本期编辑:陈文 雷冬 徐青艳
◆ 新闻报道
² “2009年中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖”获奖名单公布
² 第三届亚太国际工程中计算方法学术会议暨第九届全国工程中边界元、无网格等数值方法学术会议在河海大学顺利召开
² 工程中的关键固体力学问题研讨会墍华东六省一市固体力学联络委员会议顺利召开
◆ 学术会议
² The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
² The 20th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials
² The 8th International Conference on Fracture & Strength of Solids 2010 (FEOFS 2010)
◆ 招生招聘
² PhD Research Position on Modelling of Sonochemical Reactors
² Post-doc urgently need at Oxford - Modelling of composites
² Postdoctoral position on computational mechanics
² PhD Student in Soil Mechanics at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
◆ 论著期刊
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsVolume 57, Issue 12, Pages
1921-1998 (December 2009)
Journal of
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Volume 73, Issue 4, Pages 367-484 (2009)
◆ 网络精华
² 钱学森的博士论文
◆ 新书推介
² meshfree methods:moving beyond the finite element method,second edition
² Introduction to MicromechanicsKhanh Chau Le (Institute of Mechanics, Ruhr University Bochum Universitätsstr. Bochum, Germany)
经各省(市、自治区)力学学会推荐、 专家组评审、教育工作委员会讨论,决定授予清华大学高云峰等70为教师 “2009年中国力学学会全国徐芝纶力学优秀教师奖”。
第三届亚太国际工程中计算方法学术会议暨第九届全国工程中边界元、无网格等数值方法学术会议 ICOME2009 (Third Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering),于2009年10月18~22日在江苏省南京市河海大学成功举行,参会代表90余人,其中来自境外代表17人,包括来自日本京都大学、东京大学等大学及研究机构的9人、我国台湾地区的台湾大学、台湾海洋大学等3人、澳门地区的澳门大学2人以及来自澳大利亚国立大学、新加坡国立大学和美国堪萨斯大学的专家学者。
已故工程院院士杜庆华先生是这两个系列会议的主要创始人之一,也是我国工程中边界元法的主要创导者,今年正值杜先生90诞辰。为了纪念杜先生在此领域的卓越贡献,得到杜先生生前工作单位清华大学和他的亲属的同意,由北京力学会负责组织,首次设立了“杜庆华工程计算方法奖”和 “杜庆华工程计算方法优秀青年学者奖”,旨在鼓励从事工程计算方法研究的中青年优秀人才,促进计算力学的发展和力学与工程相结合。本次会议宣布河海大学陈文教授和北京理工大学董春迎教授获得本届“杜庆华工程计算方法奖”,清华大学王海涛副教授和合肥工业大学周焕林教授获得本届“杜庆华工程计算方法优秀青年学者奖”。今后该项奖每三年将评选一次。
河海大学陈文教授主持了会议的开幕式,大会主席清华大学姚振汉教授致开幕词。会议安排了两天半的学术交流,共有学术报告79个,会议论文和报告均用英语。其中包括6个大会报告(Plenary Lectures),分别是台湾海洋大学陈正宗教授关于“边界元法研究进展”的报告、澳大利亚国立大学秦庆华教授关于“Trefftz有限元法研究”的报告、新加坡国立大学刘桂荣教授关于“G空间理论”的报告、中国科学院余德浩研究员关于“超奇异积分方程及其数值方法”的报告、京都大学西村直志教授关于“周期快速多极法在光学中应用”的报告、清华大学姚振汉教授关于“弹性动力学中时域边界积分方程”的报告。分会场报告分4个专题:(1)边界元法,(2)无网格法,(3)其它新的工程计算方法,(4)工程计算方法在各领域的应用。其中有14个主题报告(Keynote Lectures)和4个邀请报告(Invited Lectures)。
上海市力学学会将于2009年11月17日在上海交通大学举办“多物理场仿真计算学术研讨会”。此次会议由上海市力学学会计算力学专业委员会、中仿科技和COMSOL公司承办。会议将围绕多物理场耦合数学建模、计算方法、软件开发和工程应用等问题开展经验交流活动。会上还将免费赠送最新多物理场耦合分析软件COMSOL Multiphysics V4.0。热忱欢迎从事力学、航空航天工程、土木工程、船舶与海洋工程、水利工程、环境科学与工程等领域研究的专家、学者、工程技术人员和研究生参加会议。
投递1页详细摘要(包括题目、作者(单位)、摘要、关键词、作者通讯地址、电话、E-mail地址)。请将详细摘要的Word文件作为E-mail附件发给联系人。投稿截止日期:2009年10月31日。联系人:胡振东(E-mail: zdhu@tongji.edu.cn)
1 会议时间:2009年11月17日,9:00—17:00。
2 会议地点:上海市徐汇区华山路1954号.上海交通大学.浩然高科技大厦一楼102学术交流厅.
