编者按:《力学动态》文摘邮件列表目前由河海大学工程力学系维护,依托于江苏省力学学会信息工作部 , 由武汉先导时代科技有限公司、卓力特光电仪器(苏州)有限公司协办。
◆ 新闻报道
袁明武教授荣获APACM Congress Medal和ICACM Congress Award
◆ 学术会议
Call for abstracts in Minisymposium on Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials
ICNAAM 2014; Symposium on "Analysis and Design of Multi Functional Composite Structures"
◆ 招生招聘
PhD Studentship in Hot Dry Rock (HDR) Reservoir Modelling
PhD openings at Cardiff University
◆ 学术期刊
International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials Volume 4, Issue 3, 2013
◆ 友情链接
Fractional Derivative & Applications Express Vol9, No6, Dec.30, 2013
中国力学学会主办的9种科技期刊获得殊荣。其中,Acta Mechanic Sinica,Acta Mechanic Solida Sinica,Applied Mathematics and Mechanics,Plasma Science and Technology,《岩土工程学报》和《工程力学》获“2013中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”;《力学学报》《力学进展》和《地震工程与工程振动》获“2013中国国际影响力优秀学术期刊”。
袁明武教授荣获APACM Congress Medal和ICACM Congress Award
2013年12月11-14日,由亚太计算力学学会和国际华人计算力学学会主办、新加坡计算力学学会和西安交通大学国际应用力学中心承办的“第五届亚太计算力学大会暨第四届国际计算力学研讨会”在新加坡召开,来自世界23多个国家和地区的600余位专家学者参加了本次大会,其中中国代表300人。会议研讨了计算力学各个领域的国际最新进展。北京大学袁明武教授应邀作大会报告,会上被授予亚太计算力学学会(APACM)奖项“APACM Congress Medal (Zienkiewicz Medal)”和国际华人计算力学学会(ICACM)奖项“ ICACM Congress Award”,表彰袁明武教授在计算力学领域杰出的研究成果和工程分析等领域的广泛应用。
亚太计算力学学会(The Asian-Pacific Association for Computational Mechanics)“APACM Congress Medal (Zienkiewicz Medal)”奖是颁发给那些在计算力学领域获得杰出成就,同时为亚太地区计算力学的发展做出突出贡献的学者。本奖项三年颁发一次,由执行理事会任命的APACM评奖委员会评选。
国际华人计算力学学会(International Chinese Association for Computational Mechanics)是由国际计算力学领域的华人学者组成的国际性学术组织,旨在促进计算科学和工程的发展与应用。每两年开一次国际学术研讨会并向国际计算力学领域的著名华人学者颁发多种奖项,其中“ICACM Congress Award”是最高奖项。
Call for abstracts in Minisymposium on Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials
The 17th U. S. National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics that will be held June 15-20, 2014 at Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan. (http://www.usnctam2014.org/)
The deadline of submission is Jan 6, 2014 (next Monday).
I am organizing a minisymposium on Mechanics of
Multifunctional Materials. (http://www.usnctam2014.org/minisymposium/mechanics-multifunctional-mater...)
You are welcome to submit abstracts of your latest research progress to the
conference and this session. We would be very pleased to see you in East
Lansing, Michigan.
The description of the session is as follows.
Advanced multifunctional and structural materials
are vital for the emerging new technologies. These include ferroelectrics,
ferromagnetics, shape-memory materials, liquid crystal elastomers, superalloys,
etc. In spite of the intensive efforts in the past sixty years or so, a
systematic continuum formulation still appears to be elusive for general
electromagnetic and deformable bodies. Moreover, the continuum theory alone may
be inadequate for some of the phenomena in these multifunctional materials and a
multiscale approach may be inevitable. With a strong interest in mingling of
classic continuum mechanics, electrodynamics, and multiscale-multiphysics
modeling, this symposium welcomes all relevant presentations including but not
limited to:
1. Rational treatment of deformable bodies
coupled with growth, biochemistry, thermodynamics, electrodynamics, etc;
2. Multiscale analysis including scaling laws, homogenization of heterogeneous materials, etc;
3. Modeling of domains/microstructures, phase boundaries/microstructural evolutions and their interactions with temperature, inhomogeneities, plasticity, fracture, and other phenomena;
4. Advances in numerical techniques relevant to the modeling of multifunctional materials;
5. Wave propagation & vibration involving these new multifunctional materials, and their coupling with electromagnetic waves;
6. Quasistatic or dynamic characterization and responses of these multifunctional and structural materials.
ICNAAM 2014; Symposium on "Analysis and Design of Multi Functional Composite Structures"
On behalf of organizing committee, it gives us immense pleasure to invite you, your co-workers and students to the Symposium on Analysis and Design of Multi-Functional Composite Structures as part of the 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Methematics (ICNAAM 2014) to be held at Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece, between 22--28 September 2014.
