao, Lihua Wen
Published Online: Mar 23 2009 5:20AM

Volume 79 Issue 5 , Pages 505 - 638 (30 July 2009)

Research Articles
A partitioned model for fluid-structure interaction problems using hexahedral finite elements with one-point quadrature (p 505-549)
Alexandre Luis Braun, Armando Miguel Awruch
Published Online: Feb 10 2009 8:57AM

A time-integration method for the viscoelastic-viscoplastic analyses of polymers and finite element implementation (p 550-575)
Jeong Sik Kim, Anastasia H. Muliana
Published Online: Feb 19 2009 3:23AM

Parallelization in time for thermo-viscoplastic problems in extrusion of aluminium (p 576-598)
Elena Celledoni, Trond Kvamsdal
Published Online: Mar 6 2009 8:11AM

Tensor-based Gauss-Jacobi numerical integration for high-order mass and stiffness matrices (p 599-638)
M. L. Bittencourt, T. G. Vazquez
Published Online: Mar 4 2009 4:56AM

Volume 79 Issue 4 , Pages 379 - 504 (23 July 2009)

Research Articles
A modified node-to-segment algorithm passing the contact patch test (p 379-416)
Giorgio Zavarise, Laura De Lorenzis
Published Online: Feb 12 2009 5:25AM

Multi-scale domain decomposition method for large-scale structural analysis with a zooming technique: Application to plate assembly (p 417-443)
A. Mobasher Amini, D. Dureisseix, P. Cartraud
Published Online: Feb 6 2009 8:56AM

Rigid body dynamics in terms of quaternions: Hamiltonian formulation and conserving numerical integration (p 444-473)
Peter Betsch, Ralf Siebert
Published Online: Mar 12 2009 4:09AM

On the use of non-linear transformations for the evaluation of anisotropic rotationally symmetric directional integrals. Application to the stress analysis in fibred soft tissues (p 474-504)
V. Alastrué, M. A. Martínez, A. Menzel, M. Doblaré
Published Online: Mar 5 2009 3:12AM

Volume 79 Issue 3 , Pages 253 - 378 (16 July 2009)

Group-theoretic exploitations of symmetry in computational solid and structural mechanics (p 253-289)
A. Zingoni
Published Online: Feb 27 2009 4:58AM

Research Articles
Free vibration analysis of symmetric laminated skew plates by discrete singular convolution technique based on first-order shear deformation theory (p 290-313)
Murat Gürses, Ömer Civalek, Armagan K. Korkmaz, Hakan Ersoy
Published Online: Jan 16 2009 9:01AM

Hierarchical model reduction at multiple scales (p 314-339)
Zheng Yuan, Jacob Fish
Published Online: Jan 28 2009 4:42AM

High-order doubly asymptotic open boundaries for scalar wave equation (p 340-374)
Suriyon Prempramote, Chongmin Song, Francis Tin-Loi, Gao Lin
Published Online: Feb 2 2009 5:13AM

Short Communications
Oppositely converging Newton-Raphson method for non-linear equilibrium problems (p 375-378)
Isaac Fried
Published Online: Mar 3 2009 7:03AM







 Post-Doc Positions in Computational Materials / Computational Chemistry at The University of Texas at Arlington


We are seeking two post-doctoral researchers to pursue computational studies of polymer-derived high-temperature ceramics, which exhibit an unusual structure at the nano-scale. Projects involve quantum and classical molecular dynamics simulations, modeling structure formation and fracture mechanics, solid state and gas-solid thermodynamic processes, and oxidation behavior.

Applicants with a PhD in Physics, Chemistry, or Materials Science should have a strong record in solid-state materials simulation and interest in High-Performance Computing. Existing first principles electronic structure and empirical molecular dynamics simulations will be used in combination with continuum mechanics. Experience in some of these techniques, in multi-scale modeling, and in code development for analysis is required.

One activity is supported within the new National Center for Hypersonic Materials and Structures, funded by NASA and AFOSR. The NSF sponsors a second project. Computer resources will be allocated at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) and the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS) Division. Successful candidates will be expected to work in a collegial environment, with strong interactions with colleagues working in the different disciplines necessary to the programs’ goals. Occasional collocation of fellows to other sites to maintain strong interactions will be encouraged and may be required.

The positions are available immediately and initially for one year, with extension possible based on mutual agreement. For further information, please contact Dr. Peter Kroll (pkroll@uta.edu). Potential applicants should send a 1-2 page CV, including contact information of 2-3 references to start the application process.


