

本期编辑:陈文   雷冬  张耀海 










    ² “2010年国家自然科学基金委员会数理科学部环境力学夏季讲习班”纪要

    ² 第十五届华东固体力学学术会议在同济大学召开

    ² 项海帆院士获美国土木工程师协会个人最高荣誉奖


    ² Third International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III) in conjunction

                            with Second Symposium on Computational Structural     Engineering (CSE II)

    ² 33rd International Conference on Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods

    ² 计算机辅助工程及其理论研讨会2011(CAETS 2011)征文通知


    ² 浙江大学航空航天学院工程力学系招收博士后、研究助理人员

    ² Fully funded PhD Student positions at Utah State University

    ² Two Ph.D. positions are open at the University of Brescia, Italy


    ² International Journal of Solids and Structures(Volume 47, Issues 21-23)

     ◆ 力学人物
    ² 项海帆院士

     ◆ 期刊动态
    ² 《计算机辅助工程》参加第6届中国CAE工程分析技术年会






















        8月24日上午,美国土木工程师协会(American Society of Civil Engineers)工程力学分会(Engineering Mechanics Insitute)副理事长、美国密西西比大学工学院院长Alexander Cheng教授专程从美国赶来,向项海帆院士颁发了美国土木工程师协会2010年Robert H Scanlan奖,以表彰他长期在工程力学理论和实践领域所作出的杰出贡献,这是我国学者在国际上首次获得这一殊荣,也是美国土木工程师协会首次将个人最高荣誉奖颁发给中国公民。
       具有近160年历史的美国土木工程师协会是全球最大的土木工程协会,拥有超过14万名国际会员。该协会从2002年开始,为了纪念杰出的工程力学专家、风工程创始人、桥梁空气动力学专家Robert H Scanlan教授,专门设立了以他的名字命名的大奖,以表彰全世界长期从事结构力学、风工程和空气动力学研究的学者一名。






 Third International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III) in conjunction

with Second Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (CSE II)

(December 5-7, 2011, Taipei, Taiwan)


      The third international symposium on computational mechanics (ISCM III) in conjunction with the second symposium on computational structural engineering (CSE II) will be held in National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan during December 5-7, 2011. Taipei city is well known for its friendly environment for foreigner visitors (http://eng.taiwan.net.tw ). The organization team would like to welcome all the scholars worldwide working on computational mechanics to exchange breakthrough and ideas on the latest research.
     The objectives of ISCM III-CSE II are to discuss the latest development and application of computational methods in all aspects of engineering and science with a special emphasis on mechanics. Plenary lectures, mini-symposia, and special sessions that highlight the latest trends are planned.
     The scope of ISCM III-CSE II covers all aspects of computational mechanics.


The topics include:
      Adaptive Materials Systems
      Structures and Smart Materials
      Boundary Element Method
      Computer-aided Engineering
      Computer Simulation of Processes and Manufacturing
      Computational Structures
      Computational Materials
      Damage Mechanics
      Finite Element Method
      Fluid Mechanics and Fluid-Solid Interaction
      Fracture Mechanics
      Infrastructures and Aging Structures
      Inverse Problems and Optimization
      MEMS and Bio-MEMS
      Meshless and Wavelet Methods
      Micromechanics and Nanomechanics
      Multiple-Scale Physics and Computation
      NDE and Wave Propagation
      Nonlinear Problems
      Parallel Computing
      Polymers and Polymer Composites
      Problem Solving Environment
      Robust Engineering Systems
      Scientific Visualization
      Solid and Structural Mechanics
      Structural Dynamics
      Structural Stability
      Uncertainty and Stochastic Analysis
      Authors are invited to submit two-page extended abstracts on any of the above or related topics. The abstract template is available from the conference website. Only abstract registered and presented at the Symposium will be included in the Proceedings. Selected abstracts will be invited to extend to full papers and publish in a special issue of the Interaction and Multi-scale Mechanics- An International Journal.
      Mini-symposium submission due: December 31, 2010
      Abstracts submission due: February 28, 2011
      Notification of abstract acceptance: March 31, 2011
      Early Registration due: August 31, 2011
      Registration due (abstracts to be presented in the symposium): October 15, 2011
      Hotel reservation due: October 15, 2011
      Conference date: December 5-7, 2011






 33rd International Conference on Boundary Elements

and other Mesh Reduction Methods

(28–30 June 2011, New Forest, UK)

     The conference on Boundary Elements and Mesh Reduction Methods is the recognized international forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest advances in these methods and their applications in science and engineering.
     The continuous success of the conference since the first meeting took place in 1978 indicates the strength of the research carried out by different groups around the world. The history of this conference, now in its 33rd annual meeting, traces the evolution of advanced methods since the fi rst successful development of boundary integral techniques into BEM took place to the recent and most sophisticated Mesh Reduction Methods. The objective of the meetings is the further development of technologies that reduce or eliminate the type of meshes required by first generation computational methods such as finite differences and finite elements. The aim is being hold that eliminates the need for an internal mesh and more recently through the development of a series of advanced techniques for further mesh reduction approaches culminating in the emergence of meshless methods. Since 1978 the conference has produced a series of volumes in which all major developments in the field have been represented. This valuable collection has been available in digital form since 1993 when the volumes started to be archived in the e-Library of the Wessex Institute (http://library.witpress.com ) where they can be easily accessed by the international scientific community.