Symposium Synopsis
This symposium will span the broad field of multi-functional composite structures. Multi-functional composite structures are meant for performing a variety of functions apart from the primary structural function of providing strength, stiffness and stability. Analysis and design of these materials and their structures pose additional non-trivial challenges as compared to those of conventional or traditional materials. This symposium aims at bringing together the researchers, experts and engineers in the field of multifunctional materials from designing to manufacturing to applications. It will become a platform for mutual knowledge sharing on the latest research findings across the world. As a part of the well-established ICNAAM series supported by the American Institute of Physics, this symposium invites research papers from the following fields (but not limited).
• Linear and nonlinear mechanics of
multi-functional composites
• Constitutive modelling of multi-functional composites
• Smart structures, adaptive structures, piezo-fiber composites
• Coupled field analysis (mechanical – electrical – thermal – magnetic
• Nonlinear material models
• Optimization of multi-functional composites
• Biomechanical applications
• Manufacturing of multifunctional materials, etc. …
Instructions for submission of a paper
Abstract not exceeding 300 words should include:
• Title
• Authors’ names and affiliations, including email addresses
• Description of the study’s main objective
• Description of materials and/or methods
• Description and importance of the results obtained
• Keywords
Abstracts for poster and oral presentation should be emailed to the symposium
organizer: rameshgupta.iisc@gmail.comor ramesh.gupta@snu.edu.in
Deadline for abstract submission: Feb 14, 2014
The proceedings of ICNAAM 2014 will be published in a Special Volume of the
world renowned AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings.
Authors of the accepted abstracts will be invited to prepare the extended
abstracts (up to 4 pages) according to the instructions: www.icnaam.org/abstract.htm
More information about the conference can be found from ICNAAM 2014’s official
website http://www.icnaam.org
Chair and Organizer of ICNAAM 2014
Prof. Dr. Theodore Simos
Organizer of the Symposium
Dr. Ramesh Gupta, PhD (IISc)
Mechanical Engineering Department,
School of Engineering,
Shiv Nadar University,
PhD Studentship in Hot Dry Rock (HDR) Reservoir Modelling
University of Greenwich -Department of Civil Engineering
A three year PhD studentship is available to undertake research on the modelling of thermal energy production from hot dry rock (HDR) reservoir.
This project is suitable for a candidate with a Master’s degree in civil/geotechnical engineering (with distinction). The successful candidate will also have experience or interests in one or more of the following: constitutive models in geomechanics, finite element analysis applied to, coupled and non-linear problems, heat and fluid transport in porous media.
The successful candidate will receive a £13,800 per annum bursary plus a contribution of up to £4,000 per annum towards the tuition fees (equivalent to the Home and EU tuition fees) during the term of the studentship, subject to performance.
Potential candidates should email Dr Ouahid Harireche (O.Harireche@ greenwich.ac.uk) or Dr Asaad Faramarzi (A.Faramarzi@greenwich.ac.uk) with any queries.
An Application Form can be downloaded from the apply button below and should be returned to the Postgraduate Research Office clearly marked “PhD Studentship in HDR reservoir modelling”. The Application Form should be completed and returned to: postgraduateresearch@gre.ac.uk and include: an attached pdf file of a comprehensive CV and a one page covering letter explaining your interest in the project and how it relates to past experience and present motivations.
The closing date for applications is on 15 January 2014.
PhD openings at Cardiff University
Cardiff University's endowment funds have accumulated sufficiently to offer three PhD studentships to full time students.
Funding is available on the following basis:
Full-time awards
1. Two x 3-year full-time PhD studentships where 50% of the costs (fees, standard stipend and project support) are met through the endowment fund and the remaining 50% will be match funded by the School.