 Ph.D. position in material modelling,Paul Scherrer Institut , Switzerland


The Paul Scherrer Institut is a centre for multi-disciplinary research and one of the world’s leading user laboratories. With its 1300 employees it belongs as an autonomous institution to the Swiss ETH domain and concentrates its activities on solid-state research and material sciences, elementary particle physics, energy and environmental research as well as on biology and medicine. The group Material Science and Simulations (MSS) performs research in the structural and mechanical properties of metals, alloys and composites using in-situ testing facilities at the Swiss Light Source (SLS) and at the Neutron Spallation Source (SINQ), meanwhile exploiting synergies with computational material science. MSS opens for the duration of three years a
PhD Position in material science modelling
Your tasks
To undertake research into dislocation mediated plasticity in interface dominated microstructures. This inherently multi-scale problem requires a range of simulation techniques and the present project concentrates on a systematic study of the grain boundary/dislocation interaction using atomistic modelling methods. From such atomistic simulations, empirical rules will be developed for use in mesoscopic simulation techniques such as dislocation dynamics. To ensure the success of such a multi-scale approach, the doctoral student will also work closely together with the group of Prof. Peter Gumbsch (IZBS, University of Karlsruhe, Germany).
Your profile
We are looking for a candidate with a university degree in physics, materials science or mechanical engineering with an emphasis on theory and/or simulation. Written as well as spoken English are required. The main part of the research will be carried out at PSI. The candidate will have to enroll in the doctoral school of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL). The successful candidate will receive his/her PhD degree from the EPFL.

For further information please contact Prof. H. Van Swygenhoven, e-mail: helens.vs@psi.ch. Please send your application to: Paul Scherrer Institut, Human Resources, Mr. Thomas Erb, ref. code 3402-01, 5232 Villigen PSI, Switzerland or thomas.erb@psi.ch.


 Opening for Ph.D. Student Position in the Field of Computational Solid Mechanics
King Abdullah University of Science and Technology ,Saudi Arabia


A Ph.D. student position is available in the Computational Solid Mechanics Laboratory (CSML) in the Division of Physical and Chemical Sciences and Engineering at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). Candidates with experience in the following areas are encouraged to apply:
(1) Finite element analysis and solid mechanics
(2) Programming experience in C++, C, Python and Fortran
(3) Technical writing skills

A successful candidate must have a B.S. degree in a related field. Fluency in English is a must. Must be willing to support the CSML’s overall mission of carrying out world-class research.

Appointment, salary and benefits

Appointment period: Full time for the duration of graduate studies.

Salary and benefits: $30,000 annual stipend. Free housing, medical, dental and life insurance, air transportation to KAUST, one round-trip airline ticket per year to visit home country for graduate student and his/her spouse and children, residing permanently in KSA. No tax paid to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Contacts, application material and deadlines

Interested applicants should send a detailed C.V. with professional references to Professor Tamer El-Sayed at tamer.elsayed@kaust.edu.sa .The position will remain open until filled. About KAUST (http://www.kaust.edu.sa/)

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) is an international, graduate-level research university located on the Red Sea in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Dedicated to inspiring a new age of scientific achievement that will benefit the region and the world, KAUST will exemplify the future of world-class research. It is the vibrant home to an international community of students, faculty and staff, researchers, and families, situated in a unique Red Sea coastal location near Thuwal, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Jeddah – Saudi Arabia’s second largest city. The total area of the self-contained community spans more than 36 million square meters, including a unique coral reef ecosystem that the University will preserve as a marine sanctuary. At opening, KAUST will house the Shaheen Supercomputer, a 16-rack IBM Blue Gene/P System, equipped with 4 gigabytes of memory per node and capable of 222 teraflops — or 222 trillion floating-point-operations — per second, making KAUST’s campus in Thuwal the site of one of the world’s fastest supercomputers. KAUST will also be connected directly into the worldwide research networks, running 10 Gbps directly to networks such as Internet2 & GEANT2. The infrastructure is designed with future IT requirements and developments in mind, including installation of 100,000 Ethernet ports and 500 kilometers of cables, with abundant dark fiber ready to be activated when needed.

More details are available at http://www.kaust.edu.sa/


 Phd or Postdoc position on multiscale mechanics in Bochum/Germany

PhD or Postdoc position

The Interdisciplinary Centre for Advanced Materials Simulation (ICAMS) is a new research centre at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. At ICAMS an interdisciplinary team of scientists from engineering, materials science, chemistry, physics and mathematics is working on the development and application of a new generation of simulation tools for multi-scale materials modelling.

In the department "Micromechanical modeling of macroscopic material behaviour" at the Ruhr-University Bochum the group "Discrete Micromechanics and Fracture" is expanding in the direction of fatigue of metals. In this area, the atomic behavior and the interaction of atomic-lattice effects plays a dominant role. Modeling both effects in a combined model is a significant scientific step. We therefore are looking for a person to work on the project: “Development of a discrete Multiscale model and its application to fatigue crack initiation.”