3 参会费用:本次会议不收取会务费,免费提供自助午餐。
Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology
This is the Tenth Conference in the Computational Structures Technology series that commenced in 1991. Previous venues for the conference have included: Budapest, Edinburgh, Prague, Leuven, Lisbon, Gran Canaria and Athens. The conference is concerned with the application of the latest computational technology to structural mechanics and engineering. Computational Technology encompasses both the latest hardware and software developments as well as algorithmic and theoretical techniques.
The conference is concerned with both theoretical, mathematical and scientific developments as well as applications of established technology to new domains. The word Structures is interpreted in its widest sense.
The conference runs concurrently with the Seventh International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Participants may attend sessions from either conference.
Abstract submission 15 November 2009
Conference website: http://civil-comp.com/conf/cst2010.htm
The 20th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials
The 20th International Workshop on Computational Mechanics of Materials (IWCMM 2010) will be held on 8-10 September 2010 at Loughborough University, UK. Selected papers will be published in a Special Issue of Computational Materials Science by Elsevier.
Multi-scale material modelling
Nano-, micro- and meso-mechanical modelling
Atomistic simulations
Advanced modelling schemes
Nonlocal models
Damage and fracture
Crystal plasticity
Cyclic loading and fatigue
Dynamic and impact loading
Metals, alloys, ceramics, polymers, composites
Multiphase materials
Materials for electronics
Foams and cellular materials
Coatings and films
Sports materials
Size-dependent properties
Conference website: http://iwcmm.lboro.ac.uk
The 8th International Conference on Fracture & Strength of Solids 2010 (FEOFS
The 8th International Conference on Fracture & Strength of Solids 2010 (FEOFS 2010) scheduled to be held in in Malaysia from 7th to 9th June 2010, at the Istana Hotel, Kuala Lumpur.
Conference website: http://www.feofs2010.com/
PhD Research Position on Modelling of Sonochemical Reactors
Applications are invited, from suitably qualified candidates, to work in the field of Modelling of Sonochemical Reactors. The main objective of the project is design of production line for medical antibacterial textiles by use of sonochemical reactors and nanotechnology. The post will demand some theoretical work on the model development as well as numerical modelling for obtaining solution of the problem.
Applicants are expected to hold a good first degree in Engineering, Mathematics or Physical Sciences. It would be beneficial if the applicant has experience in numerical modelling of waves or fluid flow. Previous experience in programming is desirable. The successful candidate will be registered for a PhD degree and will have a stipend covering the living expenses and fees. The position is for three years.
Applications including your CV, cover letter and contact details of three referees should be sent, preferably by email, to:Prof. Viktor Popov Wessex Institute of Technology. Email: viktor@wessex.ac.uk.
Post-doc urgently need at Oxford -
Modelling of composites
Grade 7: Salary £28,839 - £35,469 p.a.
We are seeking a well-organised and motivated individual to work on an EPSRC/Dstl funded research project, aimed at developing novel methodologies for numerical simulation of deformation and failure of composite materials at multiple length scales in impact engineering of marine structures. Based at Engineering Science, Parks Road, Oxford this post is available immediately for three years.