      Advanced meshless and mesh reduction methods
      Heat and mass transfer
      Electrical engineering and electromagnetics
      Fluid flow
      Advanced formulations
     Computational techniques
     Advanced structural applications
     Dynamics and vibrations
     Damage mechanics and fracture
     Material characterization
     Financial engineering applications
     Stochastic modeling
     Emerging applications





 计算机辅助工程及其理论研讨会2011(CAETS 2011)征文通知


        为推动在工程应用背景下我国自主CAE软件产业的发展,探讨与交流CAE软件产业应用的基础性、共性实践技术,产品集成化共性软件技术,中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会、《计算机辅助工程》杂志社共同主办“计算机辅助工程及其理论研讨会2011(CAETS 2011)”。研讨会将于2011年4月23—24日在上海(上海海事大学)举行。现发出征文通知,欢迎计算机辅助工程领域的科研、技术人员踊跃投稿。

        中国力学学会计算力学专业委员会 《计算机辅助工程》杂志社


       1 会议时间:2011年4月23─24日,2011年4月22日报到
       2 会议地点:上海海事大学(上海市临港新城海港大道1550号)

       1 大会主席:张洪武  马宪国
       2 学术委员会
          主 任:钟万勰 崔俊芝 程耿东 申长雨
          秘 书:楼进
       3 组织委员会
          主 任:杨勇生
          副主任:章青 袁林新 楼进
          秘 书:于杰


     1  CAE基础理论

     2  CAE应用

    3  CAE软件开发

     1  围绕主题内容充实、数据准确、文字通顺,字数在5千字以内,未在正式刊物发表。
     2  文稿录入请使用Word 2003系统,版面为A4纸规格,双栏排版,上页边距为2.2 cm,下左右页边距均取2 cm。
     3  标题(二号黑体)居中;作者姓名(四号楷体)位于标题下方居中;作者单位(单位+二级部门)、地区(省+市)、邮编(小五号楷体)位于作者姓名下方;摘要、关键词(五号楷体)位于作者单位下方(空一行);正文用五号宋体,一、二、三级标题序号分别用阿拉伯数字(如“1”、“1.1”、“1.1.1” );图、表尽量排列紧凑,线条清晰;正文后列出参考文献(六号楷体)简介。
     4  论文最后附第一作者和第二作者的详细信息,包括性别、民族、籍贯(省+县)、职称、学历、职务、研究方向以及E-mail,手机,办公室电话,邮编和详细通信地址等联系方式。
    5  论文请不要涉密;涉及军工等敏感方向的论文,请作者提供有效的保密审查证明原件。
    6  论文请务必在2011年1月15日前发送到smucae@163.com或cae@shmtu.edu.cn,并在邮件主题注明“投稿:计算机辅助工程及其理论研讨会2011”。


       电 话:021-38284908    传 真:021-38284916
       E-mail:smucae@163.com    cae@shmtu.edu.cn
       地 址:上海临港新城海港大道1550号A30# 邮 编:201306
       联系人:于杰 陈锋杰
       网 址:http://www.chinacae.cn








合作导师:曲绍兴 博士

        (1) 材料力学性能模拟
        (2) 多铁性复合材料力学
        (3) 流固耦合

       专业要求:固体力学 工程力学等。






 Fully funded PhD Student positions at Utah State University

There are several fully funded graduate student openings starting Spring 2011, in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the Utah State University (http://www.engr.usu.edu/mae/faculty/kubair ). The openings are in the broad area of Computational Solid Mechanics. In particular, applicants having demonstrated interest (in terms of completed projects, authorship in journal articles or coursework) in Fracture Mechanics are especially invited. Send me (kubair@engineering.usu.edu ) your detailed resume and sample publications.





 Two Ph.D. positions are open at the University of Brescia, Italy


     The group of Mechanics of Solids and Structures at the University of Brescia is seeking two candidates for Ph.D. positions. The appointment is starting on January 1st 2011, application deadline Sept. 15th 2010.
     The research topics involve: computational dynamics of solids with reference to ground motion simulation due to seismic input, multiscale computational fracture mechanics and discrete dislocation mechanics.
     Interested applicants are welcome to send a resume to







 International Journal of Solids and Structures

(Volume 47, Issues 21-23)

Prediction of forming limit diagrams based on shear failure criterion
Jun Lin, L.C. Chan, Lin Wang

Discontinuity of quasi-static solution in the two-node Coulomb frictional system
Young Ju Ahn