We are looking for a PhD student or Postdoc to work on the further development of multiscale methods. We welcome the application of candidates with expertise in any mathematical, scientific, or engineering discipline who have a strong commitment to research on multiscale methods for the design of materials. Experience in working with Linux environments and code development in C or C++ is beneficial. Familiarity with atomistic- or dislocation based techniques is not a prerequisite for application.

Qualified candidates are asked to submit their Curriculum Vitae before July 19th, 2009. Initially, the position is limited to two years, but there will be the possibility for extension. For further information and submission of your application, please contact:
Dr. Steffen Brinckmann
Ruhr-University Bochum
44780 Bochum
email: steffen DOT brinckmann AT rub DOT de
web: www.icams.de

Ruhr-University Bochum is committed to equal opportunity in employment and gender equality in its working environment. To increase gender distribution in all job categories and at all levels, we strongly encourage applications from qualified women. Female applicants will be given preferential consideration when their level of qualification, competence and professional achievements equals that of male candidates, unless arguments based on the personal background of a male co-applicant prevail. Applications from appropriately qualified handicapped persons are also encouraged.


 The Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES), The University of Texas at Austin

ICES Mission

The mission of the Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences is to provide the infrastructure and intellectual leadership for developing outstanding interdisciplinary programs in research and graduate study in computational sciences and engineering and in information technology. Organizationally, ICES reports to the Vice President for Research, and draws faculty from seventeen participating academic departments and four schools and colleges.

The Institute currently supports nine research centers and numerous research groups. It also supports the Computational and Applied Mathematics Program (CAM), a graduate degree program leading to the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computational and Applied Mathematics, the ICES Post Doctoral Fellows Program and a program for visiting scholars through the J. Tinsley Oden Faculty Fellowship Research Fund.


The Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences (ICES) is an organized research center created to function as an interdisciplinary research center for faculty and graduate students in computational sciences and engineering, mathematical modeling, applied mathematics, software engineering, and computational visualization. Organizationally, ICES reports to the Vice President for Research, and draws faculty from seventeen participating academic departments.

The Institute is now the home to ten research centers, seven active research groups, and is an Academic Excellence Alliance Partner with KAUST. The interdisciplinary programs underway at ICES involve 91 faculty representing 17 academic departments and four schools and colleges. ICES faculty hold positions in the Colleges of Engineering and Natural Sciences, the Red McCombs School of Business, and the Jackson School of Geological Sciences.

Centers & Groups
• Center for Computational Fluid Dynamics
• Center for Computational GeoSciences and Optimization
• Center for Computational Life Sciences and Biology
• Center for Computational Materials
• Center for Computational Molecular Science
• Center for Distributed and Grid Computing
• Center for Numerical Analysis
• Center for Predictive Engineering and Computational Sciences
• Center for Subsurface Modeling
• Computational Visualization Center
• Applied Mathematics Group
• Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Group
• Cardiovascular Engineering Group
• Computational Finance Group
• Computational Hydraulics Group
• Electromagnetics & Acoustics Group
• Multiscale Modeling Group
HomePage: http://www.ices.utexas.edu/



清华大学出版社最新推出由美国辛辛那提大学刘轶军(Yijun Liu)教授编写的英文教材《有限单元法导论》(An Introduction to the Finite Element Method),可供高校本科双语教学和工程技术人员使用。



有限单元法(FEM)是计算机辅助工程(CAE)中最重要和使用最广泛的一种数字模拟方法.随着各种英文版有限元软件的引进和在工程中的广泛应用, 迅速了解有限单元法的基本原理、使用方法和使用范围, 熟悉相关英文术语以便更好地使用这些软件已成为许多工科大学生和工程技术人员的迫切需要.虽然有关有限单元法的中文和英文教材已有很多, 但这些教材大多偏重于理论推导和程序编写, 因而不便于多数偏重于工程应用的工科大学生和工程技术人员作为入门教材.本教材试图填补这一空白以满足工科大学生和工程技术人员使用英文教材学习有限单元法和相关软件的需求.

本教材已在美国辛辛那提大学(University of Cincinnati)使用了12年, 经过多次修改和补充, 并被世界上多所大学采用.本教材侧重于通过分析简单力学问题讲述有限单元法的基本原理和适用范围, 及使用有限元软件时应注意的问题.教材中增添了许多有限元软件在工程分析中的应用实例.教师在使用本教材时可适当增加一些使用有限元软件的小型课题以增加练习材料的深度和广度.作者网页上列有一些辛辛那提大学本科生所做的有限元应用课题可供参考(http://urbana.mie.uc.edu/yliu/Showcase_FEA/showcase_fea.htm).