You will be responsible for the development of deterministic and stochastic modelling techniques for predictive modelling of the response of composite materials to impact loading, the development of supporting experimental techniques, the writing of reports and journal publications and the production of documented software.
An application pack may be obtained by telephoning 01865 273013 or by email to administrator@eng.ox.ac.uk.Please quote reference DF09071 in all correspondence. The closing date for applications is noon on Wednesday 11 November 2009.
Conference website:http://imechanica.org/
Postdoctoral position on
computational mechanics
We have an opening for a postdoctoral scholar in the area of computational mechanics. Specific problems of interest include molecular dynamics and meshless method for continuum damage mechanics. Rich experience of C++, X-windows image processing, and Fortran programming is required. Contact: Professor Jung-Wuk Hong at Michigan State University. Email: jwh at egr dot msu dot edu.
Conference website:http://imechanica.org/
PhD Student in Soil Mechanics at
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne
A position for a PhD student-assistant is now open in the laboratory of soil mechanics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne (EPFL). The proposed subject on the issue of environmental geomechanics (to be changed/ completed if needed) is a part of the research & development activities within the laboratory of soil mechanics (LMS). PhD works might be of experimental or modelling nature or both, relying on state-of-the art laboratory equipment and computational resources. The hired PhD student will also work as a teaching assistant for the civil engineering section of EPFL.
Candidates should own an Engineering Degree, an Advanced Master of studies or more, and a strong interest in Mechanics of solids and fluids and environmental issues. All nationalities are welcome, top rated students are favoured. More information on the Soil mechanics laboratory can be found on our website http://lms.epfl.ch/en
Suitable, highly-motivated candidates should send electronic applications (as a single PDF) to Prof. Lyesse Laloui lyesse.laloui@epfl.ch with copy to Mrs. karine.barone@epfl.ch .The application file will include a cover letter describing interests and qualifications for the position and a complete curriculum vitae. If selected, the candidate will have to meet the requirements of EPFL doctoral school before being hired at LMS.
Conference website:http://imechanica.org/
of the Mechanics and Physics of SolidsVolume 57, Issue 12, Pages 1921-1998
(December 2009
Stress field at a sliding frictional contact: Experiments and calculations
Pages 1921-1933
J. Scheibert, A. Prevost, G. Debrégeas, E. Katzav, M. Adda-Bedia
Subsonic semi-infinite crack with a finite friction zone in a bimaterial
Pages 1934-1957
Y.A. Antipov
Localised knife waves in a structured interface
Pages 1958-1979
Gennady S. Mishuris, Alexander B. Movchan, Leonid I. Slepyan
On probabilistic aspects in the dynamic degradation of ductile materials
Pages 1980-1998
Hervé Trumel, François Hild, Gilles Roy, Yves-Patrick Pellegrini, Christophe Denoual
Engineering Fracture Mechanics
Volume 76, Issue 17, Pages 2561-2654 (November 2009)
Special Issue on the Damage Tolerance of Railway Rails
Introduction to the damage tolerance behaviour of railway rails – a review
Pages 2563-2601
U. Zerbst, R. Lundén, K.-O. Edel, R.A. Smith
Application of fracture mechanics methods to rail design and maintenance