The cost of the studentships has been estimated as follows:
- tuition fees for a full-time Home/EU student are currently £3,900 in 2013/14;
-Research Council minimum stipend levels are £13,726 in 2013/14 and expected to rise to £14,028 in 2014/15;
- an approximate costing for a three-year full award commencing October 2013:
Fees: £12,220
Stipend £43,015
Total: £55,235
50% funding £27,618
2. One J E Williams Full Studentship: one three-year studentship is available where 100% costs for PhD (fees and stipend) are met through the endowment fund. The Studentship is open to Cardiff graduates only who wish study at Cardiff or another UK University; the terms of the bequest require us to prioritise those wishing to study at Oxford University.
This fund can also support MPhil projects.
All three studentship(s) awards are available to Home/EU students commencing their PhD in 2014/15.
Please note that full-time award holders cannot hold either a full-time job or permanent part-time job during the award period and cannot be employed by the University (other than undertaking demonstrating and teaching in their department where these do not interfere with the progress of their research degree).
Supervisors are invited to encourage potential students to apply via the attached application forms.
The deadline for receipt of applications in Schools from students - including transcripts of marks and references – is 14 February 2014.
The School will prepare Statements of Support and rank each application received before submitting the full applications (including supporting documents) to the University Graduate College Office, Hadyn Ellis Building by 07 March 2014.
International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials
Aims & Scope
In the last decade, a wide range of smart materials and structures have been developed for aerospace, transportation, and civil engineering applications. Furthermore, there is an increased tendency to integrate smart materials with nanotechnology to develop novel materials or structures for the applications in sensors, actuators, biomaterials, multifunctional materials, structural health monitoring, etc. The combination of smart materials and nanotechnology provides many advantages, realizes novel designs that could not be achieved in traditional engineering, and also offers greater opportunities as well as challenges.
The central aim of International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials is to publish original results, critical reviews, technical discussion and book reviews related to this compelling research field: smart andnano materials, and their applications. We believe that the papers published in this journal will provide cutting edge information and instructive research guidance, encouraging more scientists to make their contribution to this dynamic research field.
International Journal of Smart and Nano Materials provides a rapid forum for the dissemination of original research articles as well as review articles in all areas of Smart and Nano Materials. The journal has a distinguished editorial board with extensive academic qualifications, ensuring that the journal maintains high scientific standards and has a broad international coverage.
Please go to the
http://www.tandfonline.com/action/aboutThisJournal?show=aimsScope&journalCode=tsnm to view information of the journal.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal online at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/ijsnm. Once a manuscript has been accepted for publication, it will undergo language copyediting, typesetting, and reference validation in order to provide the highest publication quality possible.
The topics of this journal cover the application of smart and nanomaterials in the following fields:
1)Smart materials and structures
2)Nano and multifunctional materials
3)Autonomous materials
5)Bio-inspired materials and structures
6)Sensors and actuators
7)Structural health monitoring
8)Energy harvesting
9)Self-healing and self-assembly
Volume 4, Issue 3, 2013
Theory progress and applications of dielectric elastomers
Liwu Liu, Yanju Liu & Jinsong Leng
Original Articles
Electronic structure and transport properties of carbon nanotube adsorbed with a copper chain
Wind turbine blade health monitoring with piezoceramic-based wireless sensor network
Gangbing Song, Hui Li, Bosko Gajic, Wensong Zhou, Peng Chen & Haichang Gu
Electrical actuation and shape recovery control of shape-memory polymer nanocomposites
Fei Liang, Robert Sivilli, Jihua Gou, Yunjun Xu & Bob Mabbott
Fatigue analysis of piezoelectric microdevice based on a continuum damage model
超声速旋转火箭弹气动特性仿真和分析(作者:陈东阳,ABBAS Laith K,芮筱亭,王强林)
ANSYS发布旗舰产品新版本——ANSYS 15.0将促进结构、流体和电磁仿真前沿技术的发展(作者:)
锐意进取 再铸辉煌——2013年IDAJ中国区用户年会成功举办(作者:)
美国GAMMA公司加入FVV五周年促进GT SUITE高精尖发展(作者:)
革命性CFD产品iconCFD V3.0隆重登场——CFD真正助力自主研发(作者:)
12月, 工信部向中国移动、中国电信和中国联通颁发了4G牌照。此举预示我国进入到一个全新的通信时代,将对包括用户网速、语音通话、移动互联网、电子商务、智慧城市等带来深远影响。据预计,到2014年,4G手机在国内市场的销量会接近1亿部,并拉动15%的消费需求。
结 束