On the compressive strength of open-cell metal foams with Kelvin and random cell structures
Wen-Yea Jang, Stelios Kyriakides, Andrew M. Kraynik

Analytical model for delamination growth during small mass impact on plates
Robin Olsson

Piezoelectric composites with periodic multi-coated inhomogeneities
R. Hashemi, G.J. Weng, M.H. Kargarnovin, H.M. Shodja

Evaluation of self-consistent polycrystal plasticity models for magnesium alloy AZ31B sheet
H. Wang, B. Raeisinia, P.D. Wu, S.R. Agnew, C.N. Tomé

Amplitude dependence of filler-reinforced rubber: Experiments, constitutive modelling and FEM – Implementation
Martin Rendek, Alexander Lion

Localization in elasto-plastic materials: Influence of the plasticity yield surface in biaxial loading conditions
J.L. Dequiedt

Tilted guides with friction in web conveyance systems
M.R. Brake, J.A. Wickert

Stress–strain and fracture behaviour of 0°/90° and plain weave ceramic matrix composites from tow multi-axial properties
Daxu Zhang, D.R. Hayhurst

Micromechanical model for cohesive materials based upon pseudo-granular structure
Anil Misra, Yang Yang

A micromechanical model for the Young’s modulus of adipose tissue
Kerstyn Comley, Norman A. Fleck

Errata to “On the instability of an axially moving elastic plate” [Int. J. Solids Struct. 47 (2010) 91–99]
N. Banichuk, J. Jeronen, P. Neittaanm?ki, T. Tuovinen

Extension of the virtual fields method to elasto-plastic material identification with cyclic loads and kinematic hardening
F. Pierron, S. Avril, V. The Tran

Identification of the representative crack length evolution in a multi-level interface model for quasi-brittle masonry
Amna Rekik, Frédéric Lebon

Revisiting the perforation of ductile plates by sharp-nosed rigid projectiles
Z. Rosenberg, E. Dekel

Contact analysis in presence of spherical inhomogeneities within a half-space
J. Leroux, B. Fulleringer, D. Nélias

The Cowin–Mehrabadi theorem for an axis of symmetry
Faiz Ahmad

Higher order topological derivatives in elasticity
Mariana Silva, Moshe Matalon, Daniel A. Tortorelli

Wave propagation in quasiperiodic structures: stop/pass band distribution and prestress effects
Massimiliano Gei

Prandtl’s formulation for the Saint–Venant’s torsion of homogeneous piezoelectric beams
István Ecsedi, Attila Baksa

Numerical failure analysis of a stretch-bending test on dual-phase steel sheets using a phenomenological fracture model
Meng Luo, Tomasz Wierzbicki

Cylindrical nano-indentation on metal film/elastic substrate system with discrete dislocation plasticity analysis: A simple model for nano-indentation size effect
Chaojun Ouyang, Zhenhuan Li, Minsheng Huang, Haidong Fan

Simplified Gurtin-type generalized variational principles for fully dynamic magneto-electro-elasticity with geometrical nonlinearity
Zuo-Jun Wang, De-Zhong Zheng, Cheng-Bo Zheng

A stochastic model for elasticity tensors with uncertain material symmetries
Johann Guilleminot, Christian Soize

Analysis of the stress singularity field at a vertex in 3D-bonded structures having a slanted side surface
Hideo Koguchi, Joviano Antonio da Costa

Chemo-electro-mechanical modeling of ionic-strength-sensitive hydrogel: Influence of Young’s modulus
Fukun Lai, Hua Li, Rongmo Luo

BIEM analysis of dynamically loaded anti-plane cracks in graded piezoelectric finite solids
Petia Dineva, Dietmar Gross, Ralf Müller, Tsviatko Rangelov

A generalized anisotropic failure criterion for geomaterials
Zhiwei Gao, Jidong Zhao, Yangping Yao

Nonlinear buckling optimization of composite structures considering “worst” shape imperfections
Esben Lindgaard, Erik Lund, Kim Rasmussen

Nanoindentation modeling of a nanodot-patterned surface on a deformable substrate
H. Wang, M. Zou, R.L. Jackson, P.R. Larson, M.B. Johnson

Fundamental formulation for transformation toughening
Lifeng Ma






        项海帆 (1935.12.19 -), 中国工程院院士。1958年同济大学路桥系研究生毕业。历任同济大学讲师、副教授、教授,中国土木工程学会桥梁与结构工程学会第二届副理事长,中国空气动力学研究会工业空气动力学专业委员会第二届副主任委员,美国土木工程师协会桥梁设计委员会通讯委员。桥梁及结构工程专家,我国风工程学科的主要学术带头人。生于上海,原籍浙江省杭州市。1955年毕业于同济大学桥梁与隧道专业本科,1958年毕业于同济大学桥梁专业研究生,现任同济大学土木工程学院教授、顾问院长,土木工程防灾国家重点实验室名誉主任。1995年当选为中国工程院院士。











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