Pages 2602-2611
J. Plu, S. Bondeux, D. Boulanger, R. Heyder
Rail rolling contact fatigue dependence on friction, predicted using fracture mechanics with a three-dimensional boundary element model
Pages 2612-2625
D.I. Fletcher, L. Smith, A.Kapoor
A comprehensive approach for modeling fatigue and fracture of rails
Pages 2626-2636
K. Dang Van, M.H. Maitournam, Z. Moumni, F. Roger
Damage tolerance investigations on rails
Pages 2637-2653
Uwe Zerbst, Manfred Schödel, René Heyder
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Volume 73, Issue 4, Pages 367-484 (2009
A two-parameter friction model (Pages 367-370)
A.V. Karapetyan
The brachistochrone problem for a disc (Pages 371-378)
L.D. Akulenko
The invariant manifolds of systems with first integrals (Pages 379-384)
V.D. Irtegov, T.N. Titorenko
The motion of a railway wheelset (Pages 385-394)
V.G. Vil’ke
The dynamics of a “flexible-rotor/limited-power-excitation-source” system (Pages 395-402)
N.N. Verichev, S.N. Verichev, V.I. Yerofeyev
Bifurcation in a time-optimal problem for a second-order non-linear system (Pages 403-410)
S.A. Reshmin
Extremal aiming in problems with an unknown level of dynamic disturbance (Pages 411-420)
S.A. Ganebnyi, S.S. Kumkov, V.S. Patsko
The conservation laws and group properties of the equations of gas dynamics with zero velocity of sound (Pages 421-425)
Yu. A. Chirkunov
The design of the iso-velocity contour for the flow past the base of a dam with a confining bed (Pages 426-433)
E.N. Bereslavskii
Solution of plane seepage problems for a multivalued seepage law when there is a point source (Pages 434-442)
I.B. Badriyev, O.A. Zadvornov, L.N. Ismagilov, E.V. Skvortsov
Dynamics of the pressure relaxation in a “depressurized” borehole (Pages 443-448)
R.M. Khafizov, I.G. Khusainov, V. Sh. Shagapov
The layered element method in the dynamic theory of elasticity (Pages 449-456)
Ye.V. Glushkov, N.V. Glushkova, A.A. Yeremin, V.V. Mikhas’kiv
The propagation of shock waves in anisotropic materials (Pages 457-463)
A.A. Luk’yanov, V.B. Pen’kov
An energy approach to the proof of the existence of Rayleigh waves in an anisotropic elastic half-space (Pages 464-470)
I.V. Kamotskii, A.P. Kiselev
The contact problem for a piecewise-homogeneous plane with a semi-infinite inclusion (Pages 471-477)
R.D. Bantsuri, N.N. Shavlakadze
The transient retardation of a rectilinear viscoplastic flow when the loading stresses are abruptly removed (Pages 478-482)
A.A. Burenin, L.V. Kovtanyuk, A.V. Lushpei
1957年获中国科学院自然科学一等奖。1979年获美国加州理工学院杰出校友奖。1985年获国家科技进步特等奖。1989年获“小罗克韦尔奖章”、“世界级科技与工程名人”奖和国际理工研究所名誉成员称号。1991年10月获国务院、中央军委授予的“国家杰出贡献科学家”荣誉称号和一级英雄模范奖章。1995年1月获“1994年度何梁何利基金优秀奖”。1999年,中共中央、国务院、中央军委决定,授予他“两弹一星功勋奖章”。 2006年10月获“中国航天事业50年最高荣誉奖” 。
上世纪的三0年代,世界各国飞机的飞行速度和飞行高度是空军实力强弱和空战胜负的关键。当时的航空工程面临两大难题: 1.当飞机的速度接近音速时,空气的压缩对飞行器的性能有什么影响? 2.寻求超音速飞行器的理论指导与技术设计。 美国当时的航空工业对比欧洲是处于落后阶段的,为了赢得战争,美国解决这两大难题迫在眉睫。这两个全新的课题就是钱学森博士论文的研究方向。 一九三九年钱学森以四篇博士论文获得加州理工学院航空和数学的双博士学位。这四篇论文解决了上面所述的两大难题。
钱学森论文的第二部份是飞机在高速飞行时,如何计算器翼表面压力的分布状况。当时航空界已知的计算方法只适用于机翼较薄、飞行速度较慢(低于零点五马赫)的飞机。冯卡门提出命题,钱学森找到了答案,师徒二人共同解决了这个航空动力学的基础问题,发表了著名的「卡门—钱学森公式」,又称「卡门—钱学森方法」。这是航空科学史上闪闪发光的一页。 “热障”理论和「卡门—钱学森公式」是所有航空飞行器的指导理论,在第二次世界大战期间以及二战以后很长一段时间,都被世界各国广泛应用于超音速飞机的设计与制造,直到电子计算器被广泛应用。
Qian Xuesen, Father of China’s Space Program, Dies at 98 By MICHAEL WINES Published: November 3, 2009
BEIJING — Qian Xuesen, a brilliant rocket scientist who single-handedly led China’s space and military rocketry efforts after he was drummed out of the United States during the redbaiting of the McCarthy era, died on Saturday in Beijing. He was 98.