本教材作者从事计算力学的研究、教学和工程应用已有二十余年.作者在中国西北工业大学飞机结构强度专业获得本科和硕士学位, 在美国伊里诺伊大学香滨分校(UIUC)理论和应用力学系(TAM)获得博士学位.毕业后, 曾在美国依阿华大学(ISU)做博士后研究和福特汽车公司做CAE工程师.在2003年—2005年, 曾获日本国家科学促进委员会(JSPS)高级学者奖励在京都大学做访问教授和中国教育部春晖计划奖励在清华大学做访问教授.现为多个国际会议和学术分会组织人, 两个国际杂志编委, 在国际专业刊物和会议论文集上共发表有关计算力学方面的论文七十余篇, 并撰写有两本专著.

希望通过出版本教材能帮助更多的工科大学生和工程技术人员尽快了解有限单元法的基本原理和使用范围, 并熟练掌握合理使用各种有限元软件的技能.


供稿人:刘轶军(Yijun Liu)教授



INELASTICITY OF MATERIALS- An Engineering Approach and a Practical Guide by Arun R Srinivasa (Texas A&M University, USA) & Sivakumar M Srinivasan (Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India)

With the advent of a host of new materials ranging from shape memory alloys to biomaterials to multiphase alloys, acquiring the capacity to model inelastic behavior and to choose the right model in a commercial analysis software has become a pressing need for practicing engineers. Even with the traditional materials, there is a continued emphasis on optimizing and extending their full range of capability in the applications. This textbook builds upon the existing knowledge of elasticity and thermodynamics, and allows the reader to gain confidence in extending one's skills in understanding and analyzing problems in inelasticity. By reading this textbook and working through the assigned exercises, the reader will gain a level of comfort and competence in developing and using inelasticity models. Thus, the book serves as a valuable book for practicing engineers and senior-level undergraduate/graduate-level students in the mechanical, civil, aeronautical, metallurgical and other disciplines.

The book is written in three parts. Part 1 is primarily focused on lumped parameter models and simple structural elements such as trusses and beams. This is suitable for an advanced undergraduate class with just a strength of materials background. Part II is focused on small deformation multi-dimensional inelasticity and is suitable for a beginning graduate class. Sufficient material is included on how to numerically implement an inelastic model and solve either using a simple stress function type of approach or using commercial software. Case studies are included as examples. There is also an extensive discussion of thermodynamics in the context of small deformations. Part III focuses on more advanced situations such as finite deformation inelasticity, thermodynamical ideas and crystal plasticity. More advanced case studies are included in this part.
• This textbook takes a new, task- or scenario-based approach to teaching and learning inelasticity. The book is written in an active learning style that appeals to engineers and students who wish to design or analyze structures and components that are subject to inelasticity.
• The book incorporates thermodynamical considerations into the modeling right from an early stage. Extensive discussions are provided throughout the book on the thermodynamical underpinnings of the models.
• This textbook is the first to make extensive use of MATLAB to implement many inelasticity models. It includes the use of concepts such as Airy stress functions to solve plane problems for inelastic materials. The MATLAB codes are listed in the appendix for one to modify with their own models and requirements.
• Step-by-step procedures for formulations and calculations are provided for the reader to readily adapt to the inelastic problems that he or she attempts to solve.
• A large number of problems, exercises and projects for one to teach or learn from are included. These can be assigned as homework, in-class exercises or projects.
• The book is written in a modular fashion, which provides adequate flexibility for adaptation in classes that cater to different audiences such as senior-level students, graduate students, research scholars, and practicing engineers.
• Introduction to Inelasticity — Simple Structural Elements:
• Introduction to Inelasticity
• Thermodynamics of Inelastic Materials: A Lumped Parameter Approach
• Inelastic Response of Truss Elements
• Elastoplastic Beams: An Introduction to a Boundary Value Problem
• Simple Problems
• Inelasticity of Continua — Small Deformations:
• Introduction to Small Deformation Plasticity
• The Boundary Value Problem for J2 Elastoplasticity
• Examples of Other Yield Surfaces: Associative and Non-Associative Plasticity
• Thermodynamics of Elasto-Plastic Materials: The Central Role of Dissipation
• Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Problems
• Inelasticity of Continua — Finite Deformations:
• Summary of Continuum Thermodynamics
• Finite Deformation Plasticity
• Inelasticity of Single Crystals
• Advanced Case Studies
Readership: Mechanical, aeronautical, civil and metallurgical engineers; material scientists; biomechanists and engineers interested in inelastic/nonlinear systems.
572pp Pub. date: Jul 2009



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