China’s state media reported the death. Mr. Qian had been frail and bedridden in recent years.
In China, Mr. Qian was celebrated as the father of Chinese rocketry, the leader of the research that produced the nation’s first ballistic missiles, its first satellite and the Silkworm anti-ship missile.
But in the United States in the 1930s and 1940s, he was no less valuable, if not so publicly celebrated, as a pioneer in American jet and rocket technology.
As a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and later as a scientist and teacher at the California Institute of Technology, Mr. Qian, also known as Tsien Hsue-shen, played a central role in early United States’ efforts to exploit jet and rocket propulsion.
As a graduate assistant at Caltech in the late 1930s, Mr. Qian helped conduct seminal research into rocket propulsion, and in the 1940s he helped found the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, now one of NASA’s premier space-exploration centers.
Mr. Qian served on the United States government’s Science Advisory Board during World War II. On the war front in Germany, he advised the Army on ballistic-missile guidance technology. At the war’s end, holding the temporary rank of lieutenant colonel, he debriefed Nazi scientists, including Werner von Braun, and was sent to analyze Hitler’s V-2 rocket facilities.
In the 1940s his mentor and colleague, the Caltech physicist Theodore von Karman, called Mr. Qian “an undisputed genius whose work was providing an enormous impetus to advances in high-speed aerodynamics and jet propulsion.” In 1949, Mr. Qian wrote a proposal for a winged space plane that the magazine Aviation Week and Space Technology, in 2007, called an inspiration for research that led to NASA’s space shuttle.But by 1950 his American career was over. Shortly after applying for permission to visit his parents in the newly Communist China, he was stripped of his security clearance by the Federal Bureau of Investigation and accused of secretly being a Communist. The charge was based on a 1938 document of the Communist Party of the United States that showed he had attended a social gathering that the F.B.I. suspected was a meeting of the Pasadena Communist Party.Mr. Qian denied the charges, his Caltech colleagues came to his defense, and the university hired a lawyer to assist him. Mr. Qian first sought to return to China but was placed under virtual house arrest by the government; later, he sought to stay and fight the accusations, but the government sought to deport him.In 1955, Mr. Qian was sent back to China, where he was proclaimed a hero and immediately put to work developing Chinese rocketry. By many accounts, he later became a committed Communist and served on the party’s ruling body, the Central Committee.
The loyalty allegations have never been fully resolved. Aviation Week, which named Mr. Qian its man of the year in 2007, quoted Dan Kimball, a former under secretary of the Navy, as calling Mr. Qian’s deportation “the stupidest thing this country ever did.” A 1999 United States Congress report on Chinese espionage called Mr. Qian a spy, but critics say the report provides no basis other than a claim that he passed to China the secrets of the American Titan missile program, which began years after he had been deported.
Qian Xuesen was born in 1911, as the Chinese imperial government was collapsing, in Hangzhou, in eastern China. He earned a mechanical engineering degree in 1934 in Shanghai. At the age of 23 he went to the United States on a scholarship to study aeronautical engineering at M.I.T. Later, at Caltech’s Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, Mr. Qian met Mr. von Karman, who recommended him for the Science Advisory Board and gave him the lead role in research that developed the first American solid-fuel rocket to be successfully launched.After his deportation, Mr. Qian wrote a position paper for Chinese leaders on aviation and defense, according to the state-run news service Xinhua.Under his leadership, China developed its first generation of “Long March” missiles and, in 1970, launched its first satellite. Most of China’s recent space achievements, like its manned space program, began long after Mr. Qian’s retirement.Mr. Qian never returned to the United States. In a 2002 published reminiscence, a Caltech colleague and professor, Frank Marble, stated that he believed that Mr. Qian had “lost faith in the American government” but that he had “always had very warm feelings for the American people.”
Caltech gave Mr. Qian its distinguished alumni award in 2001.
G.R. Liu,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Key Features:
An up-to-date overview of meshfree methods for engineering analysis
Covers numerous meshfree methods, including EFG, MLPG, and the latest most
efficient PIM, and GSM
Presents necessary fundamentals, new theories (G space and W2 formulations) ,
procedures, formulations, and applications
Examines many special properties of meshfree methods
Discusses error estimation and adaptive analysis using meshfree methods
Presents combined meshfree/FEM models
Comparison studies of meshfree and FEM (finite element methods)
Introduces latest version of the MFree2D© freely available online
About the Book:
significant advances made in the field since the original was published, this
new second edition of Mesh Free Methods: Moving Beyond the Finite Element Method
systematically covers many of the most widely used meshfree methods. Addressing
important new developments, especially essential theoretical aspects, this
edition, updated with 70% new material, includes:
Much more detail on fundamental concepts and key theories (G space and W2
formulations) for numerical methods
Discussions on special properties of meshfree methods, including stability,
convergence, accuracy, and efficiency, as well as the consideration of bound
More detailed elaboration on error estimation and adaptive analysis using
meshfree methods
Developments regarding combined meshfree/FEM models
Comparison studies using meshfree and finite element methods
Catalog no. 82094, September 2009, Pages/Trim/Binding: 816 Hard Cover
ISBN: 1420082094 / ISBN13: 9781420082098, $149.95 / £89.00
Order e-mail:
Website: www.crcpress.com
Introduction to Micromechanics
Khanh Chau Le
(Institute of Mechanics, Ruhr University Bochum Universitätsstr. Bochum,
Book Description:
This textbook is a modern introduction to micromechanics and its applications. It analyzes various continuum models of solids with evolving microstructure based on the first principles of mechanics and thermodynamics. The scope of the book fits well a one-year graduate course for engineers with basic knowledge in mechanics as well as calculus and elementary tensor analysis. For this circle of readers the emphasis is made on the material modeling and the constructive methods of solution. To help the students become more proficient, each chapter ends with exercises, of which some can be solved effectively by using the Mathematica. Difficult tasks are marked with an asterisk.
Table of Contents:
1. Phase transition
1.1 Phase mixing as energy minimizer
1.2 Broken extremals
1.3 Hysteresis loops
1.4 Dynamic phase transition
1.5 Phase mixing in higher dimensions
1.6 Finite strain theory
1.7 Fluid-gas phase transition
2. Brittle fracture
2.1 Crack formation in a bar
2.2 Stress singularity
2.3 Stress singularity near a moving crack tip
2.4 Safe equilibrium and crack growth
2.5 Crack propagation
2.6 Finite strain theory
2.7 Nonlinear crack propagation
2.8 Thermally assisted crack nucleation
3. Dislocations
3.1 Physical background
3.2 Screw dislocation
3.3 Edge dislocation
3.4 3-D dislocation loop
3.5 Peach-Koehler force and dislocation interaction
3.6 Dislocation dynamics
3.7 Dislocation model of small angle grain boundaries
3.8 Dislocation pile-ups
3.9 Statistical mechanics of dislocations
4. Crystal plasticity
4.1 Continuum dislocation theory
4.2 Anti-plane constrained shear of single crystals
4.3 Plane constrained shear of single crystals .
4.4 Single crystals de-forming in doubleslip
4.5 Plastic deformation of bi-crystals
4.6 Plane constrained shear of single-slip bi-crystals
4.7 Plane strain uniaxial extension of single-slip bicrystals
Distributions with compact supports
List of notations
Series: Classical and Quantum Mechanics
ISBN: 978-1-60876-805-